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A Cino Filled Mafia (2/27) *Game Over*

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Talapus on Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:54 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:Soooo... While we are speaking of duo's causing trouble- How about Talapus as a mafia bus driver and Nark as a mafia doc? They seem to be going after DY for figuring this out!

I'm sorry is this a joke or more of your sarcasm? Because if it is, I missed it. If it's not what possible evidence is there anywhere that there is a mafia busdriver in this game. Because it would have come from the scene.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Minister Masket on Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:59 pm

Minister Masket wrote:People of the game, I think this case is closed.
Yes, I am a back-up cop. Taking over from McSnipe who you lot happened to lynch on Day 2. As my first investigation that night, I suspected Tonka, who you know I was watching for most of Day 2.
Fircoal came back with "Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner".
Naturally, I should have died that night, but I didn't, so thanks to the nurse/back-up doc who saved me. I don't mind if it wasn't on purpose.

So then, shall I break out the shackles?
Or are you gonna go right ahead with the rope?

Found it. Oh dear. Oh deary deary dear. What was I like.
Also found this gem from the same game:

Fircoal wrote:

Victrix Fortuna Sapientia

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby JamesKer1 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:09 pm

Talapus wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:Soooo... While we are speaking of duo's causing trouble- How about Talapus as a mafia bus driver and Nark as a mafia doc? They seem to be going after DY for figuring this out!

I'm sorry is this a joke or more of your sarcasm? Because if it is, I missed it. If it's not what possible evidence is there anywhere that there is a mafia busdriver in this game. Because it would have come from the scene.

I'm dead serious this time. Mandy was part of a sibling set, implying another busdriver of some sort (maybe not hoodlum). Should I have said hoodlum busdriver to make it more clear? Or just anti-town busdriver....

Here, I'll make it official:

EBWOP: In the FOS of Talapus and Nark being mafia, I understand they could be of the other faction. I thought that would be generally understood. But I believe that Talapus is not town for sure (maybe not a busdriver, but that seems to fit nicely compared to other possibilities), and working with Nark (a doc) in some way as the same faction.

More to add on-

You were credited with being correct about Mandy by voting him, but that was sent in the joke vote stage. Either that was really lucky, or you said that to get some suspicion off your back as being connected if it came up later.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Talapus on Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:33 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:
Talapus wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:Soooo... While we are speaking of duo's causing trouble- How about Talapus as a mafia bus driver and Nark as a mafia doc? They seem to be going after DY for figuring this out!

I'm sorry is this a joke or more of your sarcasm? Because if it is, I missed it. If it's not what possible evidence is there anywhere that there is a mafia busdriver in this game. Because it would have come from the scene.

I'm dead serious this time. Mandy was part of a sibling set, implying another busdriver of some sort (maybe not hoodlum). Should I have said hoodlum busdriver to make it more clear? Or just anti-town busdriver....

Here, I'll make it official:

EBWOP: In the FOS of Talapus and Nark being mafia, I understand they could be of the other faction. I thought that would be generally understood. But I believe that Talapus is not town for sure (maybe not a busdriver, but that seems to fit nicely compared to other possibilities), and working with Nark (a doc) in some way as the same faction.

More to add on-

You were credited with being correct about Mandy by voting him, but that was sent in the joke vote stage. Either that was really lucky, or you said that to get some suspicion off your back as being connected if it came up later.

Ok where are you coming up with this theory? I certainly didn't read something in the scene that would make me draw this conclusion. FYI I think it was doom or Ga7 to mention a mafia busdriver first but several of us have debated the likely hood of there even being one. Sadly this role which may not even be in the game has garnered more attention than anything else.

As for the whole mandy thing, I'll fill you in as you're new. Mandy and I have history here with lots of games between us. I always think he's scum and he usually does or hints I must be as well. Not necessarily true, but we just naturally assume. Of course when I was right about it I tooted my own horn and mentioned it. Not to draw attention anywhere but more to just say I was right as I knew he'd read it later. Draw from it what you will but I promise it's a common thread in most games with us. I'm sure others in this game will say the same. Just don't want you wasting energy on something that truly is more an inside joke then anything else.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:50 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:
Talapus wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:Soooo... While we are speaking of duo's causing trouble- How about Talapus as a mafia bus driver and Nark as a mafia doc? They seem to be going after DY for figuring this out!

