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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby rishaed on Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:12 pm

rishaed wrote:
strike wolf wrote:Either way I am personally inclined to trust the claim

After consideration it is a useful role to have, however with the cult leader still in the open it could turn very nasty if either A. Gregwolf was recruited B. Aage gets recruited in the night. We need some form of check to make sure that aage does not get recruited in the night. A busdriver possibly? Either that or we hit the cult recruiter tonight by chance... That would be very fortunate....

Also I forgot unvote
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Rodion on Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:48 pm

Let's try to narrow the pool on who the possible recruiter is.

I'll make comments regarding some players as I go through the list. The final list assumes we can trust all claims (and consequently the final list could be wrong, but it should be pretty accurate imo). Also note I'm looking for the recruiter, so when I say someone is unlikely to be the recruiter it doesn't mean I'm also saying he is unlikely to be mafia.

19 players
4 dead
15 remain

What could go wrong?

NG could be the recruiter. Flavour mentioned he was a man, but it also said nobody could tell what the man was. Unlikely, but possible.

15 players
14 remain

What could go wrong?

Nothing. Yoshi is flavour-confirmed LG.

14 players
13 remain

What could go wrong?

Safari never flipped "Mason", so it could all be part of an elaborate ploy to clear MoB as the recruiter. Still unlikely, though.

13 players
Aage and TFO
11 remain

What could go wrong?

Aage and TFO could be in this together, falsely confirming one another as roleblocker/roleblocked. However, they would only have time to script this if they both started as the cult. Again unlikely.

11 players
10 remain

What could go wrong?

A lot, actually. There is nothing that currently confirms Greg as a watcher. He did, however, give a very risky claim: he can be forced to claim his target anytime, which leads to a decent risk of being counterclaimed. That is to say a recruiter could fakeclaim several options that are less risky than watcher, which again leads me to think he is unlikely to be the recruiter.

10 remaining players are:

edocsil wrote:1. Rodion
3. skillfusniper33
4. strike wolf
5. dazza2008
7. StubbsKVM
10. Epitaph1
11. Commander9
16. rishaed
17. Nebuchadnezer
19. anamainiacks

Unfortunately, this is where I stop (at least for now). Based on what I read so far, Stubbs is the only case I COULD follow, but then someone said that is how he usually plays (I think it was Sniper), which nulltells the points SW had brought against him.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:15 am

Let's just vote off that list based on activity then.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:39 am

DoomYoshi wrote:Let's just vote off that list based on activity then.

I agree. I still favour a Stubbs lynch. Always have.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Epitaph1 on Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:45 am

Seeing how no one has counterclaimed Aage, his claim checks out (or at least his action last night). Can a jailer prevent a recruitment as well? That would be super handy (and not weak).

Is there an efficient way to count the number of posts individuals have made? I was going to start counting posts manually, but that's more time than I'd like to spend if there is a better way.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:10 am

So, if we believe that we have, what, 3-4 mafia (evil aligned) players and 1 recruiter in that group, it gives us a pretty good chance at finding one of the Evil aligned players. From that list, nobody sticks out that I would point to and say, "Ha! He is clearly playing scummy!"

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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:27 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:So, if we believe that we have, what, 3-4 mafia (evil aligned) players and 1 recruiter in that group, it gives us a pretty good chance at finding one of the Evil aligned players. From that list, nobody sticks out that I would point to and say, "Ha! He is clearly playing scummy!"


Agree with pretty much everything said here. Unvote.

I'll try and do a post count if I'm free later on and nobody has done it yet, but for now here's the recap:

1. gregwolf121 ~ Elian Duskwalker ~ Watcher ~ Good/Neutral Elf Ranger
2. MoB Deadly ~ ??? ~ Mason with safariguy5 ~ ???/??? - DoomYoshi must be dead for him to win
3. DoomYoshi ~ Davmorn Loyalar ~ at least 1 DK ~ Good/Lawful ??? Paladin
4. TheForgivenOne - Roleblocked N1
5. aage ~ Elben Songsteel ~ Jailkeeper ~ Good/Neutral Goliath Fighter - Jailed TFO N1

