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District of Alaska - v14.1 [2015-25-05] pg16 [QUENCHED]

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Re: District of Alaska - v11.4 [2013-08-15] pg14

Postby Seamus76 on Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:06 pm

RedBaron0 wrote:You got a color blind test I can see seamus?
Sorry for the delay. They have been added to the OP. Enjoy. :D
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.4 [2013-08-25] pg14

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:23 am

Seamus, a very tiny thing from me, in the legend can you rearrange the inside and unalaska bonus symbol so the pink is below and to the right of the orange. Right now it looks like an inverted T and had me looking in the wrong place for it. :roll:
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.4 [2013-08-25] pg14

Postby iancanton on Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:57 am

at the same time as u do this, change dutch harbour to dutch harbor, using the american spelling?

ian. :)
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.4 [2013-08-25] pg14

Postby Seamus76 on Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:53 pm

- In the legend, per Koontz's suggestion, I swapped positions of the Inside Passage and Unalaska bonus info, and Super Bonus mini-maps. Personally I didn't think players would have a problem, and it looked a little better originally, but I can live with this.
- Changed Dutch Harbour to Dutch Harbor


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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:43 am

Thanks Seamus. One tiny point from me now. Sea passages. The one from Bethel to Nunivak looks a little faded. Any chance of bringing it out like the others?
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:46 am

Why do we have to use incorrect American spelling?
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby Aleena on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:51 am

good question -

If you have British themed map - why not use British Spelling
If you have a Russian map - maybe a few Russian names...

I personally do not think the labeling and names (if in another language) effect the game play as long as the Legend is in English - in fact having other languages on a map might actually flourish the map even better - keeping it to it's theme...

The reason I think the Legend should be in english - is three part:
1) I read English (I know a little selfish - but it's true)
2) We do not have a mutli-language translator system for all languages around the world
3) A majority of the world is learning English, where as many of those who speak english do not try to learn multiple languages - therefore English is becoming the global standard.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:58 am

Aleena wrote:good question -

If you have British themed map - why not use British Spelling
If you have a Russian map - maybe a few Russian names...

I personally do not think the labeling and names (if in another language) effect the game play as long as the Legend is in English - in fact having other languages on a map might actually flourish the map even better - keeping it to it's theme...

The reason I think the Legend should be in english - is three part:
1) I read English (I know a little selfish - but it's true)
2) We do not have a mutli-language translator system for all languages around the world
3) A majority of the world is learning English, where as many of those who speak english do not try to learn multiple languages - therefore English is becoming the global standard.

All legends need to be in English. The is due to the majority of players being English speakers and as you said, rest of the world seems to be learning it. As for the map itself, names can be in any language as long as it can be read by the xml readers. So no to hieroglyphics or Klingon. :(

As for this spelling, Alaska is American so the American spelling would be correct. If you have a French map, French spellings would be used if possible. Ian just got me to swap out a spelling on Madrid to the correct Spanish one.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:47 pm

koontz1973 wrote:
Aleena wrote:good question -

If you have British themed map - why not use British Spelling
If you have a Russian map - maybe a few Russian names...

I personally do not think the labeling and names (if in another language) effect the game play as long as the Legend is in English - in fact having other languages on a map might actually flourish the map even better - keeping it to it's theme...

The reason I think the Legend should be in english - is three part:
1) I read English (I know a little selfish - but it's true)
2) We do not have a mutli-language translator system for all languages around the world
3) A majority of the world is learning English, where as many of those who speak english do not try to learn multiple languages - therefore English is becoming the global standard.

All legends need to be in English. The is due to the majority of players being English speakers and as you said, rest of the world seems to be learning it. As for the map itself, names can be in any language as long as it can be read by the xml readers. So no to hieroglyphics or Klingon. :(

As for this spelling, Alaska is American so the American spelling would be correct. If you have a French map, French spellings would be used if possible. Ian just got me to swap out a spelling on Madrid to the correct Spanish one.
There are two things here, but for the most part everyone is correct.