I'm sorry is this a joke or more of your sarcasm? Because if it is, I missed it. If it's not what possible evidence is there anywhere that there is a mafia busdriver in this game. Because it would have come from the scene.

I'm dead serious this time. Mandy was part of a sibling set, implying another busdriver of some sort (maybe not hoodlum). Should I have said hoodlum busdriver to make it more clear? Or just anti-town busdriver....

Here, I'll make it official:

EBWOP: In the FOS of Talapus and Nark being mafia, I understand they could be of the other faction. I thought that would be generally understood. But I believe that Talapus is not town for sure (maybe not a busdriver, but that seems to fit nicely compared to other possibilities), and working with Nark (a doc) in some way as the same faction.

More to add on-

You were credited with being correct about Mandy by voting him, but that was sent in the joke vote stage. Either that was really lucky, or you said that to get some suspicion off your back as being connected if it came up later.

If you can, try to remember how all the thoughts about why you are voting Talapus fit together. How does mafia busdriver fit? It was a single comment I made on day 1 that has been blown out of proportion.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (??/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:04 pm

Minister Masket wrote:(In all seriousness, is the "Doc with 40 PHD's" thing worth looking into?)

Yes... I have 40 PhDs and so does (if he will frigging play) Shadowstar...

I am town. So my feeling is he would be town... or my scum opposite. ..
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:05 pm

And I am smart... and we are on 53 pages in 2 days.... ahhhh. Just like old times.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby rishaed on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:13 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:
Talapus wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:Soooo... While we are speaking of duo's causing trouble- How about Talapus as a mafia bus driver and Nark as a mafia doc? They seem to be going after DY for figuring this out!

I'm sorry is this a joke or more of your sarcasm? Because if it is, I missed it. If it's not what possible evidence is there anywhere that there is a mafia busdriver in this game. Because it would have come from the scene.

I'm dead serious this time. Mandy was part of a sibling set, implying another busdriver of some sort (maybe not hoodlum). Should I have said hoodlum busdriver to make it more clear? Or just anti-town busdriver....

Here, I'll make it official:

EBWOP: In the FOS of Talapus and Nark being mafia, I understand they could be of the other faction. I thought that would be generally understood. But I believe that Talapus is not town for sure (maybe not a busdriver, but that seems to fit nicely compared to other possibilities), and working with Nark (a doc) in some way as the same faction.
Just b/c hes part of a sibling set does not mean that his sibling was a busdriver.... and where are you suggesting a mafia doc from??!!! I mean just b/c Nark has the 40phd PR does not mean that he is a doc. Enough nonsense, its just not making any sense and is causing confusion in general. Vote James Kerl

More to add on-

You were credited with being correct about Mandy by voting him, but that was sent in the joke vote stage. Either that was really lucky, or you said that to get some suspicion off your back as being connected if it came up later.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby JamesKer1 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:41 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:
JamesKer1 wrote:I'm dead serious this time. Mandy was part of a sibling set, implying another busdriver of some sort (maybe not hoodlum). Should I have said hoodlum busdriver to make it more clear? Or just anti-town busdriver....

Here, I'll make it official:

EBWOP: In the FOS of Talapus and Nark being mafia, I understand they could be of the other faction. I thought that would be generally understood. But I believe that Talapus is not town for sure (maybe not a busdriver, but that seems to fit nicely compared to other possibilities), and working with Nark (a doc) in some way as the same faction.

More to add on-

You were credited with being correct about Mandy by voting him, but that was sent in the joke vote stage. Either that was really lucky, or you said that to get some suspicion off your back as being connected if it came up later.

If you can, try to remember how all the thoughts about why you are voting Talapus fit together. How does mafia busdriver fit? It was a single comment I made on day 1 that has been blown out of proportion.

It fits because of that comment's explosion. Who blew it out of proportion? Talapus and Nark. So naturally, I would think they were guilty of something along the lines.

