For finished TPA, Championship and other great tournaments of the past
Moderator: Tournament Directors
by chapcrap on Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:46 pm
The Championships - 1v1 will crown the Official 1v1 Champion of Conquer Club for 2014!
- Become the official 1v1 Champion of Conquer Club for 2014!
- All Champions will be celebrated on the page of the Official Championships of Conquer Club and throughout the Club!
- Over 25,000 conquer credits to be given out!
- New Championship Medals!
- This championship is for 1v1 players.
- Entry will be selective, based on Score, however you can also get in through one of our 8 Satellite Tournaments starting now
(see Requirements below for more details)
- Everyone is welcome to apply as long as some minimum standards are met (see below)
- Applications will open on December 1, 2013, Championships scheduled to start on January 1, 2014
- See Below for more details.
- show: Requirements
- show: Settings
- show: Setup
- show: Prizes
- show: Notes, Rules, etc.
- Posts: 9686
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:46 am
- Location: Kansas City

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