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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby therev1957 on Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:59 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Ratings abuse
Game number(s):
Basically if the game doesn't go the way he wants it is a one star for those who get in his way!

1. Game 12621328 gave CC888 a one star and a tag of Irrational, Reckless, Suicider, Poor Strategy for no apparent reason
2. Game 12620869 gave therev1957 a one star and a tag of Irrational, Reckless, Suicider, Poor Strategy because he didn't like being attacked even though we could only attack each other. there was no suiciding involved
3. Game 12613482 and Game 11711474 gave StinknLincoln a one star and a tag of Backstabber, Cheap Tactics and he won the game
4. Game 12620596 gave Mike22 a one star rating and Mike22 won the game and even said "GG"
5. Game 12549629 gave JdeV 100 a one star and tag of Paranoid, Irrational, Reckless, Vindictive, look at the chat it says it all.
6. Game 12547574 gave sinbad93 a one star and tag of Slow, Rude, This one is really bad sinbad93 beat him even though he didn't know the map and was very polite in the game chat!

Only need to give five I gave six you can check out his rating page if you want more info

And yes he has been foed and I PMed him with this PM

Sent: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:21 am
From: therev1957
To: MasterGuns
BCC: therev1957
Game 12620869Watch game I know we all have a bad day, week etc. I can understand that. So I will give you a chance...I believe that the rating you have given me is undeserved and with the 8 others ratings that you left on 4/11/13. This is ratings abuse. So I will give you 24 hours to rectify the situation. If in that time you don't I will report you for ratings abuse...oh and I took a picture of your rating page for evidence. Your call...Also if you go back through the log the first major attack was you...I can understand that...did you see me complaining? I knew it was either you or me! Please sit down and analyze the situation. I am sure that if you are an honest person you will see it the same way I do.

His reply back was this
Sent: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:42 am
From: MasterGuns
To: therev1957
Please do not continue trolling and harrassing me by sending me unwanted messages complaining about the rating i left you. You also left me a poor rating if you dont recall. Do you know the definition of hypocrite?? Furthermore I stand by rating and if I could change it I would only add complainer to it now!!!
Have a nice day & remember dont reply as I will view as trolling & harrassing me.

And I didn't give him a straight one star with a tag of Reckless, Suicider, Vindictive, Poor Strategy as he did to me

I gave him 3 for fair and game play and a one for Attitude with a tag of complainer
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Re: MasterGuns

Postby Symmetry on Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:51 pm

Nicely done- I've rarely seen a report so well put together, and with an account of how you tried to make things right before taking to the forums.

I'll only add this, his ratings left page:
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: MasterGuns

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:49 am

Symmetry wrote:Nicely done- I've rarely seen a report so well put together

I've seen better.

Therev, is that you in your avi?
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby therev1957 on Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:35 am

yes it is
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby MasterGuns on Sat Apr 20, 2013 6:40 pm

I have 4 points to make in my defense of this accusation:

1) This player who is accusing me is the same player who has left similar ratings for other players in his past 8 games showing a pattern which he himself states is abuse....which to me is a joke, and which I respond by saying these are the actions of a Hypocrite!

check for yourself: ... therev1957

2) I stand by my ratings as overall I have left more positive ratings than poor ratings.

3) My process of how I rate players is reasonable to me as I only rate players who have made a considerable impression upon me whether good or bad and I then rate the player accordingly to how I perceive them.

4) This player and another player have sent me multiple messages and wall posts to harass and bully me into changing my rating... I can provide the details if needed.

I don't respond well to threats or being bullied by hypocritical players like therev1957....

or his friend eggrollonedolla

Sent: Apr 18th, '13, 19:44
From: eggrollonedolla
To: MasterGuns
Seems like you have been a naughty boy! You use of ratings and tags is a privilege not a right. If your an exec like your profile says you are I would be very worried about your company.

It's not smart to like a 3 year old.

I figured I would provide you some friendly advice seeing as how it looks like you desperately need some.
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby therev1957 on Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:29 pm

MasterGuns wrote:I have 4 points to make in my defense of this accusation:

1) This player who is accusing me is the same player who has left similar ratings for other players in his past 8 games showing a pattern which he himself states is abuse....which to me is a joke, and which I respond by saying these are the actions of a Hypocrite!

check for yourself: ... therev1957

2) I stand by my ratings as overall I have left more positive ratings than poor ratings.

3) My process of how I rate players is reasonable to me as I only rate players who have made a considerable impression upon me whether good or bad and I then rate the player accordingly to how I perceive them.

4) This player and another player have sent me multiple messages and wall posts to harass and bully me into changing my rating... I can provide the details if needed.

I don't respond well to threats or being bullied by hypocritical players like therev1957....

or his friend eggrollonedolla

Sent: Apr 18th, '13, 19:44
From: eggrollonedolla
To: MasterGuns
Seems like you have been a naughty boy! You use of ratings and tags is a privilege not a right. If your an exec like your profile says you are I would be very worried about your company.

