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CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

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CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby Tenebrus on Thu May 30, 2013 11:02 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s): Various

Comments: Hi, not sure if this is ok to do, but if someone could run a multi check on CC888 that would be hugely appreciated. I've played a fair number of games with him, and something seems off. Particularly on the assassin games, though I've given up trying to prove collusion on those (even though I'm sure it goes on, it's almost impossible to prove and collusion is just too easy on those games), but this last game just made me think it was worth checking. Game was Game 12813472 and CC888 and worldconquer looked to be collaborating. The play made no sense otherwise. They're both Oz-based, play dubs and have around 700 games together. A lot of the assassin games smell funny with them in it too, but hey-ho.

I'm not going to try and prove anything based on statistics or what have you, because that takes forever, and I don't think it's provable beyond reasonable doubt in an assassin context (EVEN THOUGH MY STOMACH KNOWS I'M RIGHT), but if someone could run a multi-check I would appreciate it, and then I'll just drop it and put it down to two majors trying to learn their way round the freestyle setting (EVEN THOUGH MY STOMACH KNOWS I AM RIGHT).

Thanks in advance,
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report)

Postby maxfaraday on Thu May 30, 2013 11:11 am

You need to find 5 instances of them killing the other one's target and/or weakening the other one target and/or joining games one after the other for the mods to pay attention to your report.
Not saying you're wrong, it's just the way it works.
From: Karl_R_Kroenen
To: maxfaraday

I have noted this post and if it continues, there will be consequences for you.
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report)

Postby Tenebrus on Thu May 30, 2013 12:43 pm

Actually, that's not how it works. You're confusing a multi/secret diplomacy report with a report for abuse of rankings. Review any number of C&A threads, and you'll see searches initiated on the basis of a single game.
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report)

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu May 30, 2013 3:12 pm

Not one to say you're wrong, but this a 1 Minute Speed Doodle Freestyle game we are talking about here...
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report)

Postby Tenebrus on Thu May 30, 2013 4:15 pm

Yeah, I know. And I'm not manning the barricades and calling for his head or anything. It's just a lot of his games feel oogy (including that one - Gabriel agreed), and I'd like a multi check done.
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report)

Postby king achilles on Thu May 30, 2013 8:17 pm

CC888 is a past busted account but has already upgraded since then.
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby Tenebrus on Fri May 31, 2013 4:30 am

Huh, so he has form. Interesting. We can run the multi check right?
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby gcwca_4_life on Fri May 31, 2013 11:31 am

Tenebrus wrote:Huh, so he has form. Interesting. We can run the multi check right?

It would do no good....

Pay attention to what KA said...

king achilles wrote:CC888 is a past busted account but has already upgraded since then.

As being one of those many past busted, more than likely they keep an eye on these for any showing of multiple accounts.

Hell, they probably watch my account for that reason also..
tdans wrote:lets rock this joint :D... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint

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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby Tenebrus on Fri May 31, 2013 12:18 pm

Ahh, got it. I would guess he just got smarter about it, but there's not much that can be done. Hey-ho. Another good reason to steer clear of assdoodles.
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby gcwca_4_life on Fri May 31, 2013 7:24 pm

Tenebrus wrote:Ahh, got it. I would guess he just got smarter about it, but there's not much that can be done. Hey-ho. Another good reason to steer clear of assdoodles.

Why so?

Assdoodles are luck based games, and a lot of people make mistakes on them..

Hell, Ive had many of them in which I have had someone kill someone whom wasnt their target.. And I lose..

Ive also ran into a few where someone killed my target, and others got pissed..

It happens, and some people either just dont give a shit at the time, or just simply f*ck up.

Sometimes you just gotta learn to brush your shoulder off and keep goin.
tdans wrote:lets rock this joint :D... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint

I'm the insane guy, that you never wanna meet... See the end of my blade? It's sharp. hehe
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby Tenebrus on Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:13 am

Some of those games are crooked, I knows it precious. I KNOWS IT.
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby CC888 on Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:09 pm

ur just a little bitch, many of us here are and have friends unlike some (Tenebrus). worldconquer and I play diffrent maps in most cases. WC and I also have diffrent styles! sure we enjoy and compete in games like assassins LUX and doodles. we play alot of dubs because we have diffrent views in attack and deffending and come up with a good result as we both together share our thoughts and stats show we win more then we lose together as a team. we both been caught multi accounting like lol allmost everyone on CC. we both have been prosicuted and asked by CC to become members to enjoy CC again. we both paid the money and joined also respect the rules. seems like ur a sore loser!
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby CC888 on Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:09 pm

u may have a bug in ur stomach
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Major CC888
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Re: CC888 (a stomach-based report) [cleared]

Postby Tenebrus on Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:25 am

Oh roffles, thanks for confirming everything I thought about you. And you've *both* been caught cheating before? That is interesting. Well, good luck with however you're cheating now - I'm sure you've worked out an untraceable way, it's not really very hard, is it. And you obviously have no problem with cheating - only getting caught.
Sergeant 1st Class Tenebrus
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