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HardAttack - Throwing game away [noted]

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HardAttack - Throwing game away [noted]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:22 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Throwing game away

edit : I deleted some part, they were not necessary.

Game number(s):

Game 12968526

Comments: It was assassin game. HardAttack killed me and I was not his target. Therefore worlconquer won the game.

There is no mistake from HardAttack here, he stated in the game chat that he killed me in purpose.

2013-07-11 13:50:27 - donelladan: gg blue
2013-07-11 13:50:50 - Razorvich: CRAP....AGAIN
2013-07-11 13:50:56 - worldconquer: thanks
2013-07-11 13:50:57 - Razorvich: im setting up another
2013-07-11 13:51:06 - donelladan: you
2013-07-11 13:51:11 - worldconquer: blue lol
2013-07-11 13:51:12 - donelladan: blue????
2013-07-11 13:51:17 - HardAttack: what
2013-07-11 13:51:26 - HardAttack: win your game if you can win or do not block my game
2013-07-11 13:51:31 - worldconquer: hehehehe
2013-07-11 13:51:37 - HardAttack: i ll do the same if you block me again

Well I said gg to him when I noticed he will succeed to kill me. Then I noticed worlconquer won the game.

- discussion for people knowing Feudal War map here, so HA please dont even try -

wolrdconquer ( green) had barbarian, I had Imperial dinasty ( yellow) and HardAttack, blue, had Rebel territory.
wolrdconquer was out of his castle and just took village Yer, he had a total of troops less than 20, while Hardattack and me had around 40 on our castle. Obviously we could both kill green easily. My target was Razorvich ( red ) on Feudal empire.
So I put my stack between HardAttack and worldconquer on Yer 5.
Of course blue could have take the long way around the lake, I also put 6 on yer 9 to make it slightly difficult if he tried.

Few more turns go on, then blue suddenly kill me - according to the dice he had he could also have killed green, and probably even easier than killing me since green had less troop than me..... So HardAttack could have win that game, but because I somehow tried to avoid him winning the game he decided to kill me.

Later in game chat he also said :

2013-07-11 14:00:02 - HardAttack: reason i hit donellan was to see who was his hunter

This sentence confirms that he deliberately throw the game away.
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby HardAttack on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:20 am

Last edited by HardAttack on Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby betiko on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:37 am

Hum well in assassin all sneaky techniques are fine with me as long as no one gives the game away. You can play illogically some moves to reset the ballance on a certain way/make people gang up on another too strong target.
But losing the game on purpose....
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:39 am

Green had donellan be his target, so why didnt green hit and take donellan's castle for 3 rounds ? And this way let donellan ("his target") get 5+5+5 = 15 total units ? In an assassin game, why do you let your target have a bonus as long as you have got very easy and cost free way to kill his bonus ?

First, Donelladan. If it is too long call me Don' or Ella, but not Donellan please. I dont think I mispelled your name.

2nd. Green was the weakest on the board, if he had attacked me, he would have made himself even weaker. So he would have made himself very easy to kill. That is a mistake in assassin game.
When you play assassin you need to avoid being killed at the same time as weakening your target.
Plus, since I was protecting him, attacking me without being able to kill me would have been total waste of troops. And he was totally unable to kill me.
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:43 am

I don't see how this can be considered secret diplomacy at all. As donelladan already stated, green would have weakened himself even more, and we was already considerably weak.

Secondly, as HardAttack said himself, green could have taken donelladan's castle as it was undefended. If it was secret diplomacy why didn't he take it?

However, this report seems justified as the game has clearly been thrown.
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby HardAttack on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:43 am

Last edited by HardAttack on Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby freakns on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:48 am

donelladan wrote:
Green had donellan be his target, so why didnt green hit and take donellan's castle for 3 rounds ? And this way let donellan ("his target") get 5+5+5 = 15 total units ? In an assassin game, why do you let your target have a bonus as long as you have got very easy and cost free way to kill his bonus ?

First, Donelladan. If it is too long call me Don' or Ella, but not Donellan please. I dont think I mispelled your name.

2nd. Green was the weakest on the board, if he had attacked me, he would have made himself even weaker. So he would have made himself very easy to kill. That is a mistake in assassin game.
When you play assassin you need to avoid being killed at the same time as weakening your target.
Plus, since I was protecting him, attacking me without being able to kill me would have been total waste of troops. And he was totally unable to kill me.

