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A Cino Filled Mafia (2/27) *Game Over*

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:32 pm

Talapus wrote:Actually I assumed the Pokemon characters were here because he's chu but assumed Cinoville mafia referred cinomatic or something like that so random movie characters. As I said I too am a movie character though not from Star Wars. But again Luke Skywalker was insane and it's a chu game so someone in here may be the character of a Turnip with the ability to disgust people by taste alone.....Fircoal games are too damn hard to guess.

So...since a movie character just died and is a townie...all movie characters are townies? Not sure what you're going at with your partial reveal here...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Talapus on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:36 pm

HUH, dude stop looking for something that isn't there. Seriously the last thing we need is another player jumping to major conclusions. If you look back I've mentioned it before. No where did I infer movie characters are townies.
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vote talapus

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:09 pm

Talapus wrote:HUH, dude stop looking for something that isn't there. Seriously the last thing we need is another player jumping to major conclusions. If you look back I've mentioned it before. No where did I infer movie characters are townies.

I honestly doubt that. And I'm actually glad that he didn't use his action on N1, he would have completely screwed a lynch. Just a question though if he targeted third party surv. per say, would they still show up as scum? As for reads I must go back and completely reread..... ):
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Fircoal on Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:49 pm

Rodion wrote:Cinoville refers to Minccinos.
Vote: Mandy
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby jonty125 on Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:41 am

rishaed wrote:
Talapus wrote:HUH, dude stop looking for something that isn't there. Seriously the last thing we need is another player jumping to major conclusions. If you look back I've mentioned it before. No where did I infer movie characters are townies.

I honestly doubt that. And I'm actually glad that he didn't use his action on N1, he would have completely screwed a lynch. Just a question though if he targeted third party surv. per say, would they still show up as scum? As for reads I must go back and completely reread..... ):

Depends on mod.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:48 am

jonty125 wrote:
rishaed wrote:
Talapus wrote:HUH, dude stop looking for something that isn't there. Seriously the last thing we need is another player jumping to major conclusions. If you look back I've mentioned it before. No where did I infer movie characters are townies.

I honestly doubt that. And I'm actually glad that he didn't use his action on N1, he would have completely screwed a lynch. Just a question though if he targeted third party surv. per say, would they still show up as scum? As for reads I must go back and completely reread..... ):

Depends on mod.


Anyway, this really does screw up proper thinking, because almost this entire thread is filled with Skycrappers insane drivel... I still say Shadowstars 40 PhDs are scummy, while mine are clean... Unless Fircoal put two people with PhDs in the game that are both town, but I just don't see that happening...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:01 pm

Once again LAL helps the town (even though we didn`t go the lynch route). Last thing we needed was an insane cop ruining our lives.

MM can you care to explain what you were talking about? How was I pressuring Jamesker? If so, why is pressuring a player scummy?

shadow may be a decent case for the 40 ph. d thing and also for the inactivity. Any reason against it is playing-the-mod/WIFOM. Since why would Fircoal put two towns in a game with the same PR? Except we would know it was crazy... etc.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby jonty125 on Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:39 am

DoomYoshi wrote:shadow may be a decent case for the 40 ph. d thing and also for the inactivity. Any reason against it is playing-the-mod/WIFOM. Since why would Fircoal put two towns in a game with the same PR? Except we would know it was crazy... etc.

I have no problem lynching an inactive, do prefer, replacements. I aren't comfortable with the PR theory, this is a Fircoal game, so anything can go, and I believe assuming those with the same PR are opposing roles, is a dangerous thing.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:45 am

Haven't said anything recently because I don't have much to contribute, but I've been reading everything.

I'm inclined to vote Shadow mainly for inactivity, and also because I struggle to believe both Shadow and Nark would be in the same faction, no matter how illogical Fircoal's games can be. Do we have actually have proof Nark's town? I think we do somewhere, but currently functioning on 4hrs sleep and 8hrs in the office.

I do agree with jonty that I'd prefer a replacement for Shadow, as that is more likely to give us more information.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:36 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:Haven't said anything recently because I don't have much to contribute, but I've been reading everything.

I'm inclined to vote Shadow mainly for inactivity, and also because I struggle to believe both Shadow and Nark would be in the same faction, no matter how illogical Fircoal's games can be. Do we have actually have proof Nark's town? I think we do somewhere, but currently functioning on 4hrs sleep and 8hrs in the office.

I do agree with jonty that I'd prefer a replacement for Shadow, as that is more likely to give us more information.

