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A Cino Filled Mafia (2/27) *Game Over*

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Fircoal on Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:30 pm

Strike Wolf has replaced Shadowstar.
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Minister Masket on Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:33 pm

Seems like a random switch but anything to keep the game moving I guess.
Not that I'm taking my eye off of you DoomYoshi.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:36 pm

I confirm that I joined this game so that all of you can conspire behind my back and try to lynch me.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:45 pm

For the record, I am about 20 pages into this game. Will take me some time to catch up.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby FloresDelMal on Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:05 pm

To everyone who might feel concern: i am very sorry for staying consistent through out the game and not running like a headless chicken behind every little freaking BW that whoever gets bothered enough to type pulls out of their arses *shrugs* most of you seem like attention deficit kids high on sugar, but if anyone manage to stay focused long enough on a single solid case i will happily unvote DY, i repeat myself that is if a better case is built on someone, that hasn't happened yet.

DoomYoshi wrote:
FloresDelMal wrote: no matter what DY says, he still make my spider senses tingle, and i dont see any real reason for unvote him (aka he have not been cleared), so my vote is still staying there, and no DY this is not for starting whatever bs on the noob, you have been giving me plenty of scummy vibe that matter aside.

Since no matter what I say, your vote is not moving, I may as well foe you and stop reading your posts.

Two people who hang out with each other, each approach the game with the same confirmation bias. I hassle the twins all the time about this, I`m not sure it is worth the energy for the part-timers.

You are so full of crap that you make a festival toilet look sparkling clean by comparison, can you say ad hominem? so because we are living under the same room we discuss mafia over tea and cookies and then while we choose our coordinated outfits we edit each others posts *face palm* grow up and stop grasping for straws, the only thing that you have proved is that you are willing to skim, and that you are only interested in reading posts that concern you directly, being oblivious that you are not the freaking center of the universe, and that this play have other characters besides you :sick: and guess what? skimming is a scum tell that even noobs can read.

Anarkistsdream wrote:I never said I was a doc, so hold up there, folks. I also would have gone after him first if that were the case.
In any case, my feelings on why to vote Shadow are valid. Usually two people with similarities like us end up being opposites...

FloresDelMal wrote:Anarks, dear, can you please explain how did you got your PR because now you hinted that your 40phds are not hinting to you being a doctor (in the game i mean, i do know that irl you are a smart cookie ;) ) because if someone gave you that pr randomly there means that there are absolutely no bases for beliave shadowstar to be scum or even a doctor.

Also i could like to have skoffin and the frenchy explaining a bit more how the pr system seems to work, i think we could learn a lot from that.

and last by no least *directs a luminotherapy lamp to tal* shinny :P

skoff is scummaraning, the frenchy explained that he got his pr from the chu and that is strongly reinforced, but someone might be sending them to the chu from the shadows, and mili, all this picture posts could be or not another PR

But what about you my hot blooded friend? throwing a fit is no excuse for skimming, so why have you disregard my post anark? too busy protecting doom? you are acting like if you die if he does? but that could be silly, right ;)

Minister Masket wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:(In all seriousness, is the "Doc with 40 PHD's" thing worth looking into?)

Yes... I have 40 PhDs and so does (if he will frigging play) Shadowstar...

I am town. So my feeling is he would be town... or my scum opposite. ..

Think this deserves bringing up again. I'm more inclined to believe a town/scum than town/town duo here.
Shadowstar hasn't been replaced yet has he?

(...) That's been there since the start though. Don't think Chu would randomly give them (PR) out after the start so someone probably gave you that. Are there even roles that dish out PR's?

You are such a breath of fresh air in this stale game, one gets attracted with the promise of veterans and find stuck with the school for your scumsters class *sighs* well when life gives you lemons...

about anark, do we know of any role besides doctor that gets the 40 Phd's PR? because he says that he is no doctor, yet he refuses to explain how his PR works.

safariguy5 wrote:If we can get a resolution on Shadow *ahem* chu... then I'd be fine with moving on to something else.

last i remember the chu said he had a replacement for shadow, so starting a BW on someone who could be replaced seems pretty scummy.

jonty125 wrote:I don't think Doom acted scummy regarding James, but I'm open to the idea that he may of been scummy in other issues.

could you care to elaborate about these other issues?
Anarkistsdream wrote:
rishaed wrote:yes inactives need sorting out, but we have people "active" who hardly post as well..... it gets difficult to achieve reads on these people. I suggest we go after one of these. Those posting enough to seem active, but not completely inactive. Its typical scum behavior.

