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Re: Gladiators Mafia - Endgame: Mafia Wins!

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby Iron Butterfly on Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:09 am

The simple fact is that mafia and the SK are in the pool of four. Several are splashing around like their life depends on it.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 15/15 - D1: Trouble in Vanilla Town

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:59 am


Mike - Tuffy, crasp, IB
crasp - mith, Mike

Mike is at L-1.

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline in 11 days.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby TheCrown on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:08 am

I want Mike to claim... that way we can pick apart what he says.

All my nay-sayers.... ever think why I claimed town watcher and no one ever countered it? Whenever claiming, and you're lying, there is the chance that whatever you're claiming is already in the game, therefore you could be caught. No one ever said they were the watcher from early on but me. But, as mafia, you can't pick some totally random role and expect people not to question it.... if it's a bizarre role, expect to get pummeled.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby Iron Butterfly on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:16 am

Mike1962 wrote:Claim?
No you didn't read that right. I said "for all I know." As stated, I've been busy in first chocolate town, then strawberry town.
How and what would you have me claim?
As I can lynch me...but do so to the demise of the townies and vanilla town. As I see it there can only be two other or crasp.

for now, my vote stands.

He had his chance Crown. He says there can be only two other mafia yet no mention of the SK. Is there a reason you have not hammered as you are the only one besides bantem who can do so.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby TheCrown on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:37 am

ok, then Vote Mike1962
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby SiriusCowKing on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:44 am

And we have a lynch, yes I am still reading :P
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby Mithridaties on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:01 pm

This is my understanding of the rolls and my claim to be a vanilla Townie. If mike gets lynched and then the two killers hit two more townies at night. us townies are done-for! There is it. All on the table. Is Mike Lynch worthy? Too late, Crown has tipped the scale. I am as eager to catch the Scum who have been destroying my town, as the rest of you Vanilla townies! I am sure that the two Scum that i have outed will squawk for my blood next round if they don't kill me tonight. Perhaps im wrong and mike is scum, we will find out tonight. Hopefully ill see you in the AM. If not you all can guess who my killer/s are. One of the two... TuffyLess or Crasp

TuffyLess * Serial killer and possible Roll blocker
Crasp * Mafia Assassin and possible Roll blocker

The crown * Town watcher
Iron butterfly * Vanilla Townie
Mike * Vanilla Townie
Mith * Vanilla Townie
Bantam * Vanilla Townie

?Unknown? * Vanilla Townie/Roll blocker
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 15/15 - D1: Trouble in Vanilla Town

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:07 pm


Mike - Tuffy, crasp, IB, Crown
crasp - mith, Mike


No talking. Scene coming.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 6/15 - N4: Mike hangs

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:13 pm

The town was really amped up now. While they had suffered two more losses during the night, they had lynched their first baddie. Looking to make it two, they corned Mike1962. Many called for a claim, but Mike was having none of it.

The town didn't have the patience to wait around forever, so the one who called himself "The Watcher" stepped forward. The others had already strung up Mike, but it was Crown who kicked the stool from beneath Mike's feet.

As Mike lay dangling, the town searched through his wallet to discover his true identity.


It is now N4. You have 3 days to complete your night actions.
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Re: Re: Gladiators Mafia - 6/15 - N4: Mike hangs

Postby Ignoreme on Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:23 pm

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D5: Only One

Postby Epitaph1 on Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:43 pm

The villagers felt pretty good that night. They had lynched their second mafioso, but even this rare taste of satisfaction was short lived. They rose from their beds on Day 5 knowing that there were going to be more deaths. But how many more people could die?

When they gathered at the town square, they quickly began a head count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . .? Only one person was missing! While it's not great news that someone is missing, they had become accustomed to losing two of their own each night.

But sadly, they were still forced to make a house call that morning. When they arrived at the victim's house, they saw he had framed the note on his wall stating that he had just been promoted at the police department. Unfortunately, his promotion didn't last long. He had a bullet in his chest when they found him.


With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch.

Deadline is in two weeks.

Day 5 has begun!
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby TheCrown on Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:50 pm

I watched Tuffy last night and he was visited by Mith. Let's see him wiggle out of this one...

Vote Mith
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:33 pm

TheCrown wrote:I watched Tuffy last night and he was visited by Mith. Let's see him wiggle out of this one...

Vote Mith

Before we lynch i want to hear from everyone. I would like to know why we had only one death while two have been killed each night. There was only a gunshot wound in the night scene. The only thing I can surmise is we had a back up doc, the sk forgot to turn in his night action or they both targeted Tuffy.

