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[CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 46-15 of 61 - TOFU Wins! - Final: 10/29

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby josko.ri on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:02 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Sorry, I should have used the acronym CORT and not KORT - then you wouldn't be so offended and make nonsense accusations based on your very poor interpretation of what was said.

I should also call you COFU (Chariot of Fire Union) and not TOFU as it is obvious that CoF has evry say on every move in your clan. Truth of this statement will be proven in link at he end of this post.

Chariot of Fire wrote:
At first, it is interesting to notice how TOFU members are bragging about themselves how they are ultra-fair group of people. It sounds to me like a person who just gave charity and then is going around and saying "Hello everybody, look at me, I gave charity today, I am so good person". :lol: I tell that because it was TOFU member (2 of them) who first announced information about their "ultra fair" decision. It was not TO nor DYN member who first announced the decision but it was TOFU members bragging about themselves, just like in my presented example about person who just gave charity.

I think you need to look up the definition of 'bragging', because I don't see anybody having written "Look how great we are" or anything similar. I know you think we are great, so maybe that is why you are confused and cannot make the distinction between a message of goodwill and congratulations from one that says how wonderful we are. For a good example of bragging you could learn from this in Game 13140187

2013-09-05 20:16:51 - josko.ri: Yup, I am ready to drop it, however there are alpha strategists that come here telling me about who wins in unlimited games, lol. It is like I am telling to Usain Bolt how to run fast.

Comparing one's CC knowledge to Usain Bolt's THAT is bragging!

karel showed bad fair play towards us so I also showed bad fair play towards him by my comments. That is how I am, be fair to me and I will be double fair back to you, be unfair and jerk to me and I will also show bad fair play back to you. So the bragging comment is showing bad fair play and disrespect back to the ones who showed bad fair play towards my clan. Similar happened with our decision in war vs TOFU, it was shown extremely bad fair play from TOFU to us, so we did not show better fair play towards them at the end. That is just my principle of life, treat others how they treat you, and you can consider that principle as bad if you want. Nobody is perfect, so nor am I.

Chariot of Fire wrote:Thank you for your recent (off-topic) remarks which help substantiate the kind of person you truly are.

Since you presented here my actions from game that has nothing to do nor with TOFU-DYN war and not even with CC4 (the game is from CL5), then I also have equal right to present your actions from games that has nothing to do with this war.

Anyone interested can from this thread see what kind of person you are, as you are questioning what kind of person am I:

With being totally aware that what you are doing is against rules {for me the most hilarious were comments Iron Maid [team]: we cannot risk against Josko to play under another flag; 2012-05-28 22:56:44 - Chariot of Fire [team]: agree. there are 2 ways. 1. Write it all out for Barry (I thought Chuck was handling this game) or 2. Let me log in and you change the flag back again}.
You remind me to Lance Armstrong, he was also using the most proficient ways of cheating in order to never be caught, and he was also revealed by his own teammate. But there is one big difference, he was winning while he was cheating, while you were still losing your CL4 matches where you cheated :lol:
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:03 am

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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby betiko on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:16 am

In other news;

Epic win on Feudal Epic! down 3v2 players all game! We used my suggestion of french strategy, throw cows ( :P thanks josko ) at the enemy!!!!
Game 13143012

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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Arama86n on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:18 am

A post could be made comparing the CC1, CC3, and CC4 situations regarding how utterly ridiculous such a comparison is... but honestly, this whole subject is so beaten to death that it's just boring.

Dear mods. Instead of locking our thread, perhaps it is just one person that needs a reprimand or forum ban?
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby josko.ri on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:23 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:
p.s. Your post reported for baiting/trolling. Get out of our threads you stalking fruitcake.

If anyone is troll here it is you as you start all off-topic accusations. What I am doing is just reply to your off-topic accusations on the same way as you are making them:

1. You started speak about what happened in ToFU-KoRT past war that has nothing to do with this challenge. I just replied on the same way, spoke what happened in another ToFU-KoRT war.

