Raskholnikov wrote:nolefan5311 wrote:As far as bonuses are concerned:
Middle East can probably be increased to at least 4 and Russia can probably be increased by 1 or 2.
ME is very easily defendable (two boundaries). Increasing the bonus could create an unfair advantage for someone who could quickly consolidate it.
Russia already gives the highest bonus among active starting regions. We could increase it to 7 though...
the map is supposed to be about oil mastery, but the balance of oil wealth seems to have changed by too much to be credible, especially since saudi arabia has only 1 region while similarly-sized iran and turkey have 6 each. give more weight to the middle east by adding more regions and refineries. i suggest jeddah (saudi arabia's second city), dammam (saudi arabia's oil capital), doha (the capital of qatar, possibly the most influential small country in the world), dubai (the biggest port in the middle east) and kuwait (having the third largest oil reserves in the middle east, the reason that it was conquered by iraq and therefore a very strange omission). of course, the bonus will need to increase.
Raskholnikov wrote:nolefan5311 wrote:Kazakhstan needs to be decreased by at least 3. The spreadsheet indicates it should be a +9.
Central Asia needs to be reduced to a +5.
The entire goal of the game is not to have players just consolidate a region and play defensively, but invade Central Asia and take control of tankers / refineries there as well as prevent others from consolidating either Kasakhstan or Central Asia. The way to achieve this is to mark up the bonuses for both . But, if everyone insists, they could go down to 10/5.
while central asia has a huge bonus for only 4 regions, kazakhstan has a similar central location but so many regions that it is virtually impossible to hold and therefore most sensible players will avoid attempting this bonus, which is surely not the intention. in an optimistic future, it's possible to see kazakhstan with almost as much wealth and influence as, say, iran or saudi arabia currently have, but certainly not more. a sensible number of regions is therefore 4 or 5, given that it has no natural defensive barriers, but a bonus that is high enough to encourage players to develop this area.
ngari and nagqu can logically disappear and be merged with lhasa, since they are only small, unimportant towns with no significant industry, no oil reserves and no particular reason to feature on this map. similarly, herat and kandahar can disappear and be merged with kabul. incidentally, why have u stopped kabul from having a border with aksu?
this is an ambitious map that is accurate in some of the small details. however, i wonder whether u're trying to do too much with the map, by including local conflicts such as the caucasus, arunachal and kashmir. if u made tblisi and yerevan unplayable, then u'd have more sorely-needed space for the legend. +3 extra for kashmir is also a bit excessive on an oil conflict map for a single region of little strategic importance that has no oil.
what can the US 5th fleet actually bombard? it's confusing to have a bombard line that includes some of the caspian sea tankers, at the same time as the legend says that the bombard range is the indian ocean and kashmir.
Raskholnikov wrote:The uprisings and terrorists will be part of the freely distributed territories at the start, which will now number 63.
why not start the uprisings as n1 neutrals, as implied by the latest version, to avoid players from suffering too much if allocated many uprisings at the start? if all of the above are done, then i think the starting locations will total 52 or 53, which are golden numbers.