I haven't looked really well, but this may have already been suggested. Indeed if it hasn't, I'll be surprised.
Suggestion Idea: Different Army Number Font Styles and Sizes
Description: Map makers will be able to specify from a list of available fonts for their maps within the XML files. Example:
- Code: Select all
<numbers><font size="7" color="blue" face="Times New Roman"></numbers>
This probably isn't how you would do it, but it shouldn't have to be any more complicated than that.
Why It Should Be Considered: The army number pixel font we use now just doesn't fit a lot of the maps. It's also very limiting on what size territories can be created. The army numbers could easily be about half their current size and still be readable. They could also be something completely different (Comic Sans, Arial, Times New Roman, Console, whatever fits). I'm not sure what format the current numbers are, either text or image (possibly for the different colors and black outline), but either way, this shouldn't really be too hard to implement. If you use text, you just have to make sure you have them in your system. If you use images for the numbers, drawing them would be the only part that may take some time but I'm sure many people would be happy to spend a few minutes and add more fonts to your cache.
Lack Label (Mod Use): [No]