GA7 or Flores or Shrew or Sheep or Exile.... But most of all, IRON BUTTERFLY, where my vote already lies... He is active in other games, posting at least daily, but nothing here...

baby, is not because that you dont bother to read my posts that i am not posting, is just you skimming, i have been contributing so much more than all those 2 liners babbling about how the inactives need to be sorted out (well duh), or ppl like you who only repeats himself and lash out without much substance to their posts.

Nebuchadnezer wrote:With that said, I will be not be able to post for the next two weeks. Maybe a short vote here or there...but nothing substantial. Please don't lynch me while I'm out.

shouldnt an absence this long pretty much grant a replacement?

Talapus wrote:Was finally able to log in. This issue is frustrating as hell took 20 attempts. I would still be down with voting DY as stated earlier on day one and IB looks like a possibility. But if he was actually silenced as IB is active elsewhere then I don't want to vote him off because the mod is twisted.

iAmCaffeine wrote:Personally I still think Neb and DY are scummy, as I have stuck with throughout this entire game.

Tal, Caff, why not put your votes where your mouths are? only FOSing and never Voting makes of tal and caff dull boys :lol:

iAmCaffeine wrote:I have a brilliant idea. Why don't we vote for all the inactive players, simply for being inactive, and result in not lynching anyone? Fucking wonderful.


DoomYoshi wrote: (about caffeine) My bad. You haven`t really said much all day though, so it can`t be helped if I didn`t notice you. You were on the wagon of James though, which I didn`t even notice.

that's what happen when you skim, you miss a lot of things :twisted:

iAmCaffeine wrote:My other concern is the 40phd situation with Nark and Shadow, since until recently it seems everyone has assumed Nark is town, which he claims adamantly. From my point of view, Nark has got a good outlet via Shadow being inactive to proclaim innocent, or at least get a main competitor killed. Also, Nark posted in D1 expressing his belief that I'm town. It seems he's using any hook he can.

QFT again (there might be hope for humanity after all =D> )

DoomYoshi wrote:James said: If DY is scum, lynch me.

I said I would not reciprocate. Reciprocating would be: if James is scum, lynch me.

Therefore, if James is scum, do not lynch me.

I wasn't saying if James is town, don't lynch me.
I am sorry that I wasn't clear there ga7.

Do you understand now?

err by logic what you said is this : if James is scum, do not lynch me. = if James is town, lynch me. sorry, but you explained it yourself ^^

strike wolf wrote:For the record, I am about 20 pages into this game. Will take me some time to catch up.

welcome ^^ glad to see a familiar face (more like a familiar avatar :P ) can you please explain how your PR works? you should be able to do that even if you havent finished your reading yet ^^
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:15 pm

Good, replacement has been found. Obviously, I will unvote. Still not particularly happy about the inactives still around i.e. shrew, skoff, and possibly IB depending on whether he has been sent prods or not. Never thought about the silencing possibility, could definitely be a role in the game.

I think the Yoshi heat is mostly for the James death. I understand that there are certain instances where you would lie about your role as town, but this early in the game is not that time honestly. Also, there is still a good probability that there are other investigative roles. At this point, with the multiple anti town factions, he might not even be the automatic mafia roleblock target.

Certainly, the argument about reciprocity by Yoshi I think is quite a bit of hindsight, I can't honestly say that pursuing the lynch alone is scummy as I was also on the wagon.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:34 pm

FloresDelMal wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:With that said, I will be not be able to post for the next two weeks. Maybe a short vote here or there...but nothing substantial. Please don't lynch me while I'm out.

shouldnt an absence this long pretty much grant a replacement?

Ya, right. Tell that to all the other deadbeats that haven't posted in two weeks. I'll be out for 10 days. I don't care if you replace me in this's a snoozer. But I will still check back and keep up. Just not a lot of long posts.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:09 pm

Rodion wrote:Posting due to the prod. I'm like 2 pages behind. I got my new cell phone last friday and I'm rather busy playing with Tinder, but I promise I'll catch up eventually. Not to mention I'm somewhat allowing rl to make me sloppy during this day because I'm voteless (not an excuse, just an explanation).