2. You started to call my clan by abusive name CORT. I replied calling your clan COFU.

3. You started to bring here some game not related nor to this thread nor to any issue from KoRT and ToFU, all in order to try present me as bad person. So did I, quoted thread which without any doubt says which kind of person you are in your essence.

As conclusion, if someone is troll who brings here off-topic themes and accusations, that are you my friend, I am just replying on the same way as I am receiving. ;)
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:24 am

Shannon Apple wrote:You know what? Josko, I'd ignore him. I think CoF's motivation in bringing up Kort was just to rile you up because he knows how much you will defend Kort's honour.

That said, most of TOFU that I know are really cool people, and I am sure outside of CC, CoF is not the asshole that he presents himself as here (I hope not at least). There's always one or two in every group that like to sling mud, twist facts and cause problems for others. Not cool guys!

Said my piece. Cya! :)

Thanks Shannon. I'm really not such a bad sort (or sport). I'm really just here for the games and the craic. There was no deliberation on my part to wind anyone up from your side (esp Jockstrap) given this is a TOFU-DYN thread where the banter really belongs between those two clans and no other. The 21 game mistake by a Dynasty member happened to quite topical as it was something that once happened to me, therefore it was worthy of mention lest people forget.

You weren't in the clan then, as weren't a few of your other current and very decent members. I see you as someone that would baulk at imposing a 21 game forfeit for a mistaken game, but then you're maybe not full of yourself or hell-bent on winning at all costs. You too are here for the camaraderie, the challenge mentioned...the craic. You're all right.
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby betiko on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:28 am

josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:
p.s. Your post reported for baiting/trolling. Get out of our threads you stalking fruitcake.

If anyone is troll here it is you as you start all off-topic accusations. What I am doing is just reply to your off-topic accusations on the same way as you are making them:

1. You started speak about what happened in ToFU-KoRT past war that has nothing to do with this challenge. I just replied on the same way, spoke what happened in another ToFU-KoRT war.

2. You started to call my clan by abusive name CORT. I replied calling your clan COFU.

3. You started to bring here some game not related nor to this thread nor to any issue from KoRT and ToFU, all in order to try present me as bad person. So did I, quoted thread which without any doubt says which kind of person you are in your essence.

As conclusion, if someone is troll who brings here off-topic themes and accusations, that are you my friend, I am just replying on the same way as I am receiving. ;)

i think we re all big boys and we know when a conversation's over. it's back about discussing TOFU vs DYN games now, thanks!
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby josko.ri on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:33 am

betiko wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:
p.s. Your post reported for baiting/trolling. Get out of our threads you stalking fruitcake.

If anyone is troll here it is you as you start all off-topic accusations. What I am doing is just reply to your off-topic accusations on the same way as you are making them:

1. You started speak about what happened in ToFU-KoRT past war that has nothing to do with this challenge. I just replied on the same way, spoke what happened in another ToFU-KoRT war.

2. You started to call my clan by abusive name CORT. I replied calling your clan COFU.

3. You started to bring here some game not related nor to this thread nor to any issue from KoRT and ToFU, all in order to try present me as bad person. So did I, quoted thread which without any doubt says which kind of person you are in your essence.

As conclusion, if someone is troll who brings here off-topic themes and accusations, that are you my friend, I am just replying on the same way as I am receiving. ;)

i think we re all big boys and we know when a conversation's over. it's back about discussing TOFU vs DYN games now, thanks!

As CoF did not again come with new and new accusations in his post, I hope it will stay like so. Gl to both clans and have fun in games!
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Dako on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:37 am

josko.ri wrote:As CoF did not again come with new and new accusations in his post, I hope it will stay like so. Gl to both clans and have fun in games!

Good luck wrapping you TFFS games josko. We will see you in the finals ;).
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:57 am

josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:
p.s. Your post reported for baiting/trolling. Get out of our threads you stalking fruitcake.

If anyone is troll here it is you as you start all off-topic accusations. What I am doing is just reply to your off-topic accusations on the same way as you are making them:

1. You started speak about what happened in ToFU-KoRT past war that has nothing to do with this challenge. I just replied on the same way, spoke what happened in another ToFU-KoRT war.

