strike wolf wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:the question I have is about Safari and jonty. Safari has been all but invisible by posting just enough to appear he is participating. Understandably he is standing back watching to see how things fall.
Why would anyone jump on a band wagon, one created out of spite more then anything, knowing that their faction may be exposed?? We know Stanis will perhaps die. Why would a person vote to reveal someones faction not knowing what they flip? If a player flips loyalist that puts a bullseye on the player to perhaps even the score. If the player flips rebel that is perhaps another nail in the coffin for the rebels.
What info would you want Safari? If you are rebel faction and I claim rebel that would put the rebel faction in a hard spot.
If I flip loyalist the rebels could perhaps tie the score up....and you would do that why??
Because getting claims and deciding if we should vote people is the way that mafia works and if we go no lynch & no claim every day it will be a very boring game. By the logic of Worrying that our faction may be exposed than we should never form a case ever in any game because that player might be town and therefore only mafia would want claims.
Vote everyone who has ever made a case in any game everTo make matters worse I have the "The Three Amigos" gunning for me.
Boo fucking hoo. If you haven't noticed us "three amigos" aren't sitting all that pretty with you, nag and Fircoal all seeming to want us dead for issues that don't even necessarily concern this game while most stay silent. So maybe you three musketeers should stop complaining about us three amigos.
Unvote revote IBFircoal wrote:nagerous wrote:Let's face it. The case on IB is a kin to. "He missed a couple of things stated in the thread." IS that bad? Yes. But it is not AS bad as say Neb or Masket who prance around in their 3rd partiness. I honestly think IB is just trying to get to the bottom of this. There are much bigger fish to fry than IB here.
It's one thing when you miss a few details. It's another thing when players like IB and Nag continually act ignorant to the basic set up to the game. So for the last time. This game is not based on the events of Game Of Thrones or The War of Five Kings. It's based on ROBERT'S REBELLION. Some facts about Robert's Rebellion:
1. The basic factions were the Rebels (Stark, Baratheon, Arryn and Tully) vs the Loyalists (Targaryens, Martell and Tyrell). The Lannisters and the Freys both stayed neutral until after the Battle of the Trident.
2. Neither Tywin Lannister nor Jaime Lannister ever tried to claim the Iron Throne.
3. Walder Frey never tried to either.
My problem is that you all want to prance around like "these guys are obvs evil and let's lynch the third parties we don't care about killing off the opposite faction to us anyways"
Nag. Well I have an idea who Nag might be and, if I am right, I understand why he would be hesitant to trust me. This is me saying, I don't care. I'm not after anybody. You and IB don't have that excuse, as the only justification I can see to your behavior would be if IB is Hoster Tully and has a win condition involving killing Frey (A stretch) or you're Doran Martell and want Tywin Lannister dead (again a stretch, Doran wouldn't have any problem with the Lannisters until after the war).
I can understand why you would be hesitant to believe that there would be 3 faction choosers but fact of the matter is that multiple third parties isn't new to commander.