Technically, no, there is no proof I am town... Aside from my extremely well-educated promise. :geek:
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby rishaed on Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:57 am

But... but there be another one with 40 phd's how do we know that he isn't town????
And I don't take well educated promises..... not even from those with 40 phd's :ugeek:
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:46 pm

Okay, would definitely like a replacement for Shadow then.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Talapus on Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:42 am

Oh shit...was typing up a following post about replacements for the 3 uber inactives but it deleted my previous post. Doing this from phone maybe wasn't best. Will log on from computer and see if prior message is there but can't see it. Fircoal if you need to mod kill me I understand. Sorry everyone it wasn't intentional.
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vote talapus

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby FloresDelMal on Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:31 am

JamesKer1 wrote:If Doom dies tonight and he is scum, I would fully expect you and everyone else to lynch me in the next day. I would do so myself if I were you. It would be a mistake, but I would completely understand. If he is town, then I would expect my name to be cleared (assuming he dies and that is proven).

poor noob, he proved what i've been saying all along, we must lynch DY for get the most info possible, and shame on you, all of you who BW the obviously confused noob, at least half ppl in his bw are scum on my book.

Anarkistsdream wrote:Vote: jamesker...

A useless cop is a burden. And, even if you were, how do I know you aren't paranoid or insane or naive or some other form? Your play style makes your allegiance a burden. And as I polish my 40 PhDs, I would like to say that you just said you trusted Shadowstar, a noncontributor, over me... After I see your body hanged, I will build a pyre beneath you and watch you burn... Lynch all liars.

Minister Masket wrote:Honestly man, you make my arguments look reasonable by comparison.

Also....Luke Skywalker....really?

Unvote Vote James

FOS anark and FOS masket you both should know better than vote him after his claim, the chu never had a logic or a cohesion when picking names for his roles, except when pokemon is involved, and all the rest are just amusing ways to f*ck with us. Also a clueless noob can always be stirred into the right direction, therefore there is not such thing as a useless cop.

DoomYoshi wrote:Isn't cleared by role paraphrase the same as being cleared by PM quote? If your reasoning is legitimate talapus, then jamesker needs a modkill.

yay win win situation for the scum

safariguy5 wrote:Hold on here, how exactly do you know Shadow is a doc james? You don't have tracker powers and since you claim you didn't use your action, you don't even know that he is town aligned.

*facepalm* because of the 40 phd's

Talapus wrote:The only, and I mean ONLY reason I would consider unvoting you is because this quote is exactly like something Fircoal would write. As you are too new a player to know his style I think it's a damn fine lie if it is a lie. But I see zero reason why Luke Skywalker would be scum. However we also have zero proof that's even a role. I'll buy it for now because I too am a movie character.....though certainly not from star wars. So here is what I'm willing to do, for now: UNVOTE

Tal, can you please tell me from which movie your character comes? of course i am not asking you to claim.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:32 am

Flores, perhaps you didn't notice the fact that he was INSANE.... Which I said before he was modkilled.... To FOS me makes no sense except for the fact that you are skimming. 40 PhDs...
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Fircoal on Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:23 am

Talapus wrote:Oh shit...was typing up a following post about replacements for the 3 uber inactives but it deleted my previous post. Doing this from phone maybe wasn't best. Will log on from computer and see if prior message is there but can't see it. Fircoal if you need to mod kill me I understand. Sorry everyone it wasn't intentional.

I personally saw the post in question. I personally don't like to kill people over accidents. Especially when there are better ways around it. Just make the same post twice. I can verify if it's close enough to the original or not.
Vote: Mandy
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Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby FloresDelMal on Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:42 am

anark, i have not skimmed, actually i took days between posts because i did my reading, an insane cop gets inverse info, so is still useful, if we could have gotten his results we could have pushed for a claim, and from there figure things out, or even if we weren't clever enough for make and educated guess before someone had bitten the dust his actions could still have been useful post-mortem. I do understand that he was annoying as hell, but lynching every annoying little creep out there regardless of his role and faction doesn't make much sense to me.

Sadly the noob is dead, the only thing we can do is look at who was benefiting the most from his BW (the ppl taking the heat off from themselves like DY and his groupies) i have kept my vote on DY all the time and i don't see why i should do otherwise.

Chu you became so wise :shock:
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:00 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:Flores, perhaps you didn't notice the fact that he was INSANE.... Which I said before he was modkilled.... To FOS me makes no sense except for the fact that you are skimming. 40 PhDs...

...Really? So if we Figured out he was Insane, and he had a "Town" result, you consider that useless? :?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:08 pm

TheForgivenOne wrote:
Anarkistsdream wrote:Flores, perhaps you didn't notice the fact that he was INSANE.... Which I said before he was modkilled.... To FOS me makes no sense except for the fact that you are skimming. 40 PhDs...

