Conquer Club

TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Completed]

Tournaments completed in 2013

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:26 pm

TheMissionary wrote:8. Pelopennosian War
8. Poison Rome
8. Soviet Union
9. Age of Merchants
9. Antarctica
9. Bamboo Jack
10. Clandemonium
10. New World
10. Waterloo
11. Chicago
11. Forbidden City
11. Sydney Metro

Through Age of Merchants (1.1-2.1) and Clandemonium (3.1)
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and happyfeet -- 8-7
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 7-8
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 7-8
4. angola, jetsetwilly, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 8-7

Even closer now. New World is out, and I'll send out Waterloo soon.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby jetsetwilly on Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:42 pm

Can Waterloo wait a few weeks? Busy summer period!
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:44 pm

jetsetwilly wrote:Can Waterloo wait a few weeks? Busy summer period!

Sure, that's probably a good idea.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:40 pm

mviola wrote:
8. Pelopennosian War
8. Poison Rome
8. Soviet Union
9. Age of Merchants
9. Antarctica
9. Bamboo Jack
10. Clandemonium
10. New World
10. Waterloo
11. Chicago
11. Forbidden City
11. Sydney Metro

Through Clandemonium (1.1-3.1)
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and happyfeet -- 10-11
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 9-12
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 11-10
4. angola, jetsetwilly, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 12-9

Since there's only 5 active games right now, I'll be sending Waterloo out soon.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:19 pm

Waterloo is out. Only one New World game is active right now.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:14 pm

mviola wrote:
8. Pelopennosian War
8. Poison Rome
8. Soviet Union
9. Age of Merchants
9. Antarctica
9. Bamboo Jack
10. Clandemonium
10. New World
10. Waterloo
11. Chicago
11. Forbidden City
11. Sydney Metro

Through New World (1.1-3.2)
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and happyfeet -- 11-13
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 11-13
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 14-10
4. angola, jetsetwilly, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 12-12

There's one New World game still active, but it's in the last turn with the outcome obvious, so I'll post the scores after round 3.2.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:36 pm

slickstm is replacing jetsetwilly starting next round.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:01 pm

Chicago (4.1) is out.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:13 pm

pconnolly365 is replacing happyfeet.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Ongoing]

Postby mviola on Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:53 pm

All games are now out, thank God. Now we wait for everything to finish up.

No additional rounds have ended completely since the last update.
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:09 am

mviola wrote:
8. Pelopennosian War
8. Poison Rome
8. Soviet Union
9. Age of Merchants
9. Antarctica
9. Bamboo Jack
10. Clandemonium
10. New World
10. Waterloo
11. Chicago
11. Forbidden City
11. Sydney Metro

Through Chicago (1.1-4.1)
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and pconnolly365 -- 13-17
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 16-14
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 15-15
4. angola, slickstm, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 16-14
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:15 am

mviola wrote:
8. Pelopennosian War
8. Poison Rome
8. Soviet Union
9. Age of Merchants
9. Antarctica
9. Bamboo Jack
10. Clandemonium
10. New World
10. Waterloo
11. Chicago
11. Forbidden City
11. Sydney Metro

Through up to Chicago and Sydney Metro (1.1-4.1 and 4.3)
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and pconnolly365 -- 14-19
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 16-17
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 17-16
4. angola, slickstm, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 19-14

It looks like Team 4 has won this.
High Score: 2906
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown TPA2 [0/32]

Postby mviola on Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:22 pm

mviola wrote:Finalists
1. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and pconnolly365 -- 17-19
2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki -- 18-18
3. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983 -- 18-18
4. angola, slickstm, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy -- 19-17

Angola, slickstm, Hook2, and Crazysnakeguy win the tourney. After 36 games, only 2 games separated the 4 teams, which is kind of amazing.

Final Standings for TPA2 Scoring Purposes
1. angola, slickstm, Hook2, Crazysnakeguy
T2. GeneralJestix, Robespierre__, Kondrad, uckuki
T2. mviola, IcePack, Odeuminus, link0983
4. dowian2, jj3044, swimmerdude99, and pconnolly365
5. Leehar, maasman, leapfrog and lequeen
6. aaronvollrath, patrickaa317, aspalm, bigroo4601
T7. Bones2484, Timminz, Serbia, Hath
T7. Enormastitz, Terry Nutkins, Tin Trumpet, Dorsettrob
T7. Skillfusniper33, Captain101, Robbiedub, Magiw
T10. ukberger, alt1978, coconutt, gunn217
T10. nolefan5311, nebsmith, Egel, william tennant
T10. DoomYoshi, musteriuz, kiwi3, Dukasaur
T13. loutil, BYUwonder11, NapoleonTanerite, TheMissionary
T13. Night Strike, Gilligan, The Fuzzy Penguin, Fyrdraca
T15. V.J., Seamus76, Zoki77, sandman175
T15. silversun6, geko, emporium, TX AG 90
T15. malevolous, Ljex, Swimmerdude99, and Pconnolly365
T15. Kinnison, freyme, Peter Gibbons, keiths31
T15. theheadholes, pittsburgh00, the manderson, beatnicpie
T15. Benzorrr, Gumby7524, Xman5151, Agentcom
T21. general bax, psychosos, mrgrateful, Mathys Taljaard
T21. arno30, Mishalex, QuikSilver, Yannixou
T21. Theldin, slickstick, bosche, madmom
T21. wombat4, ThrushAAX, puppydog85, General Tazz
T21. benga, machrs, jug68, damohowo
T21. djeris, mwaser, Nailer X, bjf5893
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Completed]

Postby Leehar on Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:37 pm

Insanely long tournament, but very well played. Also nice to see ACE members represented within the top 5
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Re: TheMissionary's Quads Showdown [TPA2] [Completed]

Postby pconnolly365 on Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:17 pm

Yup congratulations to ACE's B team! =D> =D>
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