1. betiko ~ Nerisella Rubymace ~ Cop ~ Good/Neutral Dwarf Rogue - Modkilled D1
2. jonty125 ~ Jamorin Lightouch ~ JOAT ~ Neutral/Chaotic Gnome Rogue (claimed Neutral/Lawful Gnome Regional Traveler) - Lynched D1
3. new guy1 ~ Yenhand Silverkin ~ ???/??? - NKed N1
4. safariguy5 ~ Iangeon Swordhand ~ JOAT (2 BP vests, NK, track, investigate); Mason with MoB Deadly ~ Neutral/Chaotic Half-Elf Ranger - DKed by Davmorn Loyalar D2
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Rodion on Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:40 am

Epitaph1 wrote:Seeing how no one has counterclaimed Aage, his claim checks out (or at least his action last night). Can a jailer prevent a recruitment as well? That would be super handy (and not weak).

Is there an efficient way to count the number of posts individuals have made? I was going to start counting posts manually, but that's more time than I'd like to spend if there is a better way.

1 - Through blocking the recruiter, yes. Through protecting the recruitee, no (just like a doctor, standard JKs only save from NKs).

2 - You can sort posts by author, which makes counting easier. But I don't like sheer post ammount as an indicative of activity (do we tally jokevotes? How about one-liners? Are bigger posts worth 2? Do EBWOPs count? What about unvote-only posts?).
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:03 am

Rodion wrote:
Epitaph1 wrote:Seeing how no one has counterclaimed Aage, his claim checks out (or at least his action last night). Can a jailer prevent a recruitment as well? That would be super handy (and not weak).

Is there an efficient way to count the number of posts individuals have made? I was going to start counting posts manually, but that's more time than I'd like to spend if there is a better way.

1 - Through blocking the recruiter, yes. Through protecting the recruitee, no (just like a doctor, standard JKs only save from NKs).

Yep. And that's why it's a bad role. If I want to use the block because I think someone is a threat, that person will also be protected. If I want to protect someone because I think they are a town PR, I'm also blocking that person rendering the PR useless.

Since nobody seems to be able to do anything but unvote, I will vote Stubbs.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:26 pm

Gut feeling - I don't believe Aage is good/neutral

however - taking feeling out and thinking logically........
The game is still early, I don't think we should lynch him today. I think we should let his future actions decide his fate.

Blocking TFO could be town or mafia, but sides had some suspicions about TFO.
I really don't like how he just transitions to Stubbs, who we put on a silver platter as our most likely lynch target.

We have had a ton of claims on Day 2.
Safari claimed - and killed.
MoB - half claimed
DY - half claimed -
Aage - claimed.

Can we really afford another claim?

I think the logical decision would be to lynch either myself or DoomYoshi unless people didn't want to wait keeping Aage to prove his alignment.

I know this puts me at the top of the list for lynch, but honestly I think this is the best move for town. Going after stubbs I think will just reveal another role for town. But then again, he isn't contributing a whole lot anyway.....

I really don't know... but I think we need to talk about our options before we just jump on another wagon so quickly. I guess I am willing to vote for DY, Aage, or Stubbs, but I am not happy about any of them :-/
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:27 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:Gut feeling - I don't believe Aage is good/neutral

however - taking feeling out and thinking logically........
The game is still early, I don't think we should lynch him today. I think we should let his future actions decide his fate.

Blocking TFO could be town or mafia, but sides had some suspicions about TFO.
I really don't like how he just transitions to Stubbs, who we put on a silver platter as our most likely lynch target. - Next to pressure

We have had a ton of claims on Day 2.
Safari claimed - and killed.
MoB - half claimed
DY - half claimed -
Aage - claimed.

Can we really afford another claim?

I think the logical decision would be to lynch either myself or DoomYoshi unless people didn't want to wait keeping Aage to prove his alignment.

I know this puts me at the top of the list for lynch, but honestly I think this is the best move for town. Going after stubbs I think will just reveal another role for town. But then again, he isn't contributing a whole lot anyway.....

