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[CL5] Second League: WINNER: ID

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Who will win the Second League ?

Poll ended at Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:39 am

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Total votes : 55

Re: [CL5] - Second League [R5 and R6 start June 30]

Postby arno30 on Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:57 am

AslanTheKing wrote:i believe posting games is just enough
putting in the gamenumbers is useless?
hometeam will await pm, and has to do the invites anyway,
am i wrong?

as far as theaway team gets the game number somehow, that's fine
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby slickstick on Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:40 am

TLW vs SOH Round 5
1 - 12928432 - Flang, Loose Canon - Cyprus - esc, chained, fog-serreski,myturntowin
2 - 12928455 - aglenist, PrincipalFoe - New World - esc, unltd, fog-slickstick,theldin

1 - 12928458 - evildoer, generalahole, umbrellaman - Iberia - esc, chained, sun-serreski,azezzo,bosche
2 - 12928459 - dt03457, king15, PrincipalFoe - Dust Bowl - no, chained, fog-kid moe,conquerhero,myturntowin
3 - 12928460 - Hjaboa, torres44cm, bellman1010 - Europe 1914 - no, chained, fog-general brewsie,big jumbo,bosche

1 - 12928468 - Awoodness, BruceJuice, Cellar, ChadTomer, - Imperium Romanum - no, unlimited, fog-big jumbo,madmom,slickstick, Chejodavila
2 - 12928471 - Bellman1010, Darkended Blade, evertonian, Wyld Chyld - Vancouver - esc, chained, sun-bosche,madmom,kid moe,slickstick
3 - 12928473 - Cellar, dt03457, king15, PrincipalFoe - Oasis - flat, unltd, sun- Chejodavila,1931roadster,soundman,Johnny rockets
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Re: [CL5] - Second League [R5 and R6 start June 30]

Postby AslanTheKing on Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:47 pm

arno30 wrote:
AslanTheKing wrote:i believe posting games is just enough
putting in the gamenumbers is useless?
hometeam will await pm, and has to do the invites anyway,
am i wrong?

as far as theaway team gets the game number somehow, that's fine

okay, getting a swing into the things

in u click game in editor and paste the gamenumbers in between,
it helps everybody , that way u dont have to manually go to gamefinder to invite your team
u can just click on the gamenumber and invite,
this makes it more convenient, and faster for everybody
is there a chance everybody can use it the same way?
for those if u have no clue how to do that
use any method of a clan in the posts here, click on quote,then full editor
and have a look the way its written
its not that difficult
just a suggestion
i will do it like that for the next games
have fun all
I used to roll the daizz
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Listen as the crowd would sing:

Long live the Army Of Kings !


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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby shoop76 on Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:36 pm

MB round 6 tffsy away

Random maps, settings, esc, fog,

D1 Alamojake, cmbdiesel aspalm, hambone
D2 kirilko, donneynewnan shoop76, bigroo4601

T1 biomansalisbury, elotz, xiakka beeps, jakevv, patrickaa317
T2 enochsbarmyarmy, hairypied, jbone aaronvollrath, donkeyman, vicmasters
T3 bragsie, cmbdiesel, wizard2010 shoop76, tin trumpet, spitemalice

Q1 alf300, vinc, ukmassive, larry46 patrickaa317, spitemalice, dgkb99, jakevv
Q2 kirilko, Alamojake, enochsbarmyarmy, xiakka aspalm, bigroo4601, aaronvollrath, donkeyman
Q3 hairypied, jbone, biomansalisbury, wizard2010 vicmasters, beeps, hambone, seechster
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby shoop76 on Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:50 pm


D: Canada (SCN) hambone, donkeyman 12930560
D: WWII Poland (FCN) shoop76, highlanderattack 12930561
T: Trafalgar (SCN) aspalm, aaronvollrath, bigroo4601 12930562
T: Europe (SCN) vicmasters, beeps, tin trumpet 12930563
T: Bamboo Jack (SCN) patrickaa317, seechster, shoop76 (1) 12930564
Q: Kings court II (FCN) aaronvollrath, patrickaa317, aspalm, bigroo4601 12930565
Q: Nordic countries (FCN) shoop76, hambone, donkeyman, jakevv 12930566
Q: Napoleonic Europe (FCN) spitemalice, dgkb99, tin trumpet, seechster 12930567

