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Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss [cleared]

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Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss [cleared]

Postby Doctor Spin on Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:06 am


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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis or
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 13544525

Comments: From the start of he game, Vangelis has been enabling gerogiss to build up troops and bonuses. When originally confronted by this, Vangelis admitted that he "knew" gerogiss and that he was showing him how to play the map (as gerogiss was a new account). As I write this, gerogiss is in an unassailable winning position.
I do NOT believe that the two of them are playing fairly. If they are not Multis, then believe they are conducting secret diplomacy. I am often ganged up upon in such games, possibly due to my oft outspoken nature, but this is even fishier than normal. The dice have been reasonably even throughout - but the gameplay hasn't.
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby turtleninja on Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:10 am

they should have said First that he was being taught that map, but i do kinda see your point of view and you did the right thing, but i wouldn't be cussing at them the way you are even thou your voicing your frustration, id just leave it at that, id say foe and move on and let the higher ups deal with the other issues.
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby friendly1 on Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:23 pm

And we wonder why new players don't stick around. Nice introduction to 3 player games in this chat, and then a likely official warning to follow.

The problem with new player retention isn't too many options, complexity, price, etc. it's right here. Whether in games or forums it all equates to the same outcome.

As a relatively shy and benign CC player likes to often say: bollocks.
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby Doctor Spin on Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:33 am

I think friendly1 may have missed the point here. The chat is the result of a huge amount of frustration. I've been playing Risk for 40 years and I am so fed up with the amount of cheating that goes on on this website. The gameplay in this game clearly shows that the two accused are siding with each other against me - either via secret diplomacy or as Multi accounts. It is nothing to do with whether this player is new or not. The chat is a symptom of their cheating, not the cause!!!
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby king achilles on Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:07 am

Based from this game, I can see that red and green do attack each other and break bonuses when they can.

Let's start from round 9
Blue has Oceania, red has SA and green has Africa in the middle. Green's last move on that round was he attacked Anchorage from Magadan to prevent red from claiming NA.

round 10
Red took Anchorage back to claim NA again then green attacked Montreal to break NA again from red. You took Asia at the end of your turn.

round 11
Red took Montreal to claim NA and assaulted Magadan to break Asia. Green retook Cairo to claim Africa. You took Magadan to re-claim Asia and also took Anchorage from red.

round 12
Red didn't do much. Green attacked you in Dubai to break Asia from you and took Moscow to claim Europe. Blue went through NA and reached Bogota to break red further in SA.

round 13
Red attacked Bogota to re-claim SA and went through NA to reach Reykjavik and break Europe from green. Green retook Reykjavik. Blue attacked Moscow and Istanbul to break Europe again.

round 14
Red didn't do much. Green retook Europe. Blue didn't do much.

round 15
Red attacked Reykjavik again to break Europe from green. Green retook Reykjavik. Blue didn't do much.

round 16
Again, red attacked Reykjavik to break Europe from green. Green retook Reykjavik. Blue broke Europe and reached Cairo to also break Africa from green.

round 17
Red didn't do much. Green retook Africa and Europe. Blue went through NA and reached Bogota to break red's SA.

round 18
Red attacked Reykjavik and reclaimed Bogota. Green retook Reykjavik to reclaim Europe. Blue retook Dubai to reclaim Asia.

round 19
Again, red attacked Reykjavik. Green took Dubai and Astana. Blue retook Dubai and this time, attack Nairobi and Cairo.

round 20
Red didn't do much. Green retook Nairobi and Cairo to reclaim Africa. Blue didn't do much.

round 21
Red didn't do much. Green retook Reykjavik. Blue didn't do much.

round 22
Red attacked Reykjavik and also slowly trying to regain NA. Green retook Reykjavik.

And so on. It doesn't look like red and green were secretly allied in this game as red is making sure green would not claim Europe as much as he can.
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby Doctor Spin on Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:17 am

You will gain a better idea of what I am complaining about if you look at what Red DID NOT DO, rather than what he did do.

But whatever - I would have been shocked if I'd got a single break from this website. Believe what you will, I'll just slope off and you can allow this sort of nonsense to continue.
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Re: Multis/Secret Diplomacy - Vangelis & gerogiss

Postby king achilles on Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:27 am

This is a matter of a difference in game play. Cleared.
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