This is a Tournament Players Association Year 3 (TPA3) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed at http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=175675.
All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA3 events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:

This is a triple's tournament based on the 2013 NFL season. The 2013 season will be replicated in it's entirety.
Games will be made and invites sent out on a weekly basis. Games should usually be given on Mondays. Each team will have one "bye week". During a bye week, you will not receive a new game. I will message teams that have a bye week to inform them.
To sign up, post with your complete triples team, select an available NFL franchise to represent, and choose a home map. EACH NFL FRANCHISE AND EACH MAP MAY ONLY BE CHOSEN BY ONE TRIPLES TEAM. Franchises and maps will be assigned in the order they are requested.
When signing up, priority will be given to full teams. I will allow a partial team to reserve a franchise and a map until we fill. At that point, partial teams will be given 12 additional hours to complete their full triples team.
No Trench
30 Round Limit
24 Hour Rounds
The regular season will last 17 weeks. Each team will play 16 games - 8 at "home", 8 "away". After the regular season has ended (or after all games relevant to the final standings, as playoffs are concerned, have been completed), the Playoffs will begin. 6 teams from each Conference will make the Playoffs - each Division winner, and then the 2 teams with the best remaining record. In the Playoffs, each game is single-elimination. The higher seeded team will play on their home map. In the first round, the top 2 teams in each Conference will have byes, meaning they will not play a game that week, and will automatically advance to the second round. After the first round, there will be no more byes.
The Super Bowl (Championship Game) will be played on Fractured America.
OFFICIAL SCHEDULE with a very special thanks to riggable who put the whole thing together
Buffalo Bills - Dillybarr, jimfinn, wombat4 - Netherlands
Miami Dolphins - Graceless_, nolefan5311, Egel - Conquer Rome
New England Patriots - lordlau1, rjhankey, Leverpuller - Nordic Countries
New York Jets - omiljeni, Lord Prepredenko, TitoPoslijeTita - Middle Ages
Baltimore Ravens - iAmCaffeine, ourhero16, spudulica - New World
Cincinnati Bengals - shaneback, Draq, Genoke - Bamboo Jack
Cleveland Browns - mint-murray, mcshanester29, nath77440 - Forbidden City
Pittsburgh Steelers - gannable, 300spartans, IronWood - Great Lakes
Houston Texans - crispybits, puppydog85, CatchersMitt14 - Clandemonium
Indianapolis Colts - Theldin, slickstick, bosche - Ancient Greece
Jacksonville Jaguars - DaveH, greenoaks, Will Lee - Space
Tennessee Titans - reptile, maasman, -Maximus- - Prohibition Chicago
Denver Broncos - ivanbuba, yanakis, cille - Rail Australia
Kansas City Chiefs - patrickaa317, shoop76, seechster - Fractured America
Oakland Raiders - vexx, Easy n Dirty, goggles paisano - Texan Wars
San Diego Chargers - spurgistan, bballmoore22, keeperofsouls - Civil War
Dallas Cowboys - blonderic, Alexlau, Cascades - Cricket
New York Giants - tbayjosh, IcePack, sparkyball - 13 Colonies
Philadelphia Eagles - alaskanassassin, akabob2, xman5151 - Rail USA
Washington Redskins - Tripitaka, RedBaron0, re-riggable - Europe
Chicago Bears - Tin Trumpet, donkeyman, Enormastitz - Monsters
Detroit Lions - *Pixar*, ckyrias, thunderhue - Eurasia Mini
Green Bay Packers - OutSider, mrfitz66, RobbieDub - Chicago
Minnesota Vikings - MD212, radioman212, danhulbert - Japan
Atlanta Falcons - ProsthoDoc, ADAIR410, Joey3GA - Poker Club
Carolina Panthers - M00NZIE, small pox, carp1968 - Oasis
New Orleans Saints - Gilligan, Peter Gibbons, SuperWang - Fractured China
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Grandilof, freakns, dinustef - 1982
Arizona Cardinals - skillfusniper33, Slaylark, JJ41375 - Poison Rome
St. Louis Rams - TX AG 90, geko, hutchkov - Baltic Countries
San Francisco 49ers - Aussie02, Ltrain, Lyndir - Battle for Iraq!
Seattle Seahawks - azak848, lapdog, stuboy - World 2.1
Single Signups: crbj, ItzPetey