Good luck
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Re: [CL5] - Second League [R5 and R6 start June 30]

Postby xman5151 on Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:58 pm

GR Away:

Game 12929127New World: Momo33, QuikSilver......unionman, Tiller
Game 12929130Celtic Nations: Mishalex, Lancelot........Tiller, DarkAges

Game 12929132AoR 1: pamoa, Mishalex, Lancelot.........kmhebert, adam666, alaskanassassin
Game 12929133Golfe du St-Laurent: Momo33, QuikSilver, Kahina...........xman5151, Tiller, drunkmunky
Game 12929135Arms Race!: arno30, ttblanch, djelebert...............djfireside, alaskanassassin, adam666

Game 12929136First Nations americas: Momo33, arno30, pamoa, djelebert...........xman5151, djfireside, alaskanassassin, akabob2
Game 12929138WWII Europe: QuikSilver, Mishalex, Lancelot, donelladan..........Taylor86, DarkAges, akabob2, misher
Game 12929140Rail Europe: Général, djé, arno30, Sempai.................misher, kmhebert, drunkmunky, xman5151

arno30 wrote:round 5 LHDD home vs GR

tout NS chained fog

Game 12929127New World: Momo33, QuikSilver
Game 12929130Celtic Nations: Mishalex, Lancelot

Game 12929132AoR 1: pamoa, Mishalex, Lancelot
Game 12929133Golfe du St-Laurent: Momo33, QuikSilver, Kahina
Game 12929135Arms Race!: arno30, ttblanch, djelebert

Game 12929136First Nations americas: Momo33, arno30, pamoa, djelebert
Game 12929138WWII Europe: QuikSilver, Mishalex, Lancelot, donelladan
Game 12929140Rail Europe: Général, djé, arno30, Sempai
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby arno30 on Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:58 am

bonne chance reapers !

our away teams against ID

CL5 - [R6] ID vs LHDD

Game 12929471Dawn of Ages - no spoils, chained, foggy - arno30, pamoa
Game 12929473Haiti - flat rate, chained, sunny - quiksilver, HHedyHH

Game 12929475British Isles - no spoils, chained, sunny - mishalex, lancelot du lac, djelebert
Game 12929476Bamboo Jack - Escalating, chained, foggy - blonderic, alexlau, djelebert
Game 12929477Monsters - no spoils, chained, foggy - donelladan, quiksilver, ttblanch

Game 12929478Atlantis - no spoils, chained, sunny - general_tao, sempai, cascades, arno30
Game 12929480NYC - no spoils, chained, foggy - sempai, mishalex, -1-1-3-, ttblanch
Game 12929481Lunar Wars - no spoils, chained, foggy - ttblanch, lancelot du lac, donelladan, momo33

sorry but can't be bothered to put the full name for sempai
bonne chance ID !
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby drpall on Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:10 pm

MM´s away squad:

CL5 SL [R6] GR vs MM

Game 12929782 Rail USA. N/C/F xman5151, alaskanassassin. Herbas (1), liveoak (1)
Game 12929783 Poker Club. N/C/F akabob2, misher. Blitzkrieg Frank (1), Agent 86 (1)

Game 12929784 Baltic Crusades. N/C/F xman5151, Tiller, DarkAges. Agent 86 (2), william tennant (1), Lockup (1)
Game 12929785 Arms Race! N/C/F djfireside, alaskanassassin, adam666. Agent 86 (3), Liveoak (2), william tennant (2)
Game 12929786 Pelo War. N/C/F kmhebert, djfireside, drunkmunky. Blitzkrieg Frank (2), lockup (2), Nola_lifer (1)

