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ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (10/13) - D3: The Bloody Winter Rose

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:21 am

Foxglove replaces Iliad.

I'd like to take a vote: do you guys want to see neb replaced or stay in-game. For this to be fair, it has to be anonymous, so PM me and aage if you want to see him replaced (I'd need a majority +1 to make the replacement).
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby spiesr on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:23 am

Minister Masket wrote:Which leads nicely onto spisr's question. No, Jaime is the only other Lannister I know of.
If I recall correctly, Cersei doesn't do anything during the rebellion except marry Robert at the end, so I'm almost 100% certain she won't be a role here.
So, why did you list her as one of the characters you thought would be in the game when you realized the setting?
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby safariguy5 on Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:19 am

With regards to the possible inactives, would that indicate that Iliad had some sort of night action? Possibly Neb?

As far as flavor spec is confirmed, I have no idea whether Cersei would be a part of the game. I would think with 13 players, only the people who play a direct role would be included.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby jonty125 on Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:44 am

I've read the scene, several times. It seems part one - Lannister faction, are waiting for somebody to stick there noses out in front. Part Two, Rhaegar (one of the lead royalists) seems to be having difficulty. And part 3, a member of the rebels, is injured, could be a doc save, or delayed kill (like poisoner), or weak killer (i.e. 50% chance of success), at the moment there are lots of possibilities.

Towards, MM, would you care to share what you did last night? (this is not an accusation, or anything, but me wondering whether you will share your NA)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby nagerous on Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:05 pm

Minister Masket wrote:
nagerous wrote:Anyone else not notice his post, where he said Mafia was probably Lannisters, when he didn't realise this was a prologue based story.
Suspicious to say the least and quite possibly a slip up.

Well there's the important bit right there. A slip-up sure, but not a suspicious one.
Also I said Cersei Lannister, not all Lannisters. Apart from Joffrey, arguably she's the most diabolical in the family.

Which leads nicely onto spisr's question. No, Jaime is the only other Lannister I know of.
If I recall correctly, Cersei doesn't do anything during the rebellion except marry Robert at the end, so I'm almost 100% certain she won't be a role here.

Hey, she didn't want war, she encouraged Joffrey to suggest Eddard take the black. Jaime tried to murder a child, Tywin is evil illustrated by his harsh parental lessons to Tyrion, Gregor Clegane doing his ransacking and raping on his command etc.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:53 pm

spiesr wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:Which leads nicely onto spisr's question. No, Jaime is the only other Lannister I know of.
If I recall correctly, Cersei doesn't do anything during the rebellion except marry Robert at the end, so I'm almost 100% certain she won't be a role here.
So, why did you list her as one of the characters you thought would be in the game when you realized the setting?

Because I'm an idiot. :lol:
I wasn't thinking at all in regards to the scenario on Day 1, so now I am.

jonty125 wrote:Towards, MM, would you care to share what you did last night? (this is not an accusation, or anything, but me wondering whether you will share your NA)

I'm not sure sharing that info willy-nilly is the best idea at the moment. Perhaps to whichever side we decide to join. Why not try getting Strike and I on side? ^^

nagerous wrote:Hey, she didn't want war, she encouraged Joffrey to suggest Eddard take the black. Jaime tried to murder a child, Tywin is evil illustrated by his harsh parental lessons to Tyrion, Gregor Clegane doing his ransacking and raping on his command etc.

Tyrion inadvertently killed Tywin's wife don't forget.
Tywin's not evil...more of a true neutral. Whatever he did pales in comparison to the Mad King's antics.

Whoever's the Mad King in this afraid...
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:12 pm

nagerous wrote:I'm on the belief that whilst they always pay their debts we can never trust a Lannister, and keeping him alive this will come to bite you in the bum, doubting the fact that they are completely innocent as Masket claims. Surviving is probably a lesser victory. Tywin's ultimate goal is most likely to gain the throne and they will not stop until this is achieved. Saying that he might be better alive a little while to see if he provides information on the true villains of the piece, the Taegaryans. Jamie Lannister, the man who pushed a defenceless kid out of a high window might be a better place to start today.