It's not smart to like a 3 year old.

I figured I would provide you some friendly advice seeing as how it looks like you desperately need some.

Answer to 1 - my ratings were left over a period of a month and I have stopped rating people that aren't exceptional or that are very bad players...obviously you didn't go into the game to see whether the rating was valid or not so let me do it for you
1. Game 12620869 MasterGuns probably should have given him a one star (sorry about that) and a ticket of Rude added on
2. Game 12582524 donaldp03 gave him a 5 stars cuz he played great
3. Game 12483377 srolgave him a 2 3 stars and a one star for attitude because he was rude read the chat! (also note that I didn't rate his three partners!)
4. Game 12537751 JumboJet74 2 star for fair play, 1 star for game play, and 3 star for the game log he weaken me to the point where I was easily taken in an assassin game and I was not his target...once again rating is justified.
5. Game 12532866 Phoenix_1988 missed turns, didn't end turns, and then deadbeat...all one stars...and once again rating is justified.
6. Game 12532866 IGodlikeI deadbeat...all one stars...and once again rating is justified!
7. Game 12531323 gpowell two 5 stars and a 3 for game the chat...and once again rating is justified
8. Game 12497533 Sweepy deadbeat...all one stars...and once again rating is justified.

now that I have justified my games why don't you justify your games?
Answer to 2 didn't even look at my 190 other pages of good ratings!
Answer to 3 your perception is very poor (if I am wrong prove me wrong and justify your ratings on the six games I listed as I have done in this post!)
Answer to 4 I sent you two messages the first one is included in the post above and the second one is quoted below:

Re: trolling

Sent: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:23 am
From: therev1957
To: MasterGuns
trolling is continued badgering this is only the second sent feel free to report me just click the upside down triangle!

I don't respond well to threats or being bullied by hypocritical players like therev1957....
I have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that my ratings were justified hence no hypocrisy here

or his friend eggrollonedolla
have played only one game with that player so I would not consider him a friend

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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby eggrollonedolla on Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:40 pm

Master guns is very angry. I think some anger management could help him. We want to play against friendly people and master guns doesn't seem very friendly. :(

If you need a hug guns just ask!!

Sorry I don't know much about therev I wrote my letter on my own after reading his report you naughty little boy you!!
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby MasterGuns on Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:14 pm

MY last response to therev1957 & his friend eggnog, is simply.... "Get a life people!", your spending waaaayyyy too much time on cc complaining over a legitimate poor rating which really should have included complainer.

good day,
to you both

I will however acknowledge that because this site is still a money making business that makes it's profits from players like myself and therev1957 renewing every year,... that if CC mods do feel that by removing the rating it will help keep a long time playing customer on CC then I really have no problem with them changing or removing my rating to satisfy a paying customer. I however will not remove it on my own as I stand by my rating, with of course the exception of adding a complainer tag to it ;)
Last edited by MasterGuns on Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby therev1957 on Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:19 pm

MasterGuns wrote:MY last response to therev1957 & his friend eggnog, is simply.... "Get a life people!", your spending waaaayyyy too much time on cc complaining over a legitimate poor rating which really should have included complainer.

good day,
to you both

Way to Man up NOT
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby eggrollonedolla on Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:19 pm

MasterGuns wrote:MY last response to therev1957 & his friend eggnog, is simply.... "Get a life people!", your spending waaaayyyy too much time on cc complaining over a legitimate poor rating which really should have included complainer.

good day,
to you both

That certainly wasn't your message to me. I believe mine had the f word in it somewhere and that you didn't give a damn about my opinion.

Good day to you as well. :)
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby Funkyterrance on Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:31 am

therev1957 wrote:yes it is

Cool. :)

Tbh, I've always pondered on your avi, wondering what the heck is going on in it. The first few times I saw it I for some reason made the assumption that it was someone in a wal-mart smock(right color) giving a speech or something into a microphone in their driveway. Something about the position of the arms, stance, I dunno. For a long time I just kept thinking this was it, and also thinking every time that it was interesting in an odd sort of way like you were some kind of fanatic or something, but never actually looking really closely at the photo. Now, probably years after the first time I've seen it, I realize upon closer inspection that you are actually wearing a t-shirt and holding a huge-ass fish!(A bass maybe?). I'm a huge fisherman in RL so now I've got an equally cool impression of your avi.

There, that was a nice break from the nastiness of this report wasn't it?
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Re: MasterGuns[Pending]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:01 am

Alright, locking this. Both sides had their chances to post.
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Re: MasterGuns[Noted]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:38 am

Alright, I looked through the ratings, and while some of them are indeed questionable, it does seem that he had a reason (in his mind) to rate the person that way, whether it be because of poor play (in his mind), or had an altercation. I am going to Note this report in case he is reported again.
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