Game 12929787 Dawn of Ages. N/C/F Tiller, misher, adam666, Taylor86. Nola_lifer (2), BigBallinStalin (1), drpall (1), Booleans (1)
Game 12929788 CCU. N/C/F kmhebert, BENCLUB, drunkmunky, akabob2. Blitzkrieg Frank (3), BigBallinStalin (2), NapoleonTanerite (1), loutil (1)
Game 12929789 Feudal Epic. N/C/F unionman, kmhebert, misher, drunkmunky. drpall (2), lockup (3), liveoak (3), booleans (2)
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Re: [CL5] - Second League [R5 and R6 start June 30]

Postby VioIet on Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:24 pm

Round 6- OSA vs RA


1. Random- Roussallier, Weepoleon

2. Random- Roussallier, Weepoleon


1. Random- Scipio79, P*Funk!, Mackadoo

2. Random- VioIet, doublediamond, asbks

3. Random- stotzi, sarrt, Janomike


1. Random- Trailman, Roussallier, Doublediamond, weepoleon

2. Random- stotzi, doublediamond, VioIet, P*funk!

3. Random- Stotzi, VioIet, P*funk!, Mackadoo
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby bragsie on Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:57 pm

Round 5- RA vs MB, MB away

1. Brazil- Larry46, jbone
esc, chained, fog

2. aor 2- vinc, wizard
no spoils, chained, fog

1. WWII Poland- alamo, Larry vinc
no spoils, chained, fog

2. Cricket- bragsie, Alf, kirilko
no spoils, chained, fog

3. High Seas- alamo, bio man, barney
esc, chained, fog

1. third crusade- Enoch, jbone, cmbdiesel, hairy
no spoils, chained, fog

2. solar system- Xiakka, wizard, kirilko donny
no spoils, chained, fog

3. circus maximus- bio, jackobee22, elotz, Alf
auto, seq, escalating, chained, sunny
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby 4 U 2 NV on Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:45 pm

[R5] - LEG vs ID away team

Game 12930038AoR1 (NCF) - Erland, Risky_Stud
Game 12930040City Mogul (NCF) - Phantomzero, donovan the DARK
Game 12930044AoR3 (ECF) - Erland, Risky_Stud, donovan the DARK
Game 12930045Third Crusade (ECF) - Mudpuppy, Gamefreakguy, Ishihara
Game 12930046Route66 (NCF) - I_AM_BOGEY, hwhrhett, hiitsmestevie1
Game 12930047Feudal Epic (ECF) - EBConquer, Namliam, Gamefreakguy, Master Chief
Game 12930048Middle Ages (ECF) - Master Chief, 4 U 2 NV, Mudpuppy, Ishihara
Game 12930050Poison Rome (NCF) - nesterdude, hwhrhett, libson101, twopoint
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby Qwert on Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:37 pm

all games are now active.
NEW REVOLUTION-NEW RANKS PRESS THESE LINK viewtopic.php?f=471&t=47578&start=0
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby benga on Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:31 pm


used so far
Bamboo Jack
Berlin 1961
Cairns Coral Coast
Chinese Checkers
Feudal Epic
First Nations Americas
Poison Rome
Prohibition Chicago
Quad Cities
Rail Africa
Solar System
Sydney Metro
Third Crusade
Tribal War - Florida
Unification Germany
World 2.1
WWII Australia
WWII Europe
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby Qwert on Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:49 am

still need to be change of topic tittle.
NEW REVOLUTION-NEW RANKS PRESS THESE LINK viewtopic.php?f=471&t=47578&start=0
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R5 and R6 start June 30]NEW DD JIM

