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talonz [Cleared] DCR

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talonz [Cleared] DCR

Postby stealth99 on Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:26 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Other:talonz has intentionally assisted another player in our game. He entered in the game chat that he would be intentionally assisting another player win the game for the purpose of ensuring his suicide attempt is successful.
2013-08-03 21:14:19 - talonz:......I will take every step now to ensure your position is los
2013-08-03 21:14:26 - talonz: lost
2013-08-03 21:15:36 - talonz: which incidentally, means leaving my flank open to teal for his benefit.

talonz did exactly that, and his wish is currently being realized.

Game 13015637

Comments: I have been reading the forums and the like for a half hour now to try and determine if he did indeed violate CC rules and from what i've read, I believe he did. If this is a matter to be handled through player ratings, I will be happy to deal with my issue that way.
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Re: talonz

Postby Frox333 on Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:50 pm

this will be noted pry cauz its only 1 example
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Re: talonz

Postby ViperOverLord on Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:04 pm

Frox333 wrote:this will be noted pry cauz its only 1 example

It shouldn't even be noted. I read the game chat and at no point did he say he was going to suicide.

Regardless, suiciding is not uncommon and that's why admin generally advises to foe someone and not play further games with people who do that.
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Re: talonz

Postby Frox333 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:48 am

ViperOverLord wrote:
Frox333 wrote:this will be noted pry cauz its only 1 example

It shouldn't even be noted. I read the game chat and at no point did he say he was going to suicide.

Regardless, suiciding is not uncommon and that's why admin generally advises to foe someone and not play further games with people who do that.

oh wow, your right. didn't even realize that. this guy just filed the report pry cauz he lost ;P I agree with viper, foe and move on
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby talonz on Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:17 am

Thanks frox, viper. I was astounded to be honest at the accusation, I am not a suicider. I correctly predicted that stealth's reckless attacks would only lead to handing the game to the eventual gamewinner. There were 2 leaders at that point, myself and teal. I initially tried to counterattack minimally (retake my lost territory and put 1 foot into his) and discuss the gamestate and the repercussions thereof, but stealth was comitted to his truces and uncooperative, continuing to put full pressure on me. I had no choice but to try to cripple him with every troop I had to cease his efforts (and hopefully reset within the heart of his territory as well, far from the new game leader), which I did, and correctly stated that by doing so teal (the gamewinner) would benefit.

An experienced player would understand this, I would think.

Comments: I have been reading the forums and the like for a half hour now to try and determine if he did indeed violate CC rules and from what i've read, I believe he did.

By all means, please point out the rule in question. I believe you are utterly mistaken.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby Frox333 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:01 pm

yeah talonz, I agree. stealth is a buffoon!!! I just had the time to read over the game chat now and agree with you
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby stealth99 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:13 pm

The game chat and the attack log are both very clear. What occurred has absolutely no grey area whatsoever and any attempt to turn it into a popularity contest is silly. I can easily get several people to all write in supporting my position, but I'll keep it honest and simple.

talonz complained all game. First it was over a simple truce that he wasn't a part of then it was another player attacking him and then it was me attacking him. His claim to both the other player and I was that we were assisting 'teal'.

Virtually all of his complaints had some tone of intimidation or serious consequence that would occur. When I didn't immediately comply with his wishes, he announced that he would take "every step" to ensure my position was lost. That statement alone equals suicide, particularly when coupled with the game log showing that he did exactly as promised. He stopped playing to win and made a suicide effort to damage me.

If you are not yet convinced, then his next statement leaves no doubt. He went on to say he would leave his "flank open to teal for his (teal's) benefit." Amazing admission in my opinion and one that makes it very clear what this guy intended to do. His defense to the suicide accusation in the game chat is that He predicted 'teal' would win earlier and since that has come to pass, it means he couldn't have suicided. Go figure, but that's what he said.....despite the fact that he intentionally aided this guy when he announced his suiciding intentions.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby stealth99 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:15 pm

the only question I have about some of the comments this thread has generated, is:

has anyone other than talonz written these replies? It would seem to me that only the accused would become that outraged at the accusation. I personally believe it is likely that talonz was actually at the keyboard when those responses were written. At the very least they were friends encouraged to provide support. Either way, they appear phony. Who would spend that type of time getting brought up to speed on an issue such as this and then become so passionate in their reply as to be very recklessly taking personal shots; other than people with a dog in the fight? These are my opinions and I don't pass them off as facts. Something new for this thread.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby Frox333 on Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:33 pm

stealth, don't msg me privately to sway my opinion. I still have not gone through the game log, but the chat is clear. he did not mean to suicide into you from the looks of it. your implication of him suiciding seems to be incorrect. he was just trying to weaken you as he said. but I do not know this as evidence because I have not read the game log yet and I am going on vacation. the mods will decide about this
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby macbone on Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:48 pm

