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DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Cleared]TFO

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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:00 pm

ke_rassa wrote:This really just looks like HakuAina is paranoid. People don't always play the way you or I think they should play but that doesn't mean they are working together. And if someone takes advantage of that so they can win more power to them, i've won multiple games that way.

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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:09 pm

gcwca_4_life wrote:I love the fact that BOB still works...

Game 12762030

Neither attacked each other till round 5. But took nothing but a 1 from each other then, for cards.

The first game they may have had something going on. But in the second game, they played as if they were opponents to all, including each other.

But, even you as an outsider think that they MAY have had something going on in the first game. They definitely did. I am not paranoid, this is the first time I made a thread about this, they were working together for sure.

By the way, what is "BOB"?

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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby gcwca_4_life on Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:39 pm

HakuAina wrote:
gcwca_4_life wrote:I love the fact that BOB still works...

Game 12762030

Neither attacked each other till round 5. But took nothing but a 1 from each other then, for cards.

The first game they may have had something going on. But in the second game, they played as if they were opponents to all, including each other.

But, even you as an outsider think that they MAY have had something going on in the first game. They definitely did. I am not paranoid, this is the first time I made a thread about this, they were working together for sure.

By the way, what is "BOB"?


Its an addon for CC use.

And them having something going on in that game is highly doubtful.

You said he played good for only being here as long as he has. But in my opinion he played like a complete newb. Newer players make mistakes, like when to keep attacking, and when to stop. Hell, its how all of us learned the game.
Im not gonna say it is a case of secret diplomacy, but nothing more than a new player not really knowing what the hell he is doing.

And everyone here can be honest, and I dont give a f*ck whom it is. When you first joined it took a few games to know what the hell was goin on.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:37 pm

Yeah, you are right, I suicided few people in the beginning out of my ignorance, no doubt. It took a while to learn. So, my beef is not so much with Menp.

But, what really makes me suspicious is that Detroit (who is not a newb) was suiciding me and taking both of our chances to win. It wasnt so much that Menp was doing something wrong, as it was that DetroitSteel was helping someone. Detroit is not a newb so I really dont understand when he decided to suicide me and takes us both down. It really seem like he was helping either Menp or Pudge to win.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Power Bomb on Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:09 pm

This complaint thread is funnier than any new movie Hollywood has put out in 20 years...

Pass the popcorn, please, extra butter.... :lol:

As for the Haiku-anus dude, he read me the riot act recently to teach me how to play assassin after my attempt to take out my target in one round failed (My usual & often successful tactic).

The guy's played about 66 games total at the time, where I've won three or four times that many Assassin games & he just would not stop harassing me over this.

Obviously, you do NOT want to even go near this guy & his 3.4 rating.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:00 am


lol, ah yes, good to see religious holy people calling others "anus". Its good to see you "preaching the fullness of His grace". (Your words from your profile) I guess Jesus was also calling others "Haiku-anus dude".

Anyways, don't i have more points than you even though you played roughly 4000 more games than me?

lol, oh yeah, i do, so much for an expert.

By the way this thread has nothing to do with you, I never accused you of cheating, i just thought you were clueless, which you are, judging from your low score from 4000 games.

Also, what does your cluelessnes about assasin games and your insecurity about it have to do with this thread?

Do you have any opinions (educated opinions - probably too much to ask) on whether cheating was committed?

Or are just here to tell us how insecure i made you feel when i called you clueless?
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Serbia on Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:19 am

Haku, you're not really adding anything to this conversation. You're just repeating the same thing over and over.

To be honest with you, if we were playing a game together, and you ran your mouth this much, I'd probably decide to attack you and only you, just to bounce you from the game!

Let the mods do their thing, and stop trying to influence a decision through many, many words.

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may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:37 am

Serbia wrote:Haku, you're not really adding anything to this conversation. You're just repeating the same thing over and over.

To be honest with you, if we were playing a game together, and you ran your mouth this much, I'd probably decide to attack you and only you, just to bounce you from the game!

