by tkr4lf on Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:02 am
Round 10 has finished up.
I posted the Total Scores in the third post, where they usually are, instead of posting them here and forcing everyone to search for them. Again, I tried to link to the image, but it still wont let me for whatever reason. Unfortunately, it wouldn't let me post what I did with what was still there, apparently it can't determine the dimensions of those images either. So, I deleted everything that was in the Standings post, and replaced it with just total scores written out.
That sucks, as I quite liked the excel tables, but whatever. At least the total scores are up there again.
So, an update. Donessus is leading with 53 points. Shortly behind them are The Antarctic Avengers with 51 points and Pickled Pigs with 50 points. Random Heroes dropped to 4th place with 47 points. Unfortunately for them, their last two round were against the top two teams, so someone within the top 4 was bound to go down a bit. They face Donessus next, so I know both The Antarctic Avengers and us Pickled Pigs would really appreciate them becoming the third team to be able to beat Donessus! Preferably with a shutout!
Final round games will be out shortly.