I see no declaration of suiciding in chat, stealth. You built up so many truces with other players that you only had Talonz to attack, rather than dealing with the true threat, Cyan. When you invaded Talonz, he naturally responded to your incursion.

There's nothing in the rules that says we must roll over and play dead. Threats, warnings, and intimidation are just as much a part of diplomacy as truce- and deal-making.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby stealth99 on Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:25 am

That's what i'd say if i were a buddy of talonz.

Fortunately for me, this isn't a popularity contest amongst the friends of talonz.

No reasonable person would conclude anything other than suicide given the clear announcement of same and given his actions. The number of truces (just one more than the absolute minimum despite macbone's reckless embellishment of the facts) is irrelevant. Who I could attack and when I attacked them is irrelevant. The only thing relevant is the chat record indicating talonz making it very clear that his only goal was to put me out and that he was wrecking his defense to do it.

Had he moved his defenses to fight me off or retaliate it would have been perfectly acceptable, but he verbally stated that he wrecked his defense just for the purpose of helping another player win.

Talonz do you have any more friends out there who don't mind making ridiculous claims and the like, in the interest of supporting a player who suicides?
Why do players think that the end result here is influenced by a vote? It seems to me talonz and your shady friends are asking the mods to be pretty dumb to believe the crap you've spewed.

As for my interaction with Frox333, he fully understands that my pm to him was for the express purpose of asking him if he were a mod. I have very little experience in the forums and almost never file complaints. Who would, when the process is set up so that the accused can simply harass the accuser through his friends and their ridiculous replies. I did not think that my main question was relevant to this issue and I didn't want to call him out publicly for his personal attacks. He fully understands this and his reference to my pm trying to sway him without explaining exactly what it's purpose was, is nothing more than an intentional attempt by a player to deceive the CC public, for devious purposes; in my humble opinion. What fool would try to "sway" those types of players who weigh in just to intimidate and to try and win public opinion; for their friend.

Why do I feel like I am dealing with children younger than teens? Could you come back to tattle any quicker Frox333 and could you be any more deceptive and outright dishonest?
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby talonz on Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:17 am

Wow. So anyone who disagrees with you is unreasonable and somehow my puppet friend...good lord you have lost any credibility you had. I did not know any other poster in this thread before this.


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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby Donelladan on Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:29 am

stealth99, making a threat of suiciding, then carrying it, is somehow allowed by the rules anyway.
So if he said, "move out of my land or I throw all I have at you ", then you dont move out, and he does it, there is no game violation.
Because if there was a game violation in that case, everyone would know threat are just wind ;)

But you may rate him as a suicider for sure.

What would be an offense would be that for no reason, with a stable position, he suicide on you. Then you have a suicide case.
And if he do so and make teal win, then you may also have a game throwing case, but here, there is no case.

And you right, result of that case will be decided by the mods of C and A only, even if everyone vote Talonz is innocent they could find him guilty.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby Keefie on Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:18 am

I can honestly say that I don't know either player so my opinion is totally impartial.

Stealth your complaint just dosen't hold water mate. Talonz just hasn't broken any rules.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby Frox333 on Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:55 am

stealth, if you say that I am working under talonz one more time, im gonna flip my lid, so SHUT IT. in a lot of my fs speeders I play, I say what donelldan says all the time "get out of Blah blah blah or you will be destroyed". this is how I see the situation.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby macbone on Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:10 am

Stealth, I've played against you once and Talonz 0 times, so I don't have a dog in this fight. The C&A mods will examine this case impartially.

Just a recommendation, though - ad hominem attacks won't win you many friends.
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Re: talonz [Pending] DCR

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:37 am

Locking this on behalf of DCR.
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Re: talonz [Cleared] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:55 pm

talonz is Cleared of intentional game throwing. His chat clearly describes what he did and why.

Sorry about the lateness of the reply. I was on vacation this week. My bad.
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