>back from Day 1.
nag is smart but I'm not sure he's smart enough to pull off some reverse psychology here. This might rule him out of being a Taegaryan and possibly even puts him as being part of the Rebels - Robert / Starks

Speaking of Starks, only Ned was put as a character role. His elder brother could be here. Forgotten his name though.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:06 pm

Tywin is considered a harsh man but ask even the nicest Lannisters and many of his banner men and what you will hear is that everything he has done, he did for his family. You must understand his family history to understand Tywin Lannister. His father was a fairly weak ruler. He wanted to be loved by his banner men more than he wanted them to respect him. Because of this many of his banner men took advantage of the Lannisters, getting unwarranted grants for what was often treason and then laughing behind his back. Tywin was his eldest son and at his father's death, he set out to be the opposite of his father and restore the Lannister name. When a banner man rose up against him, he crushed them root and stem and used them as an example to the rest of the banner men who might not relish Lannister rule. He is a man who would rather be feared than loved because he saw what happened to the family when his father set out only to be loved.

In short, Tywin can be an ass but he does everything for the advancement of his family...with the exception of Tyrion. His goal has never been to set himself on the throne, he merely tried to arrange the best matches for each of his children to advance them in the world (I don't think he had a suitor for Jaime though he tried to convince both Elia of Dorne and a few others (I think Lyanna Stark may have been on that list) and tried to suit Cersei with Rhaegar Targaryen)

Gregor is a wild dog, little he does is on command, though Tywin keeps him around as "even a mad dog has a purpose". Personally, I was appalled when I saw what he did to those babies. I was so aghast that I had to sit down to keep myself from retching...of course that's about the time Ned Stark walked in... ;). As far as Bran, I feel awful about it I really do but sister can be very convincing (anyone who doubts that Cersei meant for Bran to be killed is fooling themselves).
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:47 pm

A wise post my son.
Perhaps if you spent less time with your sister, more suitors would make themselves available to you?
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:12 pm

Why replace me?

Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight. With one rebel looking like he's down, the loyalists are a better choice.

Minister, how exactly do you expect one side or the other to ' get you on their side?' To do so would be to out their role, and put a big target on their back.

We do know Aerys and Rheagar are in the game, two Lannisters, Stanis...anyone else? Does Stanis want to come out, since he seems to be in trouble? Might as well help your side out, while you still live...

Finally, no deaths. I suspect some fails. Some people can't be happy. :D
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:20 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Why replace me?

Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight. With one rebel looking like he's down, the loyalists are a better choice.

Minister, how exactly do you expect one side or the other to ' get you on their side?' To do so would be to out their role, and put a big target on their back.

We do know Aerys and Rheagar are in the game, two Lannisters, Stanis...anyone else? Does Stanis want to come out, since he seems to be in trouble? Might as well help your side out, while you still live...

Finally, no deaths. I suspect some fails. Some people can't be happy. :D

Well good to know whose side you're on.

That being said, we'll decide which side is winning when it suits us. Thank you. Though if it's any consolation, your actions just now will probably make it a bit easier.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Foxglove on Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:03 am

I am now prepared to win the only game that matters.

Or I will be, once I've caught myself up on all of the machinations twining their way through these posts. :)
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby jonty125 on Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:13 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight. With one rebel looking like he's down, the loyalists are a better choice.


Minister Masket wrote:
jonty125 wrote:Towards, MM, would you care to share what you did last night? (this is not an accusation, or anything, but me wondering whether you will share your NA)

I'm not sure sharing that info willy-nilly is the best idea at the moment. Perhaps to whichever side we decide to join. Why not try getting Strike and I on side? ^^

No probs, I was just curious.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Minister Masket on Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:31 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight.

We do? News to me.

Minister, how exactly do you expect one side or the other to ' get you on their side?' To do so would be to out their role, and put a big target on their back.

I think you are underestimating the power of Lannister protection and support in this war.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:19 pm

Just to note, nebs won't be replaced. The vast majority didn't want him to be replaced (other sent that or not sent anything) and he seems to be back anyways.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Commander9 on Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:19 pm

Just to note, nebs won't be replaced. The vast majority didn't want him to be replaced (other sent that or not sent anything) and he seems to be back anyways.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby The Weird One on Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:36 pm

What I'm trying to figure out, right now, is how we're going to progress at all...We're back to where we were at the end of day 1, it would seem. All we've got going is the Lannisters proclaiming their be fair, it fits the Lannisters, but it doesn't help us figure out a course of action.
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:17 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:Why replace me?

Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight. With one rebel looking like he's down, the loyalists are a better choice.

Minister, how exactly do you expect one side or the other to ' get you on their side?' To do so would be to out their role, and put a big target on their back.

We do know Aerys and Rheagar are in the game, two Lannisters, Stanis...anyone else? Does Stanis want to come out, since he seems to be in trouble? Might as well help your side out, while you still live...

Finally, no deaths. I suspect some fails. Some people can't be happy. :D

Hardly a repeat of Day 1. Neb has perhaps soft claimed and Stanis may die.