...Really? So if we Figured out he was Insane, and he had a "Town" result, you consider that useless? :?

Considering he was a blatant and perpetual liar, yes... Not to mention, I have seen insane cops that did not get the opposite response, they literally received a random response...

So, James checks someone out and gets scum, then we lynch that person and they turn up town. Now, the whole next day we have to wonder if James lied or got a false reading. If he got a false reading, why? Was he busdriven, naïve, insane, paranoid? Then, we either 1) lynch him that day, getting the result we already have but with one less townie or 2) assume he is one of the above mentioned cases and wonder how to go about reading his result from the next day...

You guys really aren't thinking about the long term effects that an insane cop would have put us in...

What if he had examined a crook and got town? Now, we believe someone is good and they have days and days to screw with us.

I stand by my decision without a doubt... And my 40PhDs show I should.

However, I am still wanting a vote count, replacements for those the group want replaced, and I want people to actually participate. We still don't know how many scum are on each of the other two groups, and my guess is that most of those actively posting are indeed the scum we hunt for...

And could we get prods on Skoffin and the others who have disappeared..?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:20 pm

El-Frencho Bambino

Minister Masket

Where have they been (nearly) all game?
Iron Butterfly

40 PhDs allowed me to do this.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby new guy1 on Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:43 pm

I dont call it scummarining, I call it college :D. I have been posting all of my thoughts on all the cases, just in one large post like, once a week. I try to make posts in this game, but again, find it difficult when only one or two people dictate the conversation. Anywho,

On -the noob-'s death, I am more or less okay with the fact he died. His posts clouded the conversation and scum hunting, plus he was insane, so I agree with anarkist that it probably would have caused more problems if he lived. I believed his claim because my name is not a pokemon and Im pretty sure their not even real (after a google search), but did not post it as everyone else seemed to think it was strange, and I did not want to throw myself in the same net he was caught in.

I can see Flores' point that DY would have benefited most from the situation, but I would like to throw out there that many people agreed -the noob- was acting scummy, and so he made a viable case. I did not agree with the case on DY before, and with these two points canceling each other out, I must say I will remain neutral there, for now.

As for a case I will vote for, I am going to Unvote???, vote TFO. Though he is on your list of actives, Anark, I find it funny that you would put him there. If you look at all of his posts, only one of them has anything of substance and the rest are just making side jokes/comments. He has added nothing to the game, to a visible point. I wont quote everything he said, you may go look and see for yourself.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:46 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:Scummarining
El-Frencho Bambino

Minister Masket

Where have they been (nearly) all game?
Iron Butterfly

40 PhDs allowed me to do this.

Either you are NOT very smart, or my play has been so good that people don't even know I'm in the game!

new guy1 wrote:I dont call it scummarining, I call it college :D. I have been posting all of my thoughts on all the cases, just in one large post like, once a week. I try to make posts in this game, but again, find it difficult when only one or two people dictate the conversation. Anywho,

On -the noob-'s death, I am more or less okay with the fact he died. His posts clouded the conversation and scum hunting, plus he was insane, so I agree with anarkist that it probably would have caused more problems if he lived. I believed his claim because my name is not a pokemon and Im pretty sure their not even real (after a google search), but did not post it as everyone else seemed to think it was strange, and I did not want to throw myself in the same net he was caught in.

So, now two people have given their partial claims that they are not pokemon characters...anyone else care to add to it?
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Talapus on Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:03 pm

FloresDelMal wrote:Tal, can you please tell me from which movie your character comes? of course i am not asking you to claim.

To my everlasting shame, my character is from the Twilight movies. I actually dropped hints of this earlier and then the thread went on a movies tangent.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (21/27) *Day 2* 100 acc Thunder

Postby Talapus on Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:07 pm

Fircoal wrote:
Talapus wrote:Oh shit...was typing up a following post about replacements for the 3 uber inactives but it deleted my previous post. Doing this from phone maybe wasn't best. Will log on from computer and see if prior message is there but can't see it. Fircoal if you need to mod kill me I understand. Sorry everyone it wasn't intentional.

I personally saw the post in question. I personally don't like to kill people over accidents. Especially when there are better ways around it. Just make the same post twice. I can verify if it's close enough to the original or not.

YAY, thanks ever powerful mod. Ya the issue is weird there are several times lately in last week I log into site but once I click on forums it logs me out and I can't post. It's very frustrating. Been reading up on the issue as others are reporting it, but nothing I have tried, cookies, cache, browser, typing in address works. I just keep trying and sooner or later it logs me on. So logged on through phone and it actually wiped my previous post which is always frustrating. Let me think about it and I'll see if I remember what I had said. It was short I remember that.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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