Rish: I guess it doesn't necessarily mean the sibling is a busdriver, you are right. But I do think it means they are anti town factions at the least. From past games that I've looked at involving this, it is commonplace for Sibling Pairs to be on the same side and lovers to be opposite sides... Also looking at other Fircoal games- PhD= Doc. EVERY TIME. I'd be surprised to see it changed. The scummy bus-driver/sibling that I've accused Tal of is more of a gut feeling, and that's really what I'm going on for his position only- not his alignment.

JamesKer1 wrote:let me know if anything needs clarifying and I will try my hardest. Apparently my English isn't very good and it's my first language... No wonder I can't learn Spanish!

Nark wrote:Other people I think are town include Rishaed, Talapus, and Skoffin and Tailgunner

Let's remember this for later ;)

EDIT: I had originally put that in to relate Nark and Tal for later on before you posted. Your guys' defense of each other along with Tal and Nark doubling up... Well, let's just say that there could be some connections in that quote.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby JamesKer1 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:44 pm

EBWOP- the Edit was written as an addition (a more appropriate word in hindsight) before I had posted. I did not edit that post.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:11 pm

Wait... I am the mafia doc? Yayyyyyyy... I must be... Jamesker goes to SCHOOL, you guys! He's edumacated.... You wanna know what my alliance is? Go read all the original games with me and Mandy and Chu and ga7 and GT (pour obe out for my ni***) and everyone else... Like Wicked... hahahahaha. Anyway, then come back and tell me how I play.... Go on... I will wait.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Fircoal on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:48 am

Argh I am really unlucky in that game. Not only does green get my kill that I should have gotten, but I lose a freaking 12 v 4, and wipe out a grand total of 0 armies.
Vote: Mandy
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Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby shrewstur on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:57 am

FloresDelMal wrote:So i finally got time to post, i did my reading and i am getting a super strong scummy vibe comming from yoshi
DoomYoshi wrote:It's not an official role, it's a role he used before that became somewhat of a running joke.

it is a role known to be used by the chu, and can be either scum, town or both, so i dont like his tone here, it seems that DY wants to distract us of what could be an important lead.

and on top it seems he unwittingly outed his partner

DoomYoshi wrote:Now, I don't like how Neb is buddying up to me.

vote Neb

btw, that outburst was a reaction to this:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:3. Doomyoshi - You are more my style. You type what you think with no filter at all. I sometimes wonder how you stay alive in these games ;) ...but I do agree that Talapus is flooding us with walls of text.

Call me paranoid, but i think that wink reads like "of course you are staying alive, because i am your scum buddy and i am covering your ass"

so i say, Vote DoomYoshi today, and if he turns up scum, vote neb tomorrow ^^

I don't agree with the bold. It does not make sense to me that a mafia player would so overtly (yet unintentionally) out a fellow mafia member like that. Scum does not want everyone else to know who their allies are. If scum saw a fellow mafia member being scrutinized, there's many things they might do: they might argue that someone else should be scrutinized, distract attention to something else, perhaps realize that it's a loss cause and ignore their fellow so as not to get lynched next round through a domino-effect.

Yet for a (hypothetical) scum to be scrutinized (in this case DoomYoshi), and for the fellow scum to say "I like your style! WINK!" (exaggerated paraphrasing)... even in my first ever games playing as scum, I would not think to give such a clear giveaway. This is why I don't believe that a more experienced player, Neb, would do this if both Doom and Neb were mafia. Perhaps one is mafia, perhaps neither. I just don't think both are.

However, I do think a potentially-scummy action would be to align yourself with, and want to gain the favors of, individual members of town. This is why I want to VOTE Neb. Doom responded to Neb's casual compliment with distrust, yet what could have potentially happened was that Doom (in this potential case, a hypothetical town) could have trusted Neb. After the hypothetical-townie begins to trust the mafia, not only might the townie be prone to defend the mafia, but if the townie were to get scrutinized, lynched, and later found out to be town, the scum could then argue, "See? I was right to trust this person."

The previous night, I voted for Doom. I'm changing my mind for Day 2, because I'm reconsidering that scum would not put so much attention to themselves the way Doom has. (I'm fully aware that I've said near-to-nothing and haven't garnered attention.) I'm still really curious to what Doom's role is, and I know lynching him will give a lot of information. But my priorities changed, and I want to see what we can glean from lynching Neb.