Let the mods do their thing, and stop trying to influence a decision through many, many words.


Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby puppydog85 on Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:52 am

HakuAina wrote:Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.

=What are you talking shit to me, this shit is fucking me, and you say to me to stay quiet. Tell that asshole Power Bomb to not shit, and then there will be no problems.

For those of us who don't speak Bosnian. :D
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Serbia on Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:06 am

puppydog85 wrote:
HakuAina wrote:Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.

=What are you talking shit to me, this shit is fucking me, and you say to me to stay quiet. Tell that asshole Power Bomb to not shit, and then there will be no problems.

For those of us who don't speak Bosnian. :D

Thanks, I didn't know what he said either. :lol:

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Agent 86 on Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:48 am

HakuAina wrote:
Agent 86 wrote:Nothing of note that I can see, move secret diplomacy that I can see :roll:

On what did you base this conclusion of yours?

Did you check the PMs? Can't, not even the Mods can do this

Did you look at the maps? Yes, I know this game a hell of a lot better than you

Did you check whether they are logging in from the same IP address? Yes, no problem here...

Or did you just show up here and made a statement not backed up by any evidence? If you did (which I think you did), why don't you move on and let someone else actually do their job and actually properly investigate?

TheForgivenOne wrote:All 3 are Cleared of being Multi's.

Will look into the game.

Power Bomb wrote:
Obviously, you do NOT want to even go near this guy & his 3.4 rating.

Yep, think this sums it up well..get some more experience before mouthing off :roll:

1 last thing,
HakuAina wrote:Or did you just show up here and made a statement not backed up by any evidence? If you did (which I think you did), why don't you move on and let someone else actually do their job and actually properly investigate?

So you think I did? You haven't a clue of my skills have you :lol: Why don't you move the f*ck on and get some real evidence, circumstantial. I've looked into this and I can bet on the outcome. Want to put your money where your mouth is?

So now it's time I check you out...
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Menp on Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:14 pm

As I can see I'm not the only one who think this guy is crazy :roll:
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:34 pm

Agent 86 wrote:
HakuAina wrote:
Agent 86 wrote:Nothing of note that I can see, move secret diplomacy that I can see :roll:

On what did you base this conclusion of yours?

Did you check the PMs? Can't, not even the Mods can do this

Did you look at the maps? Yes, I know this game a hell of a lot better than you

Did you check whether they are logging in from the same IP address? Yes, no problem here...

Or did you just show up here and made a statement not backed up by any evidence? If you did (which I think you did), why don't you move on and let someone else actually do their job and actually properly investigate?

TheForgivenOne wrote:All 3 are Cleared of being Multi's.

Will look into the game.

Power Bomb wrote:
Obviously, you do NOT want to even go near this guy & his 3.4 rating.

Yep, think this sums it up well..get some more experience before mouthing off :roll:

1 last thing,
HakuAina wrote:Or did you just show up here and made a statement not backed up by any evidence? If you did (which I think you did), why don't you move on and let someone else actually do their job and actually properly investigate?

So you think I did? You haven't a clue of my skills have you :lol: Why don't you move the f*ck on and get some real evidence, circumstantial. I've looked into this and I can bet on the outcome. Want to put your money where your mouth is?

So now it's time I check you out...

WOW, bunch of insecure little girls here so ready to talk about their so called skills.

Your skills, OR LACK THEIR OFF, has nothing to do with investigation. As a matter of fact, nobody has invited you here. Feel free to be dismissed.

The Forgiven One is handling this, so I really dont understand your business here. You are dismissed.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:39 pm

And what is this business if you checking me out?

Feel free to check me out, but its obvious you are butt hurt little girl that has a need to talk about his experience.

Whatever, with the many game you played, I would be ranked much higher, so I am not impressed.

Obviously, you are not here to help, only to start and continue your personal BS.

Like I said, you are dismissed. The Forigven One is handling this.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:42 pm

puppydog85 wrote:
HakuAina wrote:Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.

