by coolestguy98 on Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:53 pm
ok, so after this, please everyone tell me just how rediculous my view on the whole stereotyping as a form of racism debate is. But honestly, i don't see the big deal, really, at all. I understand entirely the past that is has, and how it was really quite horrible. But in this day and age, i hear a lot of people say, "i can't believe how racist people are". Also, i mostly hear this from the Black community. However, when it comes down to racism, it is embedded in Black society. Its actually rediculous, the local rap stations do not acknowledge hockey as a sport, and i have never once heard a score given, and why would that be? Because hockey is stereotypically a white sport. I'm not saying i'm against stereotyping, because i'm not, infact, i do it quite often. I just don't see why everyone can't deal with it. It is not a stereotype because someone just made it up, stereotypes exist because people who are the same in some facet do the same things, and then get teased about it. The point i'm trying to make is, stereotyping happens a lot, but the only people i see who get all bent out of shape about it, are Black people who are calling White people absurdly and inheritently racist. I just don't understand how they can be so blind as to not see the racism that they dish out, and also don't understand why no one will stand up and take a stand on this issue of how absurd it is becoming. I do not hate anyone based on anything but their own personalities / actions, however, i'm not going to lie when i say that in most cases, i tend to find White people more appealing to befriend then Black people, but for no other reason then their persona's, ideas, and actions. Its not stereotyping, its just my feelings on that individual person. Anyways, i think stereotyping is becoming a really huge deal, especially in the racial spectre of society, and its something that i think personally should be dropped, cause everyone should just be able to deal with it. The only ones who should complain, are those who do not sterotype in any way shape or form, and since there is perhaps no one who is completely nuetral in every situation, we don't have to worry about anyone being all to mad.