I really don't know... but I think we need to talk about our options before we just jump on another wagon so quickly. I guess I am willing to vote for DY, Aage, or Stubbs, but I am not happy about any of them :-/

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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:16 pm

You think my actions are strange and yet feel you should vote for DY? That is odd.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:21 pm

I have to be dead for him to win.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:48 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:I have to be dead for him to win.

Good point, forgot about that. In that case, never mind.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:53 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:I have to be dead for him to win.

Not only that, but your actions so far in this game have seemed to be for individual gain, not for the greater good of town. But then again we have disagreed on many things so far this game so maybe you speculate this game will play out much differently than I believe it will.

I hope the comment edoc made changed things a little for you.

But I am a little scared about what you foreshadowed about the "other aspects of your role". I fear if I do not kill you then you will be killing me tomorrow Daytime, but if that happens I will accept it. I am not going to kill you unless I am forced to.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:54 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:Not only that, but your actions so far in this game have seemed to be for individual gain, not for the greater good of town.

This argument nearly got me lynched so I doubt bringing it up will help.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby strike wolf on Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:40 pm

Doom/mob. Not really tempting. Pretty much one of them or both of them are going to be killed within the next couple of days anyways. I mean even Mob's "I'm not going to kill him" could be a ploy to get any doctors who might want to protect doom away though I think he's genuine enough about that at the moment. Meanwhile Doom will probably daykill him first chance he gets regardless if the rest of us agree on it being the best course of action or not.

As far as stubbs, I did let that case slide when Skill made the comment about that being his normal game play but I am not against lynching him either.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:25 pm

Okay, more recap to see if I can add a different angle to help us out here...

anamainiacks wrote:Agree with pretty much everything said here. Unvote.

I'll try and do a post count if I'm free later on and nobody has done it yet, but for now here's the recap:

1. gregwolf121 ~ Elian Duskwalker ~ Watcher ~ Good/Neutral Elf Ranger
2. MoB Deadly ~ ??? ~ Mason with safariguy5 ~ ???/??? - DoomYoshi must be dead for him to win
3. DoomYoshi ~ Davmorn Loyalar ~ at least 1 DK ~ Good/Lawful ??? Paladin
4. TheForgivenOne - Roleblocked N1
5. aage ~ Elben Songsteel ~ Jailkeeper ~ Good/Neutral Goliath Fighter - Jailed TFO N1

1. betiko ~ Nerisella Rubymace ~ Cop ~ Good/Neutral Dwarf Rogue - Modkilled D1
2. jonty125 ~ Jamorin Lightouch ~ JOAT ~ Neutral/Chaotic Gnome Rogue (claimed Neutral/Lawful Gnome Regional Traveler) - Lynched D1
3. new guy1 ~ Yenhand Silverkin ~ ???/??? - NKed N1
4. safariguy5 ~ Iangeon Swordhand ~ JOAT (2 BP vests, NK, track, investigate); Mason with MoB Deadly ~
Neutral/Chaotic Half-Elf Ranger - DKed by Davmorn Loyalar D2

My thoughts on those "claimed"/living:
1. Gregwolf - Seems like a good claim, but got no results yesterday to back up his claim.
2. MoB - Has not actually claimed. We all assume Neutral/Chaotic as he was claimed to be masoned with Safariguy. However, there are no facts posted that verify mason...just some assumptions.
3. Doom - His claim is pretty solid...except that he has a hidden secret yet to be revealed.
4. TFO - Unclaimed. Gave D1 info on cult. Also claimed he was blocked N1...confirmed block by aage.
5. Aage - I've checked Goliath fighter out where I could. I read a lot of smash-n-bash about them. That didn't sit well with Jailkeeper...though I have found that their special move is a "knock-back"...perhaps this translates to keeping actions away while keeping the target defended?

Now on to "un-claimed"

Rodion wrote:10 remaining players are:

edocsil wrote:1. Rodion
3. skillfusniper33
4. strike wolf
5. dazza2008
7. StubbsKVM
10. Epitaph1
11. Commander9
16. rishaed
17. Nebuchadnezer
19. anamainiacks

Of this group, Stubbs is catching the most flack. Looking back at his posts, he was quite a waffler on D1. Vote Jonty, Unvote, Vote No Lynch, Vote Jonty. His saving grace is that he did not vote MoB. Overall, his contributions have been lacking (I don't put a lot in his meta...has he been here long enough to have formed a 'meta'?)

