Conquer Club

Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Tournaments completed in 2013

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Starting]

Postby Swifte on Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:05 pm

TheMissionary wrote:I forgot to up scoring in the OP. What a dunce! :lol:

There can still be a tie if one team wins dubs and quads, and the other wins the two trips games, it would be 6-6. what happens in that event?
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Starting]

Postby TheMissionary on Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:22 pm

Swifte wrote:
TheMissionary wrote:I forgot to up scoring in the OP. What a dunce! :lol:

There can still be a tie if one team wins dubs and quads, and the other wins the two trips games, it would be 6-6. what happens in that event?

Thank you for pointing this out.

In the event that scoring is tied, a tie-breaker game shall be played:
Quads - Classic;Esc;C;S
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 1]

Postby TheMissionary on Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:13 pm

I was away for the weekend, I'll be looking this over through the week to get ready for the weekend.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 2]

Postby TheMissionary on Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:08 am

Round 3 started
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby nicestash on Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:54 pm

I can't understand why you'd have 20 teams instead of 16 or 32. We got a bad draw so we'll need to win 1 more round if we want to win this tournament, and I don't think it adds anything.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby TheMissionary on Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:43 pm

nicestash wrote:I can't understand why you'd have 20 teams instead of 16 or 32. We got a bad draw so we'll need to win 1 more round if we want to win this tournament, and I don't think it adds anything.

Because there was more interest than 16, and couldn't get 32.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby Leehar on Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:25 am

You haven't updated the scores in the spoiler, but we're pretty much in the finals of the respective brackets?
How come GSAD lost in the previous round. 2-2?

Ah, quads is worth more than dubs, so ssps adv 7-5?

Looks like same happened on the other side of the bracket with BSRU
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby nicestash on Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:23 pm

Leehar wrote:You haven't updated the scores in the spoiler, but we're pretty much in the finals of the respective brackets?
How come GSAD lost in the previous round. 2-2?

Ah, quads is worth more than dubs, so ssps adv 7-5?

Looks like same happened on the other side of the bracket with BSRU

You get 1 point for every player on the other team when you win. So you get 2 points for doubles, 3 points for triples, and 4 points for quads.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby TheMissionary on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:29 pm

I will update when I can. My internet is kind of spotty because I am going through a divorce/separation at the moment. If you know you are in the finals, please PM me with your choice for maps. 1 dubs, 2 trips, 1 quad.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby Swifte on Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:11 am

It looks like the team of Robespierre__ , uckuki, silversun6, and benga have qualified for the final, winning 9-3

Two games still ongoing in the other matchup, Game 12533095, Game 12533092, my team leads 3-2 in the finished games.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby merch313 on Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:46 pm

PM sent to TO
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:14 am

This tournament is now labeled "Needing Rescue". If it is not rescued within a week it will be considered abandoned.

If you are interested please check this section of the Tournament Handbook:

Rescued Tournaments Policy

Abandoned & Rescued Tournaments
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Needs Rescued]

Postby Swifte on Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:16 am

I've sent a PM requesting to rescue this tournament.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Needs Rescued]

Postby DaveH on Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:40 pm

Swifte wrote:I've sent a PM requesting to rescue this tournament.

Well done, mate!
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Swifte on Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:19 pm

Reserved for updates:

BRSU (benga, silversun6, Robespierre__, uckuki) defeats SSPS (Shoop76, seechster, swifte, spitemalice)

Semi-Finals results
SSPS defeated EMP 7-5
BRSU defeated AMPR 9-3

That makes our finals matchup SSPS (Shoop76, seechster, swifte, spitemalice) vs BRSU (benga, silversun6, Robespierre__, uckuki).
Per Missionary's original post- the finalists will get to pick their maps for the Finals. Each team will pick a Quads, 2 triples, and a doubles map. Remember, every player from each team, will need to be in at least 2 home games, and 2 away games.
All games will be Automatic and Sequential - if a team chooses to have trench, there will be a 20 round limit.
I will PM each team and give 1 week to notify me or post their home maps and settings in this thread.

After 1 week I will give a reminder - if i don't hear within 24 hours of that reminder, i will make any remaining games as Random, with default settings.
Last edited by Swifte on Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Swifte on Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:29 pm

PM sent to both teams. Each team has a week to get their home maps/settings selected.

show: PM Sent
Swifte wrote:Congrats to our two finalist teams! Missionary has abandoned this tournament, but it seemed a shame to not play out the finals, so I will be seeing it through to the end!

Per Missionary's original post- the finalists get to pick their maps for the Finals. Each team will pick a Quads, 2 triples, and a doubles map. You must select a different map for all 4 of your home games. As you make your plans, remember that every player from each team will need to be in at least 2 home games, and 2 away games.

All games will be Automatic and Sequential - you may select whatever other setting you wish, please let me know. If a team chooses to have trench, there will be a 20 round limit.

I will give each team 1 week to notify me or post their home maps and settings in the tournament thread.
I will send 1 reminder after 1 week has passed, and if i don't get maps within 24 hours of that reminder, I will make that team's games as random with default settings.
Once I have information for both teams, I'll send PM the invites and you can join accordingly.

Scoring will remain the same as prior rounds - 4 points for a quad win, 3 points for triples wins, 2 points per dubs win. Most points wins the final!

Congrats on making the finals, and have fun!
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Swifte on Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:20 pm

Well, obviously gave a lot more time than I intended, but I never received home maps from either team, so I guess we'll have an all-random showdown.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Swifte on Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:20 am

1st set of finals games sent. Will try to wrap this up in a more timely fashion.. sorry.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Clive on Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:06 am

Tournament Still Active, but all games complete
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Ongoing]

Postby Swifte on Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:08 pm

Final set is created, PM sent to both teams.
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Re: Missionary's Clockwork Rumble [TPA3][Final]

Postby Swifte on Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:10 pm

Team BRSU (benga, silversun6, Robespierre__, uckuki) has accumulated a lead too large to over run... congrats to our winners!

benga, silversun6, Robespierre__, and uckuki win
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