As for this map, it would have been the same if ian had said, "can you please use the "correct" spelling of Dutch Harbor." Looking at my layers they are all named Dutch Harbor, but on the map for some reason I put Harbour. There is no Dutch Harbour. So it's not a matter of changing it from the English spelling to the American spelling, but changing it from the incorrect spelling to the correct one.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.5 [2013-08-26] pg14

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:51 pm

- Brought out the Sea Route between Nunivak and Bethel, as per Koontz's request. Let me know if this works.
- Fixed some of the text on the small map Base Camp legend info.


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Re: District of Alaska - v11.6 [2013-08-27] pg14

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:34 pm

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Re: District of Alaska - v11.6 [2013-08-27] pg14

Postby RedBaron0 on Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:22 pm

This is more of a personal preference, but I wouldn't mind seeing what everyone else thinks.

Click image to enlarge.

This is a color blind test, and I kinda like the look of it a little more than the colored version, faded, old timy, ya know? It might be a little too washed out, but I like it anyways.

Either way, final concerns here guys, lets hear them.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.6 [2013-08-27] pg14

Postby cairnswk on Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:38 pm

For the CB image, there is distinction in the actual map of the colours...but this doesn't flow through to the legend for All south +12, and those 2 regions.
i understand it for a non-CB player, but would a CB player have any issues. :?:
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.6 [2013-08-27] pg14

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:46 am

RedBaron0 wrote:This is a color blind test, and I kinda like the look of it a little more than the colored version, faded, old timy, ya know? It might be a little too washed out, but I like it anyways.

Amazing how that can happen sometimes.
cairnswk wrote:For the CB image, there is distinction in the actual map of the colours...but this doesn't flow through to the legend for All south +12, and those 2 regions.

Agree with this. The combined bonuses need to be fixed.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby Seamus76 on Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:59 pm

- When Kadiak Island was moved from Kuskokwim Bonus to Kadiak Bonus, I forgot to update the shapes for the mini maps, so I went ahead and fixed the mini maps for Kuskokwim and Kadiak, as well as the combined "All South".

I also played with the colors of those 3 mini maps a bit, to fix any issues there might be for any CB players, and posted the new CB versions (see OP). Personally, I think players, CB or not, will intuitively be able to tell what the "All South" super bonus is, and what two areas it is made up of. But this should take care of any issues.


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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby koontz1973 on Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:09 am

Seamus, have you finished the xml yet? This should only be a 30 minute xml so keep on V.J. so we can get this moved up.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby RedBaron0 on Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:19 pm

With the tides of change come additional requirements. Since this map began its journey under the assumption that 8 being the maximum amount of player, I won't ask the map be totally reworked to accommodate this, however, please note that a player cap may need to be imposed should it be discovered and/or deemed that the map can't handle player amounts over 8.

Also note that there are 5 new army colors, 4 totally new and a different shade of green for player #2. Please take this into account when doing graphics testing. All HEX codes are as follows:

    Red: FF0000
    Green: 006400
    Blue: 0000FF
    Yellow: FFFF00
    Pink: FF00FF
    Cyan: 00FFFF
    Orange: FF9922
    Silver: C0C0C0
    Purple: 9400D3
    Lime: 00FF00
    Amber: CD5C5C
    Olive: 688E23

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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby Seamus76 on Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:17 pm

RedBaron0 wrote:With the tides of change come additional requirements. Since this map began its journey under the assumption that 8 being the maximum amount of player, I won't ask the map be totally reworked to accommodate this, however, please note that a player cap may need to be imposed should it be discovered and/or deemed that the map can't handle player amounts over 8.

Also note that there are 5 new army colors, 4 totally new and a different shade of green for player #2. Please take this into account when doing graphics testing. All HEX codes are as follows:

    Red: FF0000
    Green: 006400
    Blue: 0000FF
    Yellow: FFFF00
    Pink: FF00FF
    Cyan: 00FFFF
    Orange: FF9922
    Silver: C0C0C0
    Purple: 9400D3
    Lime: 00FF00
    Amber: CD5C5C
    Olive: 688E23

Ok, thanks for the heads up.