If Tuffy was targeted by both crown would have witnessed that.

second why was Crown not blocked as he would be top priority?

It does not make sense.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby TheCrown on Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:39 pm

No, there is definitely a mystery here... but I only watched one person visit Tuffy. Chime in everyone.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby crasp on Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:50 pm

Why tuffy. Yes i know he was back up cop but nobody suspected that role was even on here. better still why was |Crown watching him when the most obvious target was IB. He is rooting everybody out. Tuffy was more or less harmless. bantam is mafia by the way. he carries a gun.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 7/15 - D4: Good news, bad news

Postby crasp on Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:38 pm

Mithridaties wrote:This is my understanding of the rolls and my claim to be a vanilla Townie. If mike gets lynched and then the two killers hit two more townies at night. us townies are done-for! There is it. All on the table. Is Mike Lynch worthy? Too late, Crown has tipped the scale. I am as eager to catch the Scum who have been destroying my town, as the rest of you Vanilla townies! I am sure that the two Scum that i have outed will squawk for my blood next round if they don't kill me tonight. Perhaps im wrong and mike is scum, we will find out tonight. Hopefully ill see you in the AM. If not you all can guess who my killer/s are. One of the two... TuffyLess or Crasp

[color=#FF0000]TuffyLess * Serial killer and possible Roll blocker

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Re: Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby crasp on Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:07 pm

i think we are toast IB. Watcher my arse crown. (Be ass to you colonials.)
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby TheCrown on Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:09 pm

you're full of baloney crasp. I tried to watch someone who I thought would be targeted because we wouldn't think they would be targeted. I outsmarted those mafia. I have a positive result, we need to vote him.

Why do you say you see a gun. I would now ask for a claim from you if we didn't already have a mafia to pursue.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:31 pm

crasp wrote:Why tuffy. Yes i know he was back up cop but nobody suspected that role was even on here. better still why was |Crown watching him when the most obvious target was IB. He is rooting everybody out. Tuffy was more or less harmless. bantam is mafia by the way. he carries a gun.

Bantam was on my list
Mith was on my list
Crasp was on my list

I also understand Crowns line of reasoning for choosing Tuffy. It does not explain why he was not blocked nor why HE was not killed.

crasp you need to claim if you have a role.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby crasp on Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:47 pm

My role is the gunsmith and for the first time i came up Trumps because i didnt follow the crowns leads. Everything was pointing at Mith. There surely cannot be another cop. crown isnt mafia. No gun. i have known that for a couple of rounds. Mith I dont know about, might be role blocker. you i do because of the first round kill. Could be another reason bantam has a gun as strange roles keep appearing but when I asked epitaph he said vigilante, cop and mafia only people with guns.If bantam is a vigilante he needs to find a better role for himself.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:05 pm

crasp wrote:My role is the gunsmith and for the first time i came up Trumps because i didnt follow the crowns leads. Everything was pointing at Mith. There surely cannot be another cop. crown isnt mafia. No gun. i have known that for a couple of rounds. Mith I dont know about, might be role blocker. you i do because of the first round kill. Could be another reason bantam has a gun as strange roles keep appearing but when I asked epitaph he said vigilante, cop and mafia only people with guns.If bantam is a vigilante he needs to find a better role for himself.

Who were your targets each night?

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:01 am

Hey Crown do us a favor and remove your vote from Mith for now. As it takes three to lynch and the last thing we need is a speed lynch.

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby TheCrown on Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:47 am


sure thing. Mith looks guilty as sin... but I don't see him talking in here... hmmmm

crasp, you seem super wishy-washy right now. Maybe we let the others talk.
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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:08 am

Mod can we get a prod of others?

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Re: Gladiators Mafia - 5/15 - D54: Only One

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:47 am

TheCrown wrote:unvote

sure thing. Mith looks guilty as sin... but I don't see him talking in here... hmmmm

crasp, you seem super wishy-washy right now. Maybe we let the others talk.

Crasp is far from wishy-washy.

Some thing doesn't make sense to me Crown. You have claimed to have caught Mith dead to rights killing Tuffy. The night scene says Tuffy was shot.

If all we have is one mafia and an sk and you have caught mafia in the act AND Crasp is the SK, why would he not simply jump on your band wagon as that would be in his best interest.

Could you humor me Crown for a moment? Would you be able to show me in the game logs where you were able to prove you were a watcher?

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