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Postby Wizard2010 on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:25 pm

Accused: Ratings abuse

Please rid CC of this bad apple. His intentions are scripted on his wall:

"My new policy on ratings and foeing: If you kill me and take my cards, I'll Foe you and leave you horrible rating. If I don't like your name, I'll do the same. If you lose to me but it was difficult killing you ditto, If I kill you but it was too easy ...yep same. If you conspire with me to take another guy out, Yep Foe and shit rating. If you conspire with another to take me out, well that's a no-brainer of course you're Foed and shit rating. In fact if you ever play a game with me 2 player or otherwise I will Foe you and leave u shit rating. My goal is to Foe all of CC and leave Everyone a Shit rating. Looking forward to playing you."

Based upon the rating he doles out, he's remarkably consistent.

Can you provide me with at least 5 ratings fundamental to this story?

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Re: Farkas1111

Postby H2over on Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:35 pm

Wizard, you could at least give us a link to the player so we can foe him now!?
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby clangfield on Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:23 pm

H2over wrote:Wizard, you could at least give us a link to the player so we can foe him now!?

This ought to do it:
Foed already.
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby Symmetry on Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:01 pm

Urgh, another unsubstantiated claim from the Magnificent Bastard clan, at least this one is vaguely interesting as it boils down to a request that the mods find evidence, rather than them investigate evidence provided.

Anyway, here's a link to the ratings left page:

A quick scan found that while he seems overly harsh, he wasn't breaking a rule in any of the examples I looked at. It wasn't an in depth look, but then again, the report didn't actually report any ratings abuse to look at.
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby Artimis on Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:49 pm

Wizard2010 wrote:
Accused: Ratings abuse

Please rid CC of this bad apple. His intentions are scripted on his wall:

"My new policy on ratings and foeing: If you kill me and take my cards, I'll Foe you and leave you horrible rating. If I don't like your name, I'll do the same. If you lose to me but it was difficult killing you ditto, If I kill you but it was too easy ...yep same. If you conspire with me to take another guy out, Yep Foe and shit rating. If you conspire with another to take me out, well that's a no-brainer of course you're Foed and shit rating. In fact if you ever play a game with me 2 player or otherwise I will Foe you and leave u shit rating. My goal is to Foe all of CC and leave Everyone a Shit rating. Looking forward to playing you."

Based upon the rating he doles out, he's remarkably consistent.

Can you provide me with at least 5 ratings fundamental to this story?


So basically everyone has a 100% chance to get foed(too bad) and rated inappropriately. I was hoping my foe list would stay empty for a while longer, what a shame ....... :|
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby Wizard2010 on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:50 pm


I actually figured this was a public service by illuminating what was seemingly obvious - except to Symmetry. We Magnificent Bastards care about keeping you busy Symmetry, by providing you the opportunity to make commentary. Love and devotion are our primary motives. Have a blessed day old chum.
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby Symmetry on Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:27 am

Wizard2010 wrote:Symmetry,

I actually figured this was a public service by illuminating what was seemingly obvious - except to Symmetry. We Magnificent Bastards care about keeping you busy Symmetry, by providing you the opportunity to make commentary. Love and devotion are our primary motives. Have a blessed day old chum.

Nah, it was a C&A report. My experience of your clan has mostly been that you guys like to make pleading requests to the mods because you can't sort out even something as basic a C&A form.

You Magnificent Bastard you.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Farkas1111

Postby Artimis on Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:29 am

Farkas1111on's Wall Post wrote:I Foe all Pussy's that can't take a fucking joke

by Farkas1111on Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:08 am

Your ratings left page says otherwise:
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Re: Farkas1111[warned]sn

Postby sniffie on Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:58 pm

Of course, I do not know the exact Foe list of this player, but I have warned him for Ratings abuse.


p.s. I noticed that in stead of a reply, I have edited the OP's post by accident.
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Re: Farkas1111[warned]sn

Postby Vid_FISO on Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:49 pm

sniffie wrote:
p.s. I noticed that in stead of a reply, I have edited the OP's post by accident.

If you notice quickly enough the back button saves you.
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