by jdean1 on Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:23 pm
In honor of the approaching MLS(Major League Soccer) Playoffs here is a tournament! Choose a team and win that conference!
THE WINNER IS bahrain!!!!! Playing as D.C. United.
Format: The Eastern Conference will hold one large game with all 9 players. The winner advances to the Semi's and the 2nd and 3rd advance to the Play-In Game. The Western Conference will be randomly placed into a team of 3 and a 9-player triples game will be played. The winning triples team has a game against themselves. The winner of this second game advances to the Semi's and 2nd and 3rd advance to the Play-In Game. All 4 players in the playoff game play for 1st and 2nd. These two advance into the playoffs which are single elimination. Winner takes the MLS CC Cup!
Settings are the standard CC settings(ones that automatically come up when starting a game), and map is Route 66 for first section. USA for Playoffs.
Last edited by
jdean1 on Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:57 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is cool.