Postby slickstick on Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:10 am

TLW vs GR Round 8:
Salems switch-no spoils,chained,foggy-myturntowin,serreski

Poker club-no spoils,chained,foggy-big jumbo,serreski
CCU-no spoils,chained,foggy-big jumbo,kid moe,myturntowin
Dust bowl-no spoils,chained,foggy-kid moe,conquerhero,myturntowin
Third crusade-no spoils,chained,foggy-bosche,madmom,big jumbo
Imperium romanum-no spoils,unlimited,foggy-theldin,madmom, Chejodavila,slickstick
Europe-no spoils,chained,sunny-slickstick,theldin,Johnny rockets,conquerhero
Great lakes-no spoils,chained,sunny-slickstick,kid moe,bosche,madmom
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby drpall on Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:44 pm

R 7: MM vs MB

D: Dawn of ages (FCN) BigBallinStalin, drpall
D: Age of Realms 2 Magic (FCN) Booleans, BigBallinStalin
T: Crossword (FCN) Herbas, liveoak, William tennant
T: Austerlitz (FCN) Tennisie, liveoak, mountainpark
T: Cricket (FCN) loutil, Blitzkrieg Frank, Nola_lifer
Q: Das Schloss (FCN) loutil, tennisie, agent 86, drpall
Q: City Mogul (FCN) Agent 86, Colonel Krink, Tennisie, Nola_lifer
Q: Monsters (FCN) Agent 86, BigBallinStalin, Colonel Krink, Lockup

Best of luck to MB
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Re: [CL5] - Second League [R5 and R6 start June 30]

Postby AslanTheKing on Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:30 am

AslanTheKing wrote:Army of Kings

First Contact: AslanTheKing
Second Contact: GI O


updated random player list

update our random list
our player slytown has left AOK
add instead our AOK Clanmember gcwca_4_life
I used to roll the daizz
Feel the fear in my enemy´s eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:

Long live the Army Of Kings !


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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby codierose on Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:41 am

is there going to be any updates on the results
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby AslanTheKing on Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:13 am

Round 8
[r8] AOK vs LHDD

All Random maps, settings, esc, chained, fog,

Game 12980064, D1-Vexorg, Feudal.Warrior
Game 12980066, D2-Cybrylla, GI O
Game 12980068, T1-Genghis Khunt, gcwca_4_life, Vexorg
Game 12980070, T2-epicgb, anarchyouare, ke_rassa
Game 12980072, T3-Vaderboy98, Aleksandr, gcwca_4_life
Game 12980074, Q1-anarchyouare, bigwavedave, Vaderboy98, Aleksandr
Game 12980075, Q2-Vexorg, anarchyouare, Aleksandr, gcwca_4_life
Game 12980076, Q3-ke_rassa, bigwavedave, Vaderboy98, epicgb

Good Luck to all.
I used to roll the daizz
Feel the fear in my enemy´s eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:

Long live the Army Of Kings !


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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby Qwert on Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:39 am

codierose wrote:is there going to be any updates on the results

ofcourse, and your question i answer:

update table and results
NEW REVOLUTION-NEW RANKS PRESS THESE LINK viewtopic.php?f=471&t=47578&start=0
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby xman5151 on Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:15 pm

CL5 SL [R7] GR vs ID

Game 12981056 Stalingrad NS/C/F. Tiller, kmhebert
Game 12981057 Woodboro NS/C/F. xman5151, akabob2

Game 12981058 Middle Ages NS/C/F. akabob2, adam666, misher
Game 12981061 Trench Warfare. NS/C/FT. xman5151, akabob2, alaskanassassin
Game 12981059 Europe 1914. NS/C/F. misher, djfierside, drunkmunky

Game 12981062 Supermax. NS/C/S. Tiller, djfireside, drunkmunky, DarkAges
Game 12981064 Atlantis NS/C/F. DarkAges, Taylor86, unionman, adam666
Game 12981066 Ancient Greece NS/C/F. kmhebert, Taylor86, BENCLUB, unionman
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby dt03457 on Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:18 pm

SoH Round 8 Home Games vs TFFS

1 - 12981513 - Flang, Loose Canon - Berlin 1961 - no, chained, sun
2 - 12981519 - Flang, Loose Canon - WWII Iwo Jima - no, chained, sun