So you've been reading but not posting? Also I want to test the statement that you are voteless. Please attempt to vote someone. I might be slightly more understanding if you hadn't done either, but considering that the past few pages have been on inactivity, you would think that posting might have been beneficial to your cause.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:17 pm

rishaed wrote:
Rodion wrote:Posting due to the prod. I'm like 2 pages behind. I got my new cell phone last friday and I'm rather busy playing with Tinder, but I promise I'll catch up eventually. Not to mention I'm somewhat allowing rl to make me sloppy during this day because I'm voteless (not an excuse, just an explanation).

So you've been reading but not posting? Also I want to test the statement that you are voteless. Please attempt to vote someone. I might be slightly more understanding if you hadn't done either, but considering that the past few pages have been on inactivity, you would think that posting might have been beneficial to your cause.

He tested it as hs first post of the day.

Some great points made by Flores. Will reply tomorrow.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:01 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:
rishaed wrote:
Rodion wrote:Posting due to the prod. I'm like 2 pages behind. I got my new cell phone last friday and I'm rather busy playing with Tinder, but I promise I'll catch up eventually. Not to mention I'm somewhat allowing rl to make me sloppy during this day because I'm voteless (not an excuse, just an explanation).

So you've been reading but not posting? Also I want to test the statement that you are voteless. Please attempt to vote someone. I might be slightly more understanding if you hadn't done either, but considering that the past few pages have been on inactivity, you would think that posting might have been beneficial to your cause.

He tested it as hs first post of the day.

Some great points made by Flores. Will reply tomorrow.

:oops: :oops: you are indeed correct >.> also rodian looking back has posted more than i though (only one liners), but seems to have been swallowed by my memory vote Japan as a way of an unvote....Sleep is currently required, and I need to reread this thread urgently, b/c I'm forgetting very important points.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby new guy1 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:02 am

Figured I should post since TWO prodded. Glad to see fircoal back, and shadow with a replacement. Maybe we can get the day moving now. I dont think we need to get a replacement for neb unless we can get replacements for any other inactives that dont have an excuse. At least after 10 days he will come back and hopefully be active, unlike many of the players already in the game. Flores does make good points (especially the one about us all being ADHD kids on sugar :lol:), and still am open to the idea that there is a silencer. Ive never played a fircoal game, but Ive heard theyre crazy, so I cant really rule out the role. It is currently 2AM here, so sorry for the short one, just figured I would post to tell everyone I was at currently.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:48 am

safariguy5 wrote:I think the Yoshi heat is mostly for the James death. I understand that there are certain instances where you would lie about your role as town, but this early in the game is not that time honestly. Also, there is still a good probability that there are other investigative roles. At this point, with the multiple anti town factions, he might not even be the automatic mafia roleblock target.

Certainly, the argument about reciprocity by Yoshi I think is quite a bit of hindsight, I can't honestly say that pursuing the lynch alone is scummy as I was also on the wagon.

I think DY also gets a lot of heat because he attracts it. His recurring sarcasm, trolling and offensive language (not that I'm bothered in the slightest) is how he often posts, unless it's an area of the forums under his jurisdiction.

@Nark, you seem to have gone a bit quieter since SW turned up to replace Shadow. You okay there mate? Let me know if you need any help finding your next latch to grip onto for a few hours, before swiftly moving on.

@Flores, thanks! I still haven't voted as I was awaiting Shadow's replacement. Now that he's here, I'd like to see his view on things.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Minister Masket on Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:20 am

Sir Strike, before I unvote you, can you elaborate on your partnership with Anarkistsdream?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Minister Masket on Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:34 am

FloresDelMal wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:Yes... I have 40 PhDs and so does (if he will frigging play) Shadowstar...

I am town. So my feeling is he would be town... or my scum opposite. ..

Think this deserves bringing up again. I'm more inclined to believe a town/scum than town/town duo here.
Shadowstar hasn't been replaced yet has he?

(...) That's been there since the start though. Don't think Chu would randomly give them (PR) out after the start so someone probably gave you that. Are there even roles that dish out PR's?