Ella? so HA have problems of having nice time with women of the opposite sex("Allo Allo", Her Flick reference, im not THAT stupid)? nothing new here, movin' on
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby Razorvich on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:55 am seems i am in the middle of another shit-storm here, and from the live chat that I have just witnessed between all the players in the game ............HOLY SNAPPEN DUCK POO BATMAN!! ..............GUYS!!!............this was a speed game we played for some fun you know.

I respect all the players in the game that I have played, and mean no disrespect to anyone with the following.

HA....Don used a tactic that I have used in the past in a Feudal assassin games....that is, keep your main stack strong, and block....dont worry about your castle if you have cards, you cant use those troops to kill anyway.

Green may have had the opportunity to kill yellows(DON) castle yes ...but screwed up....that shit happens from time to time...we all do it from time to time in a 3 minute speeder.

From what I can understand here.....tempers have gotten way out of control and now this has lead to a bummer of a report...and a prospective counter report... that should not have been made in the first place if people play nice.. (where have I heard that before...hmmm).

I enjoy playing against you guys,and it seems you all wont be in a game together with me in the future..that is a pitty, you are all great players... if you have issues with each other ...FINE....thats what the FOE is for... I have many tossers on my list atm, and if you guys are going to add each other to your lists......that is OK too.

There really isn't anything to see here in my point of view.....with Dons report or HA's counter...this is just my opinion, judge me as you will.

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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby HardAttack on Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:24 am

changed my mind though...
i m not complainant over/for anybody...

mods, feel free to give my noted and lets move on...
i dont like flames/baitings...

just a note for you donelan, do never ask me to unfoe you 2nd time....
yesterday, i should not have UNFOED you...but i my bad...
another note for you donelan, if you start calling ppl names, they may and may not not feel angry to those who responds...this is very natural...if you like to be behaved allright, please mind to show nice to ppl instead calling em names, in our example calling me a dumbass...Not any nice.

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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:34 am

I've played feudal a few times. From the game chat quoted, it appears quite simple. HA CLEARLY STATED and I'll spell this out. Block me again, and I'll hit you again. You continued to block him, assuming he was bluffing. HA is noted for having a little bit of a temper, when he makes a firm statement he rarely backs down. You blocked him, he hit you AS HE SAID HE WOULD.

Using the OP's version of logic, it could be argued that the OP threw the game by doing his fighting in the chat box, and by not moving. HE KNEW he was going to be hit.....

This reads remarkably like a conversation I had with my 4year old niece "Uncle Bogan, my dolly's arm is broken and I can't find her shoe"
my reply was "Miss Kitty(she loves cats) if you throw your doll at the brick fence when your upset, your dolly is going to get broken and lose her shoes"

Why are people so unkind?
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby Genoke on Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:55 am

this kind of argument does remind me of another thread....i'm sure we can handle this with the same words!
ever solving words here on CC:
BGtheBrain wrote:Yup.
In this instance, you should foe them and move on.

Nothing can be done in C&A and CC will nto change the rules to make this behavior punishable.

note: if you don't like trash talk, strategies or fullfilled warnings...
just foe them, so you won't have to bother with it again (at least with the same player) :mrgreen:

yellow can't say he wasn't warned before! :-$
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:04 pm

BoganGod, the sentence you are referring was said AFTER the game was over. He didnt make any threat or attempt of diplomatic way. He only suddenly, out of nowhere, killed me, then, and only then, said that I shouldnt have block him.

HA : I do not have any regret calling you a stupid dumbass. And I have no pb with you calling me names. My pb is that you played illogical and killed a game that could have been interesting, at least a bit.

Genoke, trash talk happened AFTER the end of the game. Same things for that "fullfilled warnings" as I mentioned beginning of the post. If you want to give your mind, take 2 min to read the game chat, the game was over when I said "gg", before that a few sentences where exchanged but no trash talk or threat or whatosever relevant to explain HA killing me instead of his target.
I could not check your link, but if someones threaten of suiciding, then did it, we are not speaking of the same case. No threat here :)
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:16 pm


Someone will sort this out soon
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Re: HardAttack - Throwing game away

Postby king achilles on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:54 pm

This report has been noted.

Hardattack, you should have known better than to deliberately throw the game. Game Throwing is a major infraction so let's not get into this. If you are playing an Assassin game, it does not mean your opponent must give you a clear path to your target and mind his own business or else you will decide how the game would end. People will have their own gameplays and strategies. It would be better that you play the game and expect that your opponent will act like an opponent, which means to prevent everyone, including you, from winning the game. If we get another report of you obviously throwing the game again, do not expect a warning to be thrown at your way.
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