1 - 12981520 - evildoer, generalahole, umbrellaman - California - esc, chained, fog
2 - 12981521 - evertonian, Hjaboa, torres44cm - Feudal War - esc, chained, fog
3 - 12981522 - Bellman1010, bruceJuice, dt03457 - Random - flat, chained, fog


1 - 12981525 - Awoodness, Bellman1010, Earlandir, king15 - Random - flat, chained, fog
2 - 12981528 - aglenist, evertonian, dt03457, wyld chyld - King's Court - flat, chained, fog
3 - 12981530 - Cellar, ChadTomer, Darkended Blade, Hjaboa - Peloponnesian War - no, chained, fog
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby 4 U 2 NV on Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:49 pm

[R8] - ID vs MM

Game 12981971 - Tamriel - N/C/S - Master Chief, 4 U 2 NV
Game 12981973 - San Francisco - N/C/S - Namliam, EBConquer

Game 12981975 - Egypt: Valley of the Kings - N/C/F - nesterdude, hwhrhett, MudPuppy
Game 12981976 - Poison Rome - N/C/F - nesterdude, hwhrhett, Ishihara
Game 12981977 - Africa - N/C/S - Erland, Risky_Stud, EBConquer

Game 12981979 - Cricket - N/C/F - Edgron, I_AM_BOGEY, Gifton, Ishihara
Game 12981981 - Pearl Harbor - N/C/F - 4 U 2 NV, Master Chief, donovan THE DARK, I GOT SERVED
Game 12981983 - North America - E/C/S - MudPuppy, phantomzero, donovan THE DARK, silvanus
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby chemefreak on Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:32 pm

[R8] LEG vs RA
Game 12982785Imperial Romanum (NCF) - scottp, snowgun
Game 12982786Woodboro (NCF) - scottp, great-ollie
Game 129827891982 (ECF) - great-ollie, jordy2425, chemefreak
Game 12982791Forbidden City (NCF) - downfall, tammy delee, rkcved
Game 12982793Waterloo (NCF) - ubcman64, crashawc, culs de sac
Game 12982794Pearl Harbor (NCF) - chemefreak, gordito, dyrtydog, snowgun
Game 12982795Cricket (NCF) - ubcman64, culs de sac, great-ollie, jordy2425
Game 12982796Three Kingdoms of Korea (NCF) - codierose, scottp, dyrtydog, downfall
[R7] LEG vs AoK
Game 12982799Siege! (NCF) - Tammy Delee, gordito
Game 12982800All Your Base (NCF) - codierose, culs de sac
Game 12982801WWII Aust (ECF) - codierose, rkcved, chemefreak
Game 12982802NW Passage (ECF) - jordy2425, great-ollie, culs de sac
Game 12982803Classic (ECF) - chemefreak, gordito, rkcved
Game 12982804American Civil War (NCF) - dyrtydog, crashawc, great-ollie, snowgun
Game 12982805Stalingrad (NCF) - ubcman64, codierose, culs de sac, jordy2425
Game 12982806World 2.1 (NCF) - rkcved, downfall, snowgun, crashawc
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: [CL5] - Second League[R7 and R8 start July 14]NEW DD JIM

Postby VioIet on Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:24 am

[R7] RA vs SOH

US Apocalypse- scipio79 & p*funk!
no spoils, fog, chained

WWII Iwo Jima- jseal, p*funk!
no spoils, chained, sunny

Nordic Countries- p*!funk, jseal, violet
no spoils, chained, fog, trench

Space- asbks, Mackadoo, fuzzy316
escalating, chained, sunny

Poker Club- Fuzzy316, Roussallier, weepoleon
escalating, chained, fog

Monsters- violet, doublediamond, mackadoo, fuzzy316
no spoils, chained, fog

Charleston- Roussallier, Trailman, Scipio79, Doublediamond
no spoils, chained, sunny

Italy- doublediamond, Janomike, sarrt, asbks
escalating, chained, sunny
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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