You are such a breath of fresh air in this stale game, one gets attracted with the promise of veterans and find stuck with the school for your scumsters class *sighs* well when life gives you lemons...

I do try. ^^

Flores wrote:You are so full of crap that you make a festival toilet look sparkling clean by comparison, can you say ad hominem?

iAmCaffeine wrote:@Nark, you seem to have gone a bit quieter since SW turned up to replace Shadow. You okay there mate? Let me know if you need any help finding your next latch to grip onto for a few hours, before swiftly moving on.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby FloresDelMal on Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:11 am

Ok boys and gal (just in case skoff is out there lurking) sorry for the piss off tone of my post, it bothered me to be call inactive when i've been putting myself through the time consuming process of adress every post that seemed relevant with its respective quote and what not, and also for the assumption that because i live with the french man we siamese twins, so i sounded piss off, because i was :P but not any more :oops: anyway i only apologize by the unneeded aggressiveness of the wording, not by the content itself ^^

MM and Caff, credit should always be given where is due :D

safariguy5 wrote:Certainly, the argument about reciprocity by Yoshi I think is quite a bit of hindsight, I can't honestly say that pursuing the lynch alone is scummy as I was also on the wagon.

and what about the skimming?

Minister Masket wrote:Sir Strike, before I unvote you, can you elaborate on your partnership with Anarkistsdream?

and can i ask more directly if you are a doctor?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:43 am

Sorry, guys... although I am furloughed, I just had a bit of a family emergency. Allow me to clear the air here before I go back to the hospital.

I was quiet waiting for replacements. Strikw has been in the game less than 12 hours and still hasn't posted, so what is with the attitude, caffeine? Flores, I never said I wasn't a mwdical doctor, I just never said I was, either... For your skimming accusations, you sure seem to be a hypocrite, or, at best, you make horrendous assumptions. I have attempted to get the game going by putting different ideas forward. That is how this game is played... by communication... you shouldn't browbeat one of the most active playrrs for being active. Why else are we playing? I noticed Strike Wolf didn't mention his 40 PhDs in his two back to back posts. The silencer on IB is his only backup, but if it isn't true, you gave him a perfect alibi. Gotta run. 40 PhDs make me tired... too much info
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:51 am

I wasn't giving you attitude. I gave you my opinion and voted, although I'm still waiting to here from Strike...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby jonty125 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:35 am

FloresDelMal wrote:
jonty125 wrote:I don't think Doom acted scummy regarding James, but I'm open to the idea that he may of been scummy in other issues.

could you care to elaborate about these other issues?

I meant that I'm open to the idea of Doom been scum, and that's he not 100% town.

FloresDelMal wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:Sir Strike, before I unvote you, can you elaborate on your partnership with Anarkistsdream?
and can i ask more directly if you are a doctor?

Rolefishing much? FOS Flores
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:48 am

jonty125 wrote:
FloresDelMal wrote:
jonty125 wrote:I don't think Doom acted scummy regarding James, but I'm open to the idea that he may of been scummy in other issues.

could you care to elaborate about these other issues?

I meant that I'm open to the idea of Doom been scum, and that's he not 100% town.

As highlighted, you suggested other reasons for believing DY is scum. Can you give any specific examples?

jonty125 wrote:
FloresDelMal wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:Sir Strike, before I unvote you, can you elaborate on your partnership with Anarkistsdream?
and can i ask more directly if you are a doctor?

Rolefishing much? FOS Flores

I don't consider that to be rolefishing considering Nark's current play and what he's said so far.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:54 am

FloresDelMal wrote:You are so full of crap that you make a festival toilet look sparkling clean by comparison, can you say ad hominem? so because we are living under the same room we discuss mafia over tea and cookies and then while we choose our coordinated outfits we edit each others posts *face palm* grow up and stop grasping for straws, the only thing that you have proved is that you are willing to skim, and that you are only interested in reading posts that concern you directly, being oblivious that you are not the freaking center of the universe, and that this play have other characters besides you :sick: and guess what? skimming is a scum tell that even noobs can read.

I am not grasping for straws. This is a well-known issue. People generally trust and believe those who are closer to them. It has had many guises over the years, including racism and xenophobia. I am not saying that you are racists, just that you need to be aware of this inherent bias in humans. If you can`t think critically about your room-mate, you are not a benefit to town.