I would be curious as to why Neb said that the Lannister's must choose sides by nightfall. It seems to me that Neb has the most information to offer for the moment.

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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D1: And so it begins...

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:59 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:Why replace me?

Listen, Lannisters have to decide who to join tonight. With one rebel looking like he's down, the loyalists are a better choice.

Minister, how exactly do you expect one side or the other to ' get you on their side?' To do so would be to out their role, and put a big target on their back.

We do know Aerys and Rheagar are in the game, two Lannisters, Stanis...anyone else? Does Stanis want to come out, since he seems to be in trouble? Might as well help your side out, while you still live...

Finally, no deaths. I suspect some fails. Some people can't be happy. :D

Hardly a repeat of Day 1. Neb has perhaps soft claimed and Stanis may die.

I would be curious as to why Neb said that the Lannister's must choose sides by nightfall. It seems to me that Neb has the most information to offer for the moment.

Pretty much this.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby Minister Masket on Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:10 pm

Neb's either talking out of his arse with that statement or foolishly trying to trick Strike and I into picking a side this early, when in fact, we have plenty of time to decide yet. Yes, I know that for a fact. Unsure if Strike got the same information at the start.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:55 pm

It's not that I have the only info...I'm just the only one not being so tight with what I have. I also need some help making a decision. I would like to be with the lannisters in this war...but I don't know where they will stand in the end. I have a feeling we could tip the scales in this war...
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby The Weird One on Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:46 pm

I misread and misspoke. As far as the misreading, I glazed over on the word "stannis" and mentally replaced it with "robert" [thus my comment about it possibly referencing the battle of the bells.] I was a bit confused as to why everyone was referencing stannis as being near death until I for the misspeaking: while there have been more developments [I do believe that the Lannisters outed themselves, yesterday, so that's not new], I don't see a way that changing the way I view this could do anything. Now here's to hoping that I make sense to someone other than me with this post...
sheepofdumb wrote:I'm not scum, just a threat to the town. There's a difference, thank you very much.

ga7 wrote: I'll keep my vote where it should be but just in case Vote Strike Wolf AND f*ck FLAMINGOS f*ck THEM HARD
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby spiesr on Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:50 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:It's not that I have the only info...I'm just the only one not being so tight with what I have. I also need some help making a decision. I would like to be with the lannisters in this war...but I don't know where they will stand in the end. I have a feeling we could tip the scales in this war...
They clearly won't be joining a side until the winner is obvious Or perhaps until they fear they will be killed before they join one, which I imagine would a loss for them. So unless you are actually threatening to kill them if they don't pick a side then you saying they "have to decide who to join tonight" is meaningless drivel.

More important right now is the question your alignment. With the fairly obvious Pro-Targaryen sentiments in your post I wonder why you haven't been thrown over the coals already. I suppose that nearly half of the people active sense then being Lannisters might have something to do with it. Presumably the rest are simply too afraid to be the first to make a move. Well enough of that Vote Nebuchadnezer and get this rebellion moving. The dice are cast let the game begin.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby Foxglove on Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:59 pm

spiesr wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:It's not that I have the only info...I'm just the only one not being so tight with what I have. I also need some help making a decision. I would like to be with the lannisters in this war...but I don't know where they will stand in the end. I have a feeling we could tip the scales in this war...
They clearly won't be joining a side until the winner is obvious Or perhaps until they fear they will be killed before they join one, which I imagine would a loss for them. So unless you are actually threatening to kill them if they don't pick a side then you saying they "have to decide who to join tonight" is meaningless drivel.

More important right now is the question your alignment. With the fairly obvious Pro-Targaryen sentiments in your post I wonder why you haven't been thrown over the coals already. I suppose that nearly half of the people active sense then being Lannisters might have something to do with it. Presumably the rest are simply too afraid to be the first to make a move. Well enough of that Vote Nebuchadnezer and get this rebellion moving. The dice are cast let the game begin.

Yes, the die are cast. I think what we really need to know is why the Lannisters feel so confident that they hold the power in this game. There are 2 confirmed lions so far, correct? That leaves a lot of other players.

No votes for me yet - I'm still getting up to speed on this game and assimilating people's posts.
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Re: ASoIaF Mafia Prologue (13/13) - D2: But Ser, this is you

Postby jonty125 on Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:17 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:It's not that I have the only info...I'm just the only one not being so tight with what I have. I also need some help making a decision. I would like to be with the lannisters in this war...but I don't know where they will stand in the end. I have a feeling we could tip the scales in this war...

Tell me more vote Neb as I would like to hear more from his softclaim.
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