Nebuchadnezer my post, it does looking like my lips are glued to doom's butt. It was unintentional. Doom just amuses me sometimes. Just as I'm sure my scummy posting amuses the scum. I am not Doom's buddy, and I would be foolish to paint that picture.

I acknowledge this, and that I may be way off... the only thing I feel really strong about is that the two of you are not mafia buddies.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Fircoal on Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:08 am

Fircoal wrote:Argh I am really unlucky in that game. Not only does green get my kill that I should have gotten, but I lose a freaking 12 v 4, and wipe out a grand total of 0 armies.

Look my proof:
Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:39 am


I read everything as soon as I got home (Midnight) But my eyes are crossing, and all the posts today didn't help. I won't be on tomorrow, but i'll try to put input on Thursday. Quick notes,

James, to me, you seem to be using the same argument. "A is buddying up to B'. Yet you're basically doing the same thing with DY.

That's all my brain can come up with, now i'm goingtosleep*Facepalmintodeskasleep*
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:14 am

I get the impression James is either scum of some kind and needs JCB to help dig his hole quicker, or a terrible townie.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (??/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby FloresDelMal on Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:32 am

Minister Masket wrote:(In all seriousness, is the "Doc with 40 PHD's" thing worth looking into?)

Well sweetheart, if we assume that anark is town then that could make shadowstar scum or third party, which seems to me like a very good target to focus on (after that yoshi and his groupies are dealt with if needed to be ^^)

btw jamesker is getting on my nerves, i am trying to put this gently but sweety, get a clue or get out, you make me cringe.

shrewstur wrote:
FloresDelMal wrote:Call me paranoid, but i think that wink reads like "of course you are staying alive, because i am your scum buddy and i am covering your ass"

so i say, Vote DoomYoshi today, and if he turns up scum, vote neb tomorrow ^^

Yet for a (hypothetical) scum to be scrutinized (in this case DoomYoshi), and for the fellow scum to say "I like your style! WINK!" (exaggerated paraphrasing)... even in my first ever games playing as scum, I would not think to give such a clear giveaway. This is why I don't believe that a more experienced player, Neb, would do this if both Doom and Neb were mafia. Perhaps one is mafia, perhaps neither. I just don't think both are.

Nebuchadnezer my post, it does looking like my lips are glued to doom's butt. It was unintentional. Doom just amuses me sometimes. Just as I'm sure my scummy posting amuses the scum. I am not Doom's buddy, and I would be foolish to paint that picture.

I acknowledge this, and that I may be way off... the only thing I feel really strong about is that the two of you are not mafia buddies.

you seem very naive, all of this seems like desperate attempt to distance themselves after screw up, kinda like WIFOM.

BTW DY plays so bad, and makes such an easy target of himself, that there is always the chance that he might be a jester (actually this argument is valid for neb and james too) and if i remember well the game does not end when a jester wins, so i see no bad on lynching him, jesters are a PITA, the sooner they are gone the better.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:08 am

Wait, let me get this straight james, I'm laying low? How is that possible when I'm pretty sure I've had more posts than Illy, shadow and probably exile? I know it's tough to get a post in edgewise between tal and DY, but really, I would hardly say I'm just sort of skating through.

Also, why would you automatically assume nark is mafia doc? I see zero justification or evidence that he is besides this apparent buddying of his. If anything, I see your accusation as straight tunnel vision on nark with no proof.

unvote vote jamesker
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (??/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:10 am

FloresDelMal wrote:So i finally got time to post, i did my reading and i am getting a super strong scummy vibe comming from yoshi
DoomYoshi wrote:It's not an official role, it's a role he used before that became somewhat of a running joke.

it is a role known to be used by the chu, and can be either scum, town or both, so i dont like his tone here, it seems that DY wants to distract us of what could be an important lead.

and on top it seems he unwittingly outed his partner

DoomYoshi wrote:Now, I don't like how Neb is buddying up to me.

vote Neb

btw, that outburst was a reaction to this:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:3. Doomyoshi - You are more my style. You type what you think with no filter at all. I sometimes wonder how you stay alive in these games ;) ...but I do agree that Talapus is flooding us with walls of text.