For some reason, I thought there was more there that I wanted to reply too. After second reading, I don`t care.

FloresDelMal wrote:Ok boys and gal (just in case skoff is out there lurking) sorry for the piss off tone of my post, i

That`s the only time I can understand what somebody means, so I thank you for the tone. I have the inner Qi of a volcano, so only when there is discord and strife am I able to feel any peace. Skennenkowa.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby The1exile on Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:55 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:As highlighted, you suggested other reasons for believing DY is scum. Can you give any specific examples?

I'm not jonty125, but I believe DY is scummy (or at least has a defence to present) since I thought he was in league with mandy day 1 and mandy turned out to be scum (not mafia specifically but still scum). I don't believe DY refuted this accusation (not that he would since the BW started up and eventually actually ticked over into comm9s death via insane lynch).

I have to admit I have since forgotten what I spotted that linked shrew with nark. Probably something nark said but I could be conflating names too. I have a hell of a headache.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:47 pm

The1exile wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:As highlighted, you suggested other reasons for believing DY is scum. Can you give any specific examples?

I'm not jonty125, but I believe DY is scummy (or at least has a defence to present) since I thought he was in league with mandy day 1 and mandy turned out to be scum (not mafia specifically but still scum). I don't believe DY refuted this accusation (not that he would since the BW started up and eventually actually ticked over into comm9s death via insane lynch).

I have to admit I have since forgotten what I spotted that linked shrew with nark. Probably something nark said but I could be conflating names too. I have a hell of a headache.

So as scum, I would voluntarily and obviously associate myself with mandy? That whole line of reasoning was a joke.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby ga7 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:41 pm

Alright, reread since daybreak since I wanted to get a better feeling of some stuff about inactives and PRs and flamingos...

First trolls first...
DoomYoshi wrote:I am not grasping for straws. This is a well-known issue. People generally trust and believe those who are closer to them. It has had many guises over the years, including racism and xenophobia. I am not saying that you are racists, just that you need to be aware of this inherent bias in humans. If you can`t think critically about your room-mate, you are not a benefit to town.

For some reason, I thought there was more there that I wanted to reply too. After second reading, I don`t care.

FloresDelMal wrote:Ok boys and gal (just in case skoff is out there lurking) sorry for the piss off tone of my post, i

That`s the only time I can understand what somebody means, so I thank you for the tone. I have the inner Qi of a volcano, so only when there is discord and strife am I able to feel any peace. Skennenkowa.

:lol: man, just... Racists? :lol:
Anyway I'm pretty sure I helped lynch Flores a couple of times when she was scum so knowing someone well has its perks sometimes :P
DoomYoshi wrote:James said: If DY is scum, lynch me.

I said I would not reciprocate. Reciprocating would be: if James is scum, lynch me.

Therefore, if James is scum, do not lynch me.

I wasn't saying if James is town, don't lynch me. I am sorry that I wasn't clear there ga7.

Do you understand now?

Well sorry I didn't read your original post as a joke post. The way you spin it doesn't make much sense since you were pushing for him. I give up anyway even though you're still WIFOMing, I hope people remember looking at you when I get NKed. :P

Welcome PRless strike wolf, frankly I didn't go dig up Shadow's posts but I don't think Strike would have forgotten a PR having just confirmed. So that kinda settles it for me on the 40phds front...
That made me wonder if Skoff really had a PR but yes it's pretty clear, though I wonder if she added herself the english slang.
Skoffin wrote:Well well well, what's all this then? Sorry chaps for not getting back to you sooner, and my apologies in advance for this post will not be all that extensive on this night.

Righto then, I've taken a look over the present day and must say I am somewhat flummoxed; I highly recommended everyone relax and get out of the tiff that seems to be going on. I have some cement tea on offer for those that find themselves parched.
I will have to do a search and see what I can find on the morrow, in the mean time old beans I must say cheerio.

So we have at least 2 people who received a PR. Could there be a third? Seems already a lot to me but one thing I very highly doubt is a silence PR, for balance and fairness reasons, even for a Chu game. When you take in account Rodion lost his vote, it doesn't make any sense.