2. You started to call my clan by abusive name CORT. I replied calling your clan COFU.

3. You started to bring here some game not related nor to this thread nor to any issue from KoRT and ToFU, all in order to try present me as bad person. So did I, quoted thread which without any doubt says which kind of person you are in your essence.

As conclusion, if someone is troll who brings here off-topic themes and accusations, that are you my friend, I am just replying on the same way as I am receiving. ;)

You are a numbskull with the most flawed logic I have ever had the misfortune to try and refute. Re your points:

1. I spoke of a similar circumstance wherein a player had joined 21 games. It was topical, unlike much of your diatribe.

2. What is wrong with the name CORT? Tell me Josko, what does it mean? If I talk about CORT then I'm not talking about KORT am I. Next you'll be getting offended if I talk about JusGo. As for your reply of COFU...well that's just hilarious. Nowadays I'm very laid-back and don't get involved in many games at all. You on the other hand have to be consulted on every move (as your wall posts attest - 529 pages of them)

3. Again it was relative. You came on here, to this thread not concerning you or your clan, and started making accusations that Doc and I were 'bragging' about giving Dynasty a reprieve. Being the educator that I am I simply pointed you towards what true bragging is. You're quite the master.

Finally, if the best you can do is dredge-up some old C&A report because I sat for others in games where one of our players had gone AWOL then I'm truly sorry for you. The huge difference you see is that I personally didn't stand to gain an advantage by covering for others - I was merely doing a favour due to the absence of the key player in those games. Now you on the other hand.....just how many times do you put a low-ranked team mate into your games (Moonchild) and then cover most of his opening moves in Unlimited Forts games?

Hmmm, I have a bit of time on my hands. I think I might just do a thorough check and list the dozens (probably running into 100s) of games/turns where you've entered an absent or unavailable player and profited from both his rank and your uncanny ability to cover his turns.

Now kindly disappear and don't bother our clan or its members until such time as we have business to discuss. This is NOT your war.
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby freakns on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:14 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:You came on here

he came? you sure? who was providing loving hand? dont tell me it was one of your girls(true ones, not fake ones like Dako and Fenrir)...

Chariot of Fire wrote:This is NOT your war.

now you sound like KORT member. told you not to mix those painkillers with booze...
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 17-7 of 61

Postby Armandolas on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:21 am

Damn, how old are you?
Please not this is a gaming site. Why are u writing like a letter to a judge?
You should see a doctor mate.
Its not about trolling . I dont see you as an internet troll. Not at all. I dont see you invading every other thread in CC(something that your maid love to do)
But you surely show somekind of mental condition in the stuff you write.
Im not trying to be hipocritical here neither be funny. Ive been reading some of your stuff since people were discussing the cc4 format ,and no matter wich subject it was, you just seemed disturbed by everyone.Absolutely paranoid and sorry a bit retarded..a fully developed grown up dont say stuff like what u say.You were not the only one doing that.The banned guy was the same style, but less organized and with less ponctuation.
I have to suggest. Please take a break from this for a while.Not CC but the computer. Make a travel, go meet some nice people.
THIS IS NOT YOUR LIFE..or REAL LIFE..this is a game of dice and strategy only

josko.ri wrote:This is TOFU-DYN war so if someone is off-topic that is the one who mentioned KORT in war that has nothing to do with KORT.
My reply is not off-topic, since KORT is mentioned in post and I am member of KORT, I have right to say my counter-opinion as the comment is speaking negative about group that I am belonging to. I would never comment in thread of TOFU's war unless my name or name of my clan is tainted by comment from others. In that case I have legal right to reply to that comment.

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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:22 am

told you not to mix those painkillers with booze

You cannot begin to imagine how true this statement is. You know about what happened to me when running right? Well the consequences are grim and I'm wracked with pain. The only relief is a handful of tablets and a couple of bottles of wine. It works - just I don't want to be doing it for too long.

