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A Cino Filled Mafia (2/27) *Game Over*

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:23 pm

@Talapus: clear your cache

@Flores: I will challenge you with the same(ish) question I gave the last one: in what way did i direct the town`s wrath on Jamesker? In what way am I the ringleader here? If anything i was a late BW jumper onto JK

the only way i gained from this is that town lost a role in the hands of a player who lied. town all gained since we didnt`have to waste a lynch (especially not a d4 or later lynch) on a player
If he didn`t die today we wouldve lynched who he found on n2 on d3. d4 we lynch him for lying twice (once about his role, once about the guilty result)
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:49 am

DoomYoshi wrote:@Talapus: clear your cache

@Flores: I will challenge you with the same(ish) question I gave the last one: in what way did i direct the town`s wrath on Jamesker? In what way am I the ringleader here? If anything i was a late BW jumper onto JK

the only way i gained from this is that town lost a role in the hands of a player who lied. town all gained since we didnt`have to waste a lynch (especially not a d4 or later lynch) on a player
If he didn`t die today we wouldve lynched who he found on n2 on d3. d4 we lynch him for lying twice (once about his role, once about the guilty result)

As a major pusher of lynching him, I would agree with both Nark's and DY's assessments. I wouldn't consider those on his BW scum per say, (I'm sure scum jumped on), but there were several reasons to vote him:
A. He was clouding up the thread before he even claimed.
B. His posting just brought some confusion to the thread.
C.He lied about his claim "which incurred the most peoples wrath"
D. He Broke a Rule- MK'd
E.A-C are all reasons why I was voting him. B lead to A which lead to C. It was good in hindsight, and with an insane cop in the mix that almost positively means that the other cop is sane if we have one. (Of course Chu could still screw with us in that regard, but I wouldn't be too happy with that).
I will have more time to make indepth posts here b/c I just got lynched in the Official game. O:)
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby jonty125 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:28 am

Anarkistsdream wrote:I have seen insane cops that did not get the opposite response, they literally received a random response...

I believe this is called a random cop, or b*****d cop, because it is quite literally a b*****d role.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby safariguy5 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:20 am

Well yes, Shadow may be doctor because of his 40 PHD's, but it doesn't mean he's a doctor in the sense of protection via night powers. I don't recall him ever saying that.

And my role is not a pokemon character.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:51 am

Why does Iron Butterfly continually post in the Fire and Ice game, but not in ours? It is obvious that he is active...

Vote: IB

And I agree with Saf... As I have already said, anyone with a PhD is a doctor... It doesn't mean an MD...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby jonty125 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:45 am

Anarkistsdream wrote:PhD is a doctor

Not true at all, you can be a PhD in mathematics. Unless you mean, only those with a PhD PR is a doc, which I think is WIFOM.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Rodion on Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:52 am

PhD = Doctor of Philosophy (in any field, not only philosophy)
Doctor =/= Physician
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:56 am

jonty125 wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:PhD is a doctor

Not true at all, you can be a PhD in mathematics. Unless you mean, only those with a PhD PR is a doc, which I think is WIFOM.

Considering that I actually have a PhD in real life, I am a doctor.... I am not an MD... WHy is this so hard to understand?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:51 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
jonty125 wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:PhD is a doctor

Not true at all, you can be a PhD in mathematics. Unless you mean, only those with a PhD PR is a doc, which I think is WIFOM.

Considering that I actually have a PhD in real life, I am a doctor.... I am not an MD... WHy is this so hard to understand?

In real life you can stop the mafia`s night kill?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:13 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:
jonty125 wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:PhD is a doctor

Not true at all, you can be a PhD in mathematics. Unless you mean, only those with a PhD PR is a doc, which I think is WIFOM.

Considering that I actually have a PhD in real life, I am a doctor.... I am not an MD... WHy is this so hard to understand?

In real life you can stop the mafia`s night kill?

Hahahaha... Sorry, my PhD is in history, friend.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby safariguy5 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:56 pm

A thought occurs. Is it possible that Shadow and nark are mutual lyncher roles and they have to get the other one lynched in order to win? It might explain why they both have the same PR.

Also, maybe I need to start referring to nark as Dr. Nark. PhD's of any kind can get a bit touchy if you call them mister.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:15 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Also, maybe I need to start referring to nark as Dr. Nark. PhD's of any kind can get a bit touchy if you call them mister.

Too true. Although, they don't take kindly to nicknames either. Let's address him as Dr. Dream.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Rodion on Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:40 pm

Anything's possible, including both being town (1 "sane" and 1 "quack", for instance).
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:18 am

I never said I was a doc, so hold up there, folks. I also would have gone after him first if that were the case.