=What are you talking shit to me, this shit is fucking me, and you say to me to stay quiet. Tell that asshole Power Bomb to not shit, and then there will be no problems.

For those of us who don't speak Bosnian. :D

First off, not Bosnian, its Serbian.

Second, horibbly inaccurate translation. Google translate is it?

Third, what I said was, why are you getting on my case when I was just defending myself from PowerBomb who has no business being here.

This thread is strictly here about cheating, not some forum to try resolve some feeling of being butt hurt because I called someone clueless.

So, Power Bomb or Agent whatever his number is really have no business here.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby jackal31 on Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:33 pm

I think it must be that Serbia, Power Bomb, Agent, and whomever else disagrees with Haku are all multis.

For it must be because no-one else has proof of pm showing otherwise. Suspend and ban them all I say. We've got to put a stop to this madness!
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby GoranZ on Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:55 pm

puppydog85 wrote:
HakuAina wrote:Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.

=What are you talking shit to me, this shit is fucking me, and you say to me to stay quiet. Tell that asshole Power Bomb to not shit, and then there will be no problems.

For those of us who don't speak Bosnian. :D

And you speak Bosnian? looks like NO from your translation ;)
Even a little kid knows whats the name of my country...

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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby HakuAina on Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:11 pm

jackal31 wrote:I think it must be that Serbia, Power Bomb, Agent, and whomever else disagrees with Haku are all multis.

For it must be because no-one else has proof of pm showing otherwise. Suspend and ban them all I say. We've got to put a stop to this madness!

Reading comprehension?

I have never accused Serbia or Power Bomb or Agent of cheating. I only said they can take their butt hurt personal BS somewhere else. This thread has nothing to do with them and their pathetic need to talk about their experiences and skills.

So, I really dont undertand why they are even here.

This thread has nothing to do with them.

And this thread has nothing to do with you either. Why are you here?
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby puppydog85 on Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:46 pm

GoranZ wrote:
puppydog85 wrote:
HakuAina wrote:Sta ti seres meni, ovaj seronja me zajebava, a ti kazes meni da cutim. Reci toj seronji Power Bomb da ne sere, i onda nece biti problema.

=What are you talking shit to me, this shit is fucking me, and you say to me to stay quiet. Tell that asshole Power Bomb to not shit, and then there will be no problems.

For those of us who don't speak Bosnian. :D

And you speak Bosnian? looks like NO from your translation ;)

Well, if you read my English :ugeek: you see I said "those of us who don't speak Bonsian". So no, I don't. Thanks for the info about it being Serbian (you're correct it was google translate- they said it was Bosnian, I didn't have a clue)

And finally- What did it mix up the swearing? I'm pretty sure the general intent was still accurate: you feel the need to curse people out when they don't understand you.
And that, my friend, is what I call a cheap shot.
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Pending]TFO

Postby Agent 86 on Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:07 am

jackal31 wrote:I think it must be that Serbia, Power Bomb, Agent, and whomever else disagrees with Haku are all multis.

For it must be because no-one else has proof of pm showing otherwise. Suspend and ban them all I say. We've got to put a stop to this madness!

Interesting analogy..A visual analogy: "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"

I responded earlier in this thread with my thoughts on the matter..Haku, you are funny: "feeling of being butt hurt because I called someone clueless" :lol:

Ok, I'm out of here..all yours TFO
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Re: DetroitSteel (possibly others)[Cleared]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:42 am

Alright, discussion went on long enough.

I looked through the game, and I agree with the sentiments on Menp simply being new to the game and making noob moves.

I don't believe Pudge 315 had anything to do with anything, and he simply was on the right side of things going wrong for other people. Just because he happened to win based on their moves doesn't mean he was collusion. We've all won a game or two from moves that others did.

And for DetroitSteel, I simply believe he was going for the kill on you. Just because someone makes a move that you don't like, doesn't mean he's colluding with others. And there are users on this site who simply don't like a person who posts as much as you did in that game.

I don't see enough evidence in the game to warrant a Warning, so they are Cleared.
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