This is a Tournament Players Association Year 4 [TPA4] event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed here: https://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewt ... 3#p4278332
All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You do not need to do anything more than join one or more of the TPA4 events that will be announced on Mondays. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:
This will be a special Fantasy Baseball tournament.
You play one Fantasy Map, then one Baseball map.
You will play 2 Fantasy games, then 2 Baseball, then 2 Fantasy, etc.
This will be a terminator tournament with six (maybe 7 or 5, if odd numbers) player games. All game seedings determined by random.org. Seedings for each game will be different. Looking for 51+ players.
Scores are cumulative. At the end of eighth game, the 2nd round of baseball, the field will be cut to 36 players. Scores will restart at zero plus 1 point for each 5 points you have (rounded down), for the final 36. (ex. You finish the first half with 28, therefore you start the 2nd half with 5 points). This way no one can run away with the tournament in the first half alone. If one of the finalists does not accept the slot will be filled from the cut list. At the end of the next Baseball round (4 more games) the field will be cut to 18.
Cuts will be made as soon as I can mathematically determine that a player about to be eliminated could not make the next round.
Game load: I will issue two games to start. The next game will be issued as soon as approximately 80% of a set of games has been completed. So the load should not rise above 3 even if you are in a slow game.
In the case of ties, I will total the number of rounds that you lasted in the previous 4 games. If that is tied, then the number of rounds in 1st Fantasy, then 2nd Fantasy, etc. If I can't get to decision then random.org.
The Fantasy maps will be Auto, Seq, Esc, Sunny, 20 rounds.
Forts will be Parachute Round 1 & 3, Chained Round 2 & 4
The Baseball map will be played Auto, Seq, Esc, Sunny, 20 rounds. I have found that any other settings just lead to a game of Quick Draw. These settings lead to an actual game.
Forts will be in order Unlimited(Round 1), Parachute(Round 2), Chained(Round 3), Adjacent(Round 4),
48 hours to pick up an invite. (Now that invites can be withdrawn that really means closer to 48 and not necessarily two 24 hour long invite periods.)