And don't worry, guys, I work for the state, screw being a professor. Hah

In any case, my feelings on why to vote Shadow are valid. Usually two people with similarities like us end up being opposites... I will gladly vote someone else, but not until my previous requests of the mod have been carried out... too many inactives to play this game well
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:13 pm

Bueller.... Bueller...


C'mon, people.... Five people can't do all of the posting for a game with 20 people still involved!!!

I'm about to put two of my PhDs up each persons ass! Let's GO!
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby new guy1 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:31 pm

No one has even commented on the post I made :lol:. That was what I could add.

To add to my case though, I have made 21 post this game. TFO has made 24 posts. I didnt count how many were a part of the night time van talks, but apparently those three posts make a difference in Completely active and scummarining.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:39 pm

Yay! New Guy is posting....

Yeah, I didn't count the number of posts for each person, nor did I count the "value" of each post. I suppose TFO is just known to me, so his name leaps up whenever I think about who has been participating.

By all means, vote him. I am just trying to keep the game going, because even our MODERATOR is not being very active...

This and the death of The Pleasant Chaps were the reason I quit coming to the site at the end. Especially in big games like this, it is important that everyone participates, and it gets old when so many inactives are in every game that you can't really make a case against anyone. And there aren't enough "active" players to find replacements for all of the inactives.

Your case against TFO is just as weak as my argument against Shadowstar... But we need to come together as a consensus so that we can progress the day. I voted Iron Butterfly last because he has been active in TWO other games, but not this one... That pretty much guarantees that he is keeping up and shows me that he is most likely scum.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:56 pm

Okay, I'll VOTE Iron Butterfly

He has like 3 posts all game.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby new guy1 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:56 pm

I did vote TFO :D. I realize my case is weak, and because IB has been active in two other games (which ones were you talking about, for reference?), I will at least help to get a claim. Its one of the only things we have to go on. However, if he makes a viable claim and nobody wants to lynch him, we can keep TFO as a possible next candidate, provided nobody else seems scummier at that point. Unvote, Vote Iron B.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:05 pm

new guy1 wrote:I did vote TFO :D. I realize my case is weak, and because IB has been active in two other games (which ones were you talking about, for reference?)

Waterdale, where he has already posted in a brand new game, and ASoIaF
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby new guy1 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:35 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
new guy1 wrote:I did vote TFO :D. I realize my case is weak, and because IB has been active in two other games (which ones were you talking about, for reference?)

Waterdale, where he has already posted in a brand new game, and ASoIaF

Thanks for that!
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby safariguy5 on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:37 pm

I still think that a prod on IB can get him back in here. I'm not sure even a prod on Shadow will get him back. unvote vote Shadow
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:43 pm

This is quite irritating, I'll keep Doom/Tal around just because that even though there might be something there, they are at least posting a decent amount. I intentionally drew attention in the Official game to keep things running, and I'm not adverse to that (saying nothing of my alignment) in this game. I just can't seem to debate scene right now. That and I need to reread on cases but 9/10 i bet that I'll either come up with Doom/Tal ):
Until then Vote Shadowstar
Also where are:
Ga7, Illiad (confirmed but not posting), and a few others. I'm just about to go and say cut all the dead weight, they are doing nothing but weighing this game down.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:55 pm

safariguy5 wrote:I still think that a prod on IB can get him back in here. I'm not sure even a prod on Shadow will get him back. unvote vote Shadow

You are doing an exceptional job seeming like a team player but always being "slightly" scummy in your indecision and flip flopping. Now that the heat is off DY, instead of you going with the group, you go with what the group USED to be going with...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby FloresDelMal on Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:56 pm

Hey there, 2:46 am here so ill keep it short, please cut a little bit of slack to my frenchy, he is been very busy with work and celebrating my bday :P i know he's been doing his reading, but is way too perfectionist for put shitty posts like the one im doing right now :lol:

On the other hand i am bored about how things are dragging and everyone just jumps from one target to another, no matter what DY says, he still make my spider senses tingle, and i dont see any real reason for unvote him, so my vote is still staying there, and no DY this is not for starting whatever bs on the noob, you have been giving me plenty of scummy vibe that matter aside.

Anarks, dear, can you please explain how did you got your PR because now you hinted that your 40phds are not hinting to you being a doctor (in the game i mean, i do know that irl you are a smart cookie ;) ) because if someone gave you that pr randomly there means that there are absolutely no bases for beliave shadowstar to be scum or even a doctor.

Also i could like to have skoffin and the frenchy explaining a bit more how the pr system seems to work, i think we could learn a lot from that.

and last by no least *directs a luminotherapy lamp to tal* shinny :P
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