Moderator: Tournament Directors
mubigred wrote:How many games are there outstanding until we get to Round 2?
kizkiz wrote:Game 13392056 - just noticed it has the wrong settings. At least, i'm assuming it should be trench?
mubigred wrote:How we lookin for round 3?
Stephan Wayne wrote:Every day is Fool's Day on CC.
JamesKer1 wrote:Don't have any invites for round 2... Thought I won some games, I guess I'm still out? Maybe I read setup wrong...
Stephan Wayne wrote:Every day is Fool's Day on CC.
mubigred wrote:Whats the status for the start of round 3?
mubigred wrote:Did this tourney die?
puppydog85 wrote:Ok- The rules as I see them
Step 1. You fight your neighboring opponents 1v1 in a best of 3, home- away- random map.
Rule 1. You lose then you lose control of your square, you win you gain control of his square.
Rule 2. There can be multiple claims on squares (ie. the opposing player lost to multiple opponents. If there are no other claims (ie. opponent beat all players but you) then you gain sole possession of the square. In the event of multiple claims.....
Step 2. All multiple claim squares will be decided by this format: 1 game per claim on each claimants home map (4 players= 4, 4player games, one on each players home map). Possession of the square decided by a point system.
Rule 3. Point system: 4 Player Game 1st=8 2nd=5 3rd=3 4th=1 / 3 Player Game 1st=6 2nd=3 3rd=1
All good to go then. Any questions please feel free to ask. We will start this weekend.
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