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demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, [Noted]TFO

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demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, [Noted]TFO

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Wed May 01, 2013 5:31 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Verbal Abuse
Extreme vulgarity
Ratings Abuse

Game number(s):
See below.

This guy is obviously a child with some problems... He responds to most of his low ratings with extremely rude, vulgar, and offensive responses. However, what is important to note is that he outright says he will leave bad ratings for those who leave him bad ratings (as in my case with him)...

Here are a few responses:

uk massive 4.8 2013-04-16 18:13:17 [find games]
Tags: Complainer, Vindictive, Sore Loser
Response: piss off dickhead

maxfaraday 4.3
2013-04-10 21:41:10 [find games]
Tags: Rude, Reckless, Suicider, Poor Strategy
Response: f*ck you Max, you deadbeat and do stupid shit all the time. bloody wanker

EagleofGreenErth 4.7
2013-04-08 01:48:59 [find games]
Tags: Rude
Response: RUDE? F U mo fo

Prince_Tottenham 4.8
2013-04-02 14:58:54 [find games]
Tags: Friendly, Brave, Balanced Play
Response: go fucking kill yourself , god damn cry baby. You a faint wristed one?

jmro 4.4
2013-03-31 04:09:35 [find games]
Response: die

SimplyObsessed 4.8
2013-03-26 23:26:50 [find games]
Response: fckin rude? Die you little bastard

namaste11 4.8
2013-03-25 17:56:00 [find games]
Tags: Good Teammate
Response: you suck ass , bitch

poker pro 4.6
2013-03-24 21:51:24 [find games]
Tags: Rude, Secret Diplomacy, Cheap Tactics, Poor Strategy
Response: die

animaal 4.7
2013-02-06 07:37:23 [find games]
Response: thats right faggot , I won

ILoveMen 4.5
2013-02-01 14:21:46 [find games]
Tags: Quick, Sore Loser
Response: sorry fag, you suck

kloja 4.8
2013-01-29 11:15:32 [find games]
Tags: Slow, Sore Loser, Poor Strategy
Response: cook me up some grub , bitch

wombat4 4.7
2012-11-20 15:49:37 [find games]
Tags: Vindictive, Sore Loser
Response: I own you bitch

krunch! 4.4
2012-11-16 19:37:24 [find games]
Tags: Bully, Suicider, Poor Strategy
Response: k i will leave you a shit rating now as well mother fucker

Marshallbobby 4.8
2012-11-05 10:05:42 [find games]
Tags: Rude, Irrational, Reckless, Suicider
Response: whatever you little pussy

mnmmnm9 4.6
2012-10-12 11:58:16 [find games]
Response: suck it faggot

jwrbear 4.6
2012-10-11 12:06:44 [find games]
Response: you suck retard

Danny.L 4.0
2012-08-24 09:57:45 [find games]
Tags: Suicider, Vindictive, Secret Diplomacy, Cheap Tactics
Response: f*ck you and die bitch

Brian718 4.7
2012-08-20 10:35:08 [find games]
Tags: Uncooperative, Irrational, Reckless, Poor Strategy
Response: You fucking dumb ass, go kill yourself

Sydney0103 4.7
2012-08-17 19:17:39 [find games]
Tags: Complainer
Response: piss off and die

mr666 4.8
2012-02-20 00:40:41 [find games]
Tags: Rude, Complainer, Irrational, Sore Loser
Response: f u and die mf er

KoE_fjanet 4.9
2011-11-04 11:09:36 [find games]
Response: piss off cunt

Hooverball 4.7
2011-10-24 15:29:30 [find games]
Tags: Irrational
Response: go fck yourself and die douchebag

jamiey 4.7
2011-08-19 18:56:36 [find games]
Tags: Rude, Complainer
Response: drop dead you fucking cunt

hockeyfan1995 4.8
2011-07-31 21:16:07 [find games]
Tags: Quick
Response: thanks! you f in loser, cck sucker
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Corporal 1st Class EagleofGreenErth
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Re: demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, ratings ab

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Wed May 01, 2013 5:35 pm

I understand that demonthunder was recently accused of bigotry and cleared (see link below).... however, that was for an in game chat and you guys probably didn't see the ratings responses.... this here is blatant bigotry.

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Re: demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, ratings ab

Postby Woodruff on Thu May 02, 2013 8:19 pm

EagleofGreenErth wrote:I understand that demonthunder was recently accused of bigotry and cleared (see link below).... however, that was for an in game chat and you guys probably didn't see the ratings responses.... this here is blatant bigotry.


Seems to be some in his rating responses, as well.
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Re: demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, [Pending]T

Postby king achilles on Thu May 02, 2013 10:27 pm

Demonthunder was already warned for bigotry on the 13th of February. We should only look on infractions done after the disciplinary measure was imposed on the guy for the same violation.
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Re: demonthunder - bigotry, verbal abuse, vulgar, [Noted]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu May 02, 2013 11:20 pm

Alright, I looked through a handful of games. And as King Achilles said, he was warned on the 13th of Feb, and every instance of bigotry you cited occurred before that date.

While some of his ratings are indeed questionable, some, from his view, did deserve it, as he felt they did something to deserve the rating, whether it be a poor move, or in the case of a deadbeating tag, actually deadbeated.

So for now, I am going to Note the report for now in case he get's reported again.
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