It will be a Terminator tournament with 16 Premium Members plus 2-3 reserves. I will divide them to 2 groups with 8 players each using
Round 1
Each player will play 14 8-player games.
Settings: Terminator Manual (good for medal hunters) Sequential Escalating Chained Fog of War No Trench 24h 30 rounds limit
The maps for the 14 games are: Antartica Baseball Clandemonium Das Schloss Feudal Epic Jamaica King's Court King's Court II Lunar War Monsters New World Peloponnesian War Treasures Of Galapagos WWII Poland
I will send 4 or 5 of them each time.
Each kill gives 1 point and the winner of each game takes 1 point too. The 3 players with most points of each group qualify (6 players). 2 players with the most points of the remaining 10 also qualify to the final. Ties will be solved with a tie-breaker game with the players that have the same points. Tie-breaker game will be played at Feudal War map if the tied players are 2-6. If they are 7 or more i will split them to 2 groups and the winners will play a 1v1. Settings same as above but Standard instead of Terminator.
Final The 8 qualified players will play 14 8-player games with maps and settings same as the first round. Players will carry their previous points. Each kill gives 2 points and the winner of each game takes 2 points too. The player with the most points will be the winner!!
If a player misses his invite i will send a second one. If he misses second one too he will be replaced.
I put you at the reserves EminenceGrise. Tou lost it for 10 minutes Thank you all for joining! If i have more replies i will put you at the reserves list
I just realised that Age of Realms maps cannot be played with 8 players. So i deleted them from the maps list, and now we have 14 games rounds instead of 17. Sorry for the change guys