presevo, gendotte, lakenan, jody211 (44), deluxe4 (40), IR1SH ACE (33), Darwen (30), ML46 (28), redlion (26), Guill118 (26), Alabaster Turkey (25), Seppjansen (25), 7AceAdrian (24), Silens_Diabolus (23), Benster (22), mixawy (21), delta prime (19)
Moderator: Community Team
Army of GOD wrote:inb4 merge
owenshooter wrote:Army of GOD wrote:inb4 merge
in before lock/merge/owen ban!!!-el Jesus negro
TeeGee wrote:=D>![]()
Happy Birthday
WOW< How many centurions do we have at CC born on Jan 1st![]()
ooge, poohcrumbs, Angrybovine, Grizzlay, AsherMaximum, bigm1234 (104), Dwy_guy (104), Kordo (104), pfaffwil (103), stridie (103), Snowgun (103), Blinkadyblink (103), Ganker (103), ETS45 (103), FIREDUCK (103), Giant Titan (103), hallucinathan (103), Jedi Sex (103), Pvt.Hair (103), ugalis (103), keiths31 (102), germwarfare (102), Ragian (102), mightgolower (102), bannana0 (102), Dr.Syrup (102), rƶpƶ (102), unclegant (102), N0vaKain3 (102), deaner (101), kevinh90 (101), SuperGoogleman (101), Bostonguitah (101), Miss Balalaika (101), Sev7n (101), Lee371 (101), Nikola_Tesla (97), YoBFelip (91), obliterationX (74), NUKE (57), danco (51), mondial64 (49), snakerumor (48), jimboston (43), Coyote2002ca (42), Army of Grunts (40), stalk_of_fennel (39), bmusic (39), Baskns (38), Johndy514 (38), adban (35), hamzuu (33), gargonot (32), paulasia (32), evncfe2009 (28), jackwrites (28), true_blue_angel (26), ostoja osvajac (26), DaKaptun (26), tdbond_21 (25), yenniej22 (24), xXDusanXx (23), gregwolf121 (22), moshe dayan (21), cheekydevil (20), Kvothe22 (20), dbruser (19), Indianz Conquer (10), italianipastido (5), ArrowHead (4), GeneralNapoleon (4), msurules1234 (3), gdbudman (2), QoH (2), Karl_R_Kroenen (1)
Gillipig wrote:I doubt your sincerity TeeGee. You used too few smilies!!
Gillipig wrote:He's dead so he doesn't count.
nietzsche wrote:Happy Birthday Haggis McMutton!!
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