Since there can only be 8 starting point ships, due to space etc., this one needs to be regulated to 8 max, which is good for me.

We've started on XML, any thoughts on a sticky for stamp? O:)
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:09 am

Seamus76 wrote:any thoughts on a sticky for stamp? O:)

You already stickied. :-s

No real reason to limit this to 8 players. It would just mean that over 8 players, the starting positions will be ignored and the underlying neutrals will kick in so no one will start with a ship. You have more than enough regions on the map as it is for 12 players to start with 4 regions. So no change to the xml needed or to the map. Just make sure all the new colours can be seem. O:)
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby Seamus76 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:57 am

koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:any thoughts on a sticky for stamp? O:)

You already stickied. :-s

No real reason to limit this to 8 players. It would just mean that over 8 players, the starting positions will be ignored and the underlying neutrals will kick in so no one will start with a ship. You have more than enough regions on the map as it is for 12 players to start with 4 regions. So no change to the xml needed or to the map. Just make sure all the new colours can be seem. O:)
Yeah, that's what I meant. :D

Personally I don't think the map works without the ships. They are one of the largest, if not the largest aspect of the gameplay, and taking them out just to accommodate another 4 players isn't really worth it in my opinion.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:17 pm

Seamus76 wrote:
koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:any thoughts on a sticky for stamp? O:)

You already stickied. :-s

No real reason to limit this to 8 players. It would just mean that over 8 players, the starting positions will be ignored and the underlying neutrals will kick in so no one will start with a ship. You have more than enough regions on the map as it is for 12 players to start with 4 regions. So no change to the xml needed or to the map. Just make sure all the new colours can be seem. O:)
Yeah, that's what I meant. :D

Personally I don't think the map works without the ships. They are one of the largest, if not the largest aspect of the gameplay, and taking them out just to accommodate another 4 players isn't really worth it in my opinion.

You are probably correct but I doubt this map like most of this size will be chosen to be a 12 player game. Either way, and considering that it will not change the game play at all, you should not really worry about it.

I did all the new army numbers for everyone. These will need to be done anyway as some of the normal 8 have changed.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby Seamus76 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:52 pm

koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:
koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:any thoughts on a sticky for stamp? O:)

You already stickied. :-s

No real reason to limit this to 8 players. It would just mean that over 8 players, the starting positions will be ignored and the underlying neutrals will kick in so no one will start with a ship. You have more than enough regions on the map as it is for 12 players to start with 4 regions. So no change to the xml needed or to the map. Just make sure all the new colours can be seem. O:)
Yeah, that's what I meant. :D

Personally I don't think the map works without the ships. They are one of the largest, if not the largest aspect of the gameplay, and taking them out just to accommodate another 4 players isn't really worth it in my opinion.

You are probably correct but I doubt this map like most of this size will be chosen to be a 12 player game. Either way, and considering that it will not change the game play at all, you should not really worry about it.

I did all the new army numbers for everyone. These will need to be done anyway as some of the normal 8 have changed.
Thanks for taking the time to do the numbers, I'm sure you'll post them in the tools thread, but can you also separate out the new "normal" 8?
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:05 am

Seamus76 wrote:but can you also separate out the new "normal" 8?

:?: :?:

Not sure I understand this. What do you mean "normal" 8? These are the 8s we use.
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby Seamus76 on Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:20 am

koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:but can you also separate out the new "normal" 8?

:?: :?:

Not sure I understand this. What do you mean "normal" 8? These are the 8s we use.
From your post to be below, you're the one who said the "normal" 8 have changed.

koontz1973 wrote:
Seamus76 wrote:
koontz1973 wrote:I did all the new army numbers for everyone. These will need to be done anyway as some of the normal 8 have changed.

So, my question is, since some have changed, and while it may only be slightly, if I have a map that will be limited to 8 players, which 8 colors will be used? Or which 8 are now considered the standard, or normal, 8?
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Re: District of Alaska - v11.7 [2013-09-02] pg15

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:21 pm

The first 8 in the row. I did the numbers in the order that players appear.
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