Call me paranoid, but i think that wink reads like "of course you are staying alive, because i am your scum buddy and i am covering your ass"

so i say, Vote DoomYoshi today, and if he turns up scum, vote neb tomorrow ^^

on other note
safariguy5 wrote:"Zombies/creepy cute"? Are you talking about Warm Bodies? What I don't understand is how anyone can actually believe zombies aren't trying to kill you. Every single zombie movie/tv show/game has them trying to kill you, it's been pretty well hardwired that you kill/run from zombies, not blindly follow them. At least vampires can talk and/or seduce you, why wouldn't the girl just straight run away from the zombie whenever she could?

Actually i havent watch warm bodies, so not spoilers please ^^ i was referring to classics like zombie honeymoon, fido, etc. there are plenty of zom-rom films out there, and i am a sucker for them :lol:

Warm Bodies would be right up your alley. Never saw it, but it sounds just like what you'd be interested in.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (??/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby FloresDelMal on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:11 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Warm Bodies would be right up your alley. Never saw it, but it sounds just like what you'd be interested in.

i'll be sure to watch it with the frenchy in our next movie night date ^^ thanks for the tip
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby jonty125 on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:33 pm

vote James I would disagree with 3 out of the 4 on his list of lurkers, and I think he his claim that Tal is mafia busdriver and nark is mafia doc is absurd, particularly on the amount of certainty he is making his claims with.

Dead List wrote:7 Mandy*^ - (Hoodlum Busdriver / Siblings - Skip Scruffy*) - Nightkilled Night 1
can somebody please explain how this is NOT evidence there WAS (past tense) a mafia busdriver. Of course Mandy's sibling could be another BD (alignment ... anything (actually probably pro-town if they are a true sibiling but then again if they are a true sibling they will probably die soon so the speculation might be short lived))

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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:42 pm

As others have said, the apparent tunneling, certainty and general attitude coming across from James is suspicious. Vote James.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby The1exile on Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:11 pm

I don't have much time to post and don't wish to remove my vote from doomy just yet but agree that James and Neb are decent candidates as well. Also suspicious of Shrew's submarining + connection to nark. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the 40 phd thing was a hidden power/quack role on both sides.

I'll try and post more tomorrow evening.
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:30 pm

Jamesker had me on some of his points, but he has subsequently gone off the deep end with actually calling out roles.

vote Jamesker
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Re: A Cino Filled Mafia (22/27) *Day 2* It's mourning

Postby Talapus on Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:07 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:If you can, try to remember how all the thoughts about why you are voting Talapus fit together. How does mafia busdriver fit? It was a single comment I made on day 1 that has been blown out of proportion.

It fits because of that comment's explosion. Who blew it out of proportion? Talapus and Nark. So naturally, I would think they were guilty of something along the lines.

Rish: I guess it doesn't necessarily mean the sibling is a busdriver, you are right. But I do think it means they are anti town factions at the least. From past games that I've looked at involving this, it is commonplace for Sibling Pairs to be on the same side and lovers to be opposite sides... Also looking at other Fircoal games- PhD= Doc. EVERY TIME. I'd be surprised to see it changed. The scummy bus-driver/sibling that I've accused Tal of is more of a gut feeling, and that's really what I'm going on for his position only- not his alignment.

Wow I ask for proof from the night scene that this may be the case but this is all you have....a gut feeling? Look man I am willing to overlook a lot of things you've done so far in the game, I get it you are new. I would even get it if you said you had a gut feeling Mandy or Firocal are scum because in Chu's case you would be right :D . But seriously man, it's day 2 and you expect us to believe you have pinpointed the exact roles of certain players on a gut feeling? If there was evidence in the scene, had you investigated or followed someone last night and got compelling evidence, had you recieved someone elses PM by accident and seen their role, or had you hacked fircoal's account and see all the sent roles(True story, people have hacked before), then those would be legit reason to claim someone elses role. But you have none of that. Enough said.

As for the "comments explosion" you mention I love that nark and I are mentioned yet I'm pretty sure it was Doom and I that had much to say about most that as well and nark not so much. I find it odd you didn't mention him.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Corporal Talapus
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