EricPhail wrote:Looking good, glad to see another update for this
Might want to try using the white with dark glow for all neutral regions just to see if it looks okay (it bring more consistency, all neutral regions now have the same labelling + all regions on the map are white with glow), if it doesn't work leave it as is.
Edit: I can see what you're saying Tanarri, wrt North, perhaps a lighter shade of green
Thoughts: the legend might be in need of a rewrite (ignore legacy entries - eg. researches assault nothing unless stated is now somewhere between superflous and misleading)
Left side is okay (although I think moving the capital entries above the homeland one might be an idea)
* +3 per capital held
A capital MUST be held or you are eliminated
Hold an entire homeland....
Right side: (perhaps something like)
A lab borders its own Basic Research and one way assaults the TSf and Doomsday Device
Basic Researches assault the associated advanced research (same colour and country)
Advanced Researchs assault nothing.
A TSf bombard all its homeland researches.
The Doomsday device bombards all land regions.
Open consription over-rides Secret conscription
Just an attempt to make the legend simpler, clearer, and more logical
Edit: for reference when I started my post Tanarri's hadn't been written yet (yikes, that implies I took ~30 minute to write this)
I was also thinking a ligher shade of green may work for N. The other colours are a pastel shade, so perhaps some sort of pastel green may work and if not, perhaps something a shade or two darker if it doesn't provide enough of a contrast.
I also think the legend could use a bit of a re-write. I'd been putting off sitting down to sort out suggestions before I brought it up. I think the suggestions Eric made are really good, though i'd make a couple minor changes.
First, I'd say "Basic researches border the associated advanced research" or "Basic researches border their advanced research". This helps provide the understanding that those advanced researches can assault their basic researches.
Second, I'd remove the "Advanced researches assault nothing", since it conflicts with the advanced researches that have basic researches being able to assault out. This and the previuos suggestion are presuming these researches are able to assault their basic ones to further faciliate getting the lab and/or basic researches back after nuking. I'd thought the only two which couldn't assault out were TSF (since it should be restricted to research uses only and not be transferrable to Sabotage) and Doomsday (since it's bonus shoudln't be able to help with research). If we wanted to provide further clarity, maybe this line could be replaced with "TSF and Doomsday don't assault anything" or the like.
Third, there should be a line added or changed in there to indiciate Secret Conscription overrides the standard bonus, if that's how we're going to explain the bonus relationship to the standard bonus.
Last, there should be a line added to state only land territories count towards the territory bonus. I'm not sure how to word it, but I definitely think it's important to have in there. We may think it's obvious it should be that way, but I suspect most of CC would expect the research territories to count towards the standard territory bonus if there's no note about it in the legend.