Concise description:
Currently, new armies can be deployed anywhere independently of where they were generated. An extreme example is if a player in World 2.1 has Europe and a single territory in Australia. All the reinforcements come from Europe, however the player can deploy all of them in Australia, which defies logic.
With this setting armies would be deployed only in the region that originated them. In the example above, Europe would be able to deploy all the armies and the single Australian territory would be able to deploy only 3 troops.
The armies that get generated in a zone can only be deployed at that zone or at a zone that is connected to it.
Before the deploy phase, divide the player's territories in connected areas. Each connected area can only deploy the armies generated in that area (region bonuses) plus the territory armies also generated in that area (that's usually a minimum of 3 in most maps, but can change depending on the map).
In maps with unconnected bonuses, each territory belonging to that bonus counts as the whole bonus in terms of calculating maximum deployment. As an example, if you have 7 gang members in Prison Riot, each connected area containing one or more of those 7 members adds +4 to its maximum deployment.
Spoil armies are not affected by this rule, as they don't come from land.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- Will make for more strategic games, as the element of land connection becomes important not only for the reinforcement phase, but also for the deploy phase.