[the booze is for enjoyment anyway, the painkillers are for Jockstrap's posts]
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 17-7 of 61

Postby Shannon Apple on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:34 am

Armandolas wrote:(insert insulting post)
THIS IS NOT YOUR LIFE..or REAL LIFE..this is a game of dice and strategy only

While I have respect for you otherwise, none of this was warranted and your post wasn't warranted either. You guys did kinda bait him to begin with. There was 0 justification for bringing up anything about KORT (true, false or otherwise) in this thread but for the reasons that just happened. It had to be known that he'd see it, or some do-gooder would link it so they could enjoy the drama. It is no secret that CoF and Josko dislike each other, and most people really don't care about their drama, but for the few stalkers who relish in it.

I think people have behaved like children in this thread and I mean all of you involved in that little exchange. Not singling out or excluding anyone. Things happened, it's the past, regardless who was right or wrong, and regardless of who even I think was right or wrong, this BS needs to stop. CoF, please grow up and at least try to not start drama. I like you better when you're just joking around. This "get one over on Josko" side of you is lame. :| Telling him to get out of your thread right after he said "good luck to both teams" was a further bait to get him back in here and you know it.

00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
00:34:30 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Foxglove on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:58 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Thanks Shannon. I'm really not such a bad sort (or sport). I'm really just here for the games and the craic.

So how's your CC retirement going?
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Leehar on Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:19 am

Locked to stop the inevitable clan mud slinging. You kids can't have anything nice.

Sorry to do this to Dynasty, but I think it's best if we let tempers cool for a couple of days. This isn't the first incidence of tofu-kort agitation, and unfortunately doesn't seem like it'll be the last, so I suppose we'll have to find a more permanent solution.

In the interim, I'd prefer if this doesn't continue elsewhere either, so let this be a blanket warning to refrain from engaging on this topic and perhaps go back to your clan forums to vent any frustrations or grievances you have in private rather than in public bashing.
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Arama86n on Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:24 pm

Game 13143014
I dedicate this victory to Steven Pressfield, author of the fantastic novel "Alexander; The Virtues of War"

And I think that brings us to 27-9. I beleive Doc has had minor trouble updating this thread for the last 48 hours, but we ask for patience and that you direct any voices of concern or questions regarding said delay to Leehar O:)
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 25-9 of 61

Postby Doc_Brown on Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:29 am

Arama86n wrote:And I think that brings us to 27-9.

A couple more wrapped up this morning as well. 29-9 now.
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 29-9 of 61

Postby betiko on Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:23 am

wow thread reopened! sorry about all the fuss dynasty!
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 29-9 of 61

Postby pearljamrox2 on Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:48 pm

A little bit of drama is fun every once in awhile. I was gonna throw a few hay makers just to get in on the action but it was locked up and now I've lost my will. Damn you mods!
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 29-9 of 61

Postby Arama86n on Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:26 am

pearljamrox2 wrote:A little bit of drama is fun every once in awhile. I was gonna throw a few hay makers just to get in on the action but it was locked up and now I've lost my will. Damn you mods!

I was looking at what games you'd beein in pearl, and had a laugh. You and timmy went 6/6 for games together in the last batch, and 9 together total. Which might mean you've played more than me with my own clan mate :lol:
You two should hook up, just discussing maps and settings should keep you busy for hours, you obviously have the same taste :D

Come on #31, who's gunna take it? I'm down to one active, and it aint close to completion so won't be me.
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 31-10 of 61

Postby Doc_Brown on Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:46 pm

It's official. Stalingrad is win #31 for TOFU. Good war Dynasty!
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 31-10 of 61

Postby keyborn on Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:20 pm

Thanks Dynasty for a hard fought war. I would like to congratulate you for being formidable and honorable opponents and I would also like to wish your clan the best of luck in your future wars. =D>
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Re: [CC4] TOFU vs. DYN 31-10 of 61

Postby Armandolas on Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:33 am

keyborn wrote:Thanks Dynasty for a hard fought war. I would like to congratulate you for being formidable and honorable opponents and I would also like to wish your clan the best of luck in your future wars. =D>

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