I don't have a real read on the others in the list...a lot of people playing it pretty close to the vest...

Conclusion: We only have 3 actual claims out there, with 2 hints at town aligned power roles. I'm good with getting another claim...from Stubbs. I would also be willing to test Aage's claim. Sure, he could be jailkeeper. The Goliath race just doesn't seem to fit so well with our other claimed neutral/??? races (elf, half-elf, dwarf, gnome). I could see him as mafia jailkeeper, mafia roleblocker, or mafia JOAT of some sort.

I will go ahead and VOTE STUBBS Let's see if we can figure out why he's lurking about this game. I'm also still open to discussion on aage's claim. Was everyone really "oh, good claim!" or were you more "Um...I guess it makes sense...what's a Goliath?"
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby strike wolf on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:01 pm

? I know i just posted a comment...what happened to it?
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:09 pm

strike wolf wrote:? I know i just posted a comment...what happened to it?

Above my post? ^
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby strike wolf on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:15 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:
strike wolf wrote:? I know i just posted a comment...what happened to it?

Above my post? ^

Not that one. Mine had to do with why it's difficult to prove a jailkeeper role. Or at least inconvenient.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby skillfusniper33 on Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:13 am

strike wolf wrote:Doom/mob. Not really tempting. Pretty much one of them or both of them are going to be killed within the next couple of days anyways. I mean even Mob's "I'm not going to kill him" could be a ploy to get any doctors who might want to protect doom away though I think he's genuine enough about that at the moment. Meanwhile Doom will probably daykill him first chance he gets regardless if the rest of us agree on it being the best course of action or not.

As far as stubbs, I did let that case slide when Skill made the comment about that being his normal game play but I am not against lynching him either.

I agree that I wouldn't mind pressuring stubbs even though he plays the way he has. Now I thought it may have been early in his career with mafia since I was away for a while. But since everyone else says he has been around he should have picked up a better way to play the meta then his current strategy.

Unvote, Vote Stubbs
- I don't see the harm of getting one more claim out for the day.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby aage on Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:11 am

strike wolf wrote:
Nebuchadnezer wrote:
strike wolf wrote:? I know i just posted a comment...what happened to it?

Above my post? ^

Not that one. Mine had to do with why it's difficult to prove a jailkeeper role. Or at least inconvenient.

With the cultist out there it's certainly difficult to prove it indisputably.

I could jail someone and then we could lynch that person next turn. That would prove my not being cult leader... although the cult leader may then convert that person just to frame me.

On my race, I actually thought Goliath jailer made sense in a way. They're somewhat related to giants so they'd be strong, and live in caves iirc. It wouldn't be hard to grab someone and drag them along to said cave.
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:34 am

I'm reading wikipedia on goliaths right now. . .jailkeeper doesn't seem like a natural role for such a character. But I don't know how much to read into the race description, especially since this is the first I'm reading about any of the DnD races. The neutral designation seems appropriate, I cannot tell about the good. It's kind of a stretch, but not enough for me to put the pedal to the metal against Aage.


MoB mentioned that we've had a lot of claims today but for some reason it doesn't feel like it. Saf is the only full claim, although he could have taken part of his role to the grave. DY and Aage claimed enough, but not entirely. And MoB didnt really claim, we just know he was connected to Saf in some way--Saf who hopped on the train to lynch MoB on D1--and has a kill.

That said, I don't think MoB's play warrants any more pressure--we know him and DY are at odds, so that's enough for now. Stubbs, on the other hand, has contributed the least this game and has been a ghost as of late. He admitted he's been absent on Monday and vowed to catch up when he had some time. Idk how much more time to give him to make a 2 line response.

unvote Vote Stubbs
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Re: [Official] D&D Mafia ~ D2 ~ 16/19

Postby MoB Deadly on Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:58 am

unvote vote Stubbs

Okay I am on board for a claim from an inactive/lurker.

Yeah it is still early to tell if Aage is telling the truth or not. I feel like we will know based on future actions.
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