Onto inactives, besides the aforementioned Skoffster:

For some reason I thought TFO hadn't posted. I was wrong, he just has had veeery light posts, his last being 6 days ago though.
I concur with an old post of newguy1 though:
new guy1 wrote:As for a case I will vote for, I am going to Unvote???, vote TFO. Though he is on your list of actives, Anark, I find it funny that you would put him there. If you look at all of his posts, only one of them has anything of substance and the rest are just making side jokes/comments. He has added nothing to the game, to a visible point. I wont quote everything he said, you may go look and see for yourself.

Sheep posted once only, just after James' death:
sheepofdumb wrote:Insane cop, eh? Well I'm pretty sure there's another cop out there who isn't insane. But I can't say this role surprises me too much. It's a non-sequitur role made by a non-sequitur mod.

Shrewstur's last post, even before that:
shrewstur wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:Can we have a VOTE COUNT?

Not sure we're far enough into the day to warrant a vote count. We still have about 9 people that haven't checked in yet...

One of those 9 being me. I'll try to post something tomorrow.

And then comes IB. I noticed something quite odd rereading about him or rather his lack of posts:
safariguy5 wrote:I still think that a prod on IB can get him back in here. I'm not sure even a prod on Shadow will get him back. unvote vote Shadow

safariguy5 wrote:Good, replacement has been found. Obviously, I will unvote. Still not particularly happy about the inactives still around i.e. shrew, skoff, and possibly IB depending on whether he has been sent prods or not. Never thought about the silencing possibility, could definitely be a role in the game.

I think the Yoshi heat is mostly for the James death. I understand that there are certain instances where you would lie about your role as town, but this early in the game is not that time honestly. Also, there is still a good probability that there are other investigative roles. At this point, with the multiple anti town factions, he might not even be the automatic mafia roleblock target.

Certainly, the argument about reciprocity by Yoshi I think is quite a bit of hindsight, I can't honestly say that pursuing the lynch alone is scummy as I was also on the wagon.

Ok, that seems odd. IB is the one guy that hasn't posted at all day 2 and yet Saf's reluctance about voting him is here shown twice. Saf has been quite low key so far and it gives me scum vibes to see him take a stand in this way.
Now, I first didn't give much thought to the IB wagon because of the people on it but this possible link really bugs me. Since TWO sent this prod to everyone which is quite easily visible on the prod PM, I'd like to see if this leads us somewhere.

Vote IB
Anarkistsdream wrote:If you guys can't tell that Doom is being forced to post this drivel, you are fools...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:26 pm

Ga7: Sorry to disappoint but the lack of PR was actually a misunderstanding between me and the mod (He did not directly copy the role PM and forgot to state that I had a PR when sending me the new one). It grieves me to say that even with 40 Ph Ds I was unable to figure out that I had a PR until I was reading back and noticed my predecessors comments.

Hah. Even with 40 Ph Ds and not reading the night chatter (It didn't appear to have game relevance, if I am wrong, please let me know and Fircoal can mod kill those talking about the game during the night time ;) ) it took me a while to read through this thread (mostly because I had to reread a lot of it as I was going through to make sure I kept things straight anyways...I'm sure if I posted every single thought I had about the game, I could probably keep you here reading a single post for an hour or more but I'll try to keep this not overly long.

Day 1: I found the commander case ridiculous. I can see where it escalated as over time he did back himself more into a corner but early on it was mostly stupid overreactions to jokes and not understanding a PR (Seriously everyone, was it that difficult to realize he had a PR? I realize I have 40 Ph Ds but that doesn't mean it wasn't fairly obvious pretty quickly). I feel an odd mix of pride that my top 3 suspects from Day 1 were all anti-town (Mandy and Aage mostly for their part in the Commander wagon and TWO because I got the impression early on that he was going out of his way to stay mostly neutral) and annoyance because they died before I got a chance to make a case against them. NEXT TIME!!!

Nark: Most my opinions here are based on WIFOM but I think Nark is town. I don't think he would push the "One of us is town and the other is scum" PR angle unless he actually was confident that was the case. Since the other option is that he would have to be confident that I was scum, I can't give that credence since I know I am town. So I am inclined to believe he actually thought that was the case.

IB: Has he been prodded? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had simply forgotten he was in the game as I don't recall these circumstances fitting his normal scum play. If I am wrong, I could potentially support an IB lynch on grounds of inactivity.

Doom + neb 4eva: I felt this argument had some merit. Neb somewhat linked himself with Doom and doom seems to try to distance himself from it:

DoomYoshi wrote:
Skoffin wrote:Further, I thought it interesting that Doom only mentions not liking Neb 'buddying up' to him after someone else suggests it. To me this suggests that Doom's viewpoints are along the lines of 'oh shit, if they think he is acting odd they might go for me as well, however if Neb turns up town then they might think I'm town too #yolo'
I always find it suspicious when someone takes their cues from other players around them, in this case being that Doom deciding Neb is buddying only after another player suggests it. It's often the case of a scum trying to deflect attention off themselves.

Oh yea? WHO THE f*ck SUGGESTED IT????????

Start at this post:
and keep reading until you get to this post:

Now tell me everyone in that span who suggested Neb buddied up to me.

1 person: DoomYoshi... now why does that name ring a bell?

@mod: can we get skoffin replaced? She is driving me nuts with the Red Walls of Truth.

This is false. Doomyoshi was not the first person to bring it up. The first person was actually right here:

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Skoffin wrote:You don't happen to play epicmafia, do you?

Yes! I played a long time ago and recently started playing again. PM me with your username. :)

Okay! I've now read the last four or five pages. In summary, I'm thinking about the following...

@Commander9 - I don't think this guy is scum. It seems he has a rather unfortunate role that leads people to want him dead, therefore getting distracted from the main enemies which are the mafia and their allies. The bandwagon on him, which I was originally a part of, has no strong foundation.

@The1exile - Slightly suspicious for reason aforementioned; pushing for a lynch on Commander9 much more heavily than anyone else. However, unless I'm mistaken, he seems to have gone quiet about this since other players have brought it up.

@Nebuchadnezer - I'm leaving my vote on him still. He is highly suspicious and, as demonstrated by Talapus on more than one occasion, his defence doesn't add up. Furthermore, I strongly suspect that Neb' and DoomYoshi are within the same team.

@DoomYoshi - I know he's generally a minor forum troll when he wants to be. However, his irrational defence of Neb' and consequential vote for Talapus suggest he's aligned with Neb', and they're both scum.

I'm fairly certain Neb' and Doom' are both scum. The1exile is a potential as well, just playing more smartly than Doom' and not jumping onto the defensive bandwagon.

Which gets this response (excerpt from larger comment):

For those trying to link me with Neb: I was bitching at Talapus exactly one post before he voted for Neb. So, unless you ascribe to the theory that time flows in reverse, and we just experience backwards; then you have to drop that accusation as baseless.

In his later post he seems to forget this statement.

Mafia busdriver: Fact or Fiction?: I am going to slot this as a misunderstanding brought on by gaps in when these players were more active. The deal here is Flores and Ga7, that while you two were gone (or only sparsely active) there was a period of time where Mafia busdrivers were fairly common. Doomyoshi was active through that time. To me it neither seems suspicious that Doomyoshi who had played through that when they were common would think up that scenario nor does it appear suspicious that Flores and Ga7, who were mostly around when mafia busdrivers were rare, would find this jump to be suspicious.

Minister Masket wrote:Sir Strike, before I unvote you, can you elaborate on your partnership with Anarkistsdream?

I don't know what partnership I might have with Dr. Nark Dream. My PM did not state anything about him (Unless that was another oversight from the Chu and I doubt that). Our only connection that I find is that we have similar PRs.

For the sake of openness, I will state that I am not a doctor in the mafia sense.

GAH! I have so much more to post but I am simply running out of time right now and I still need to check my other game(s). Anyways to all those old veterans welcoming to the game. Thank you and welcome back. Good to see you too. To all those who are new to the game, welcome to mafia. Finally to the people who are still around and welcomed me. Thank you, good to see you too. Now get out my way, I have to go to the pub with Nag and Mr. and Mrs. Frenchie.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:06 pm

Ok... that's it... the fact that he is SO pro-me and the fact that he just said everything in his power to align himself with town, PLUS his obscure "I am not a doc" reference does it for me... vote Strike Wolf

I AM the town doc, and I know for a FACT that Strike Wolf is lying... I knew when I said don't replace Shadow and I know it now... whoever disagres with me is obviously scum... I am even willing to vote myself if needed to die and prove my claim. I KNOW I am right.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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