2013-04-11 01:32:39 - danksocks: hi and gla
2013-04-11 01:33:14 - dollarsnosense: ugly faces, ugly faces (singing)

2013-04-11 01:33:59 - danksocks: dude u have a terrible voice
2013-04-11 01:34:14 - dollarsnosense: yip, yep
2013-04-11 01:34:22 - danksocks: lol
2013-04-11 01:35:06 - dollarsnosense: and BR continues to sleep
2013-04-11 01:37:54 - demonthunder: you all ugly compared to me
2013-04-11 01:38:00 - demonthunder: god I am so sexy
2013-04-11 01:39:20 - dollarsnosense: (only safe place from Graeko ads is in his game) shh don't tell him I am here he might wall me
2013-04-11 01:40:36 - Graeko: wut?
2013-04-11 01:43:08 - demonthunder: max move your skinny ass to sydney
2013-04-11 01:44:47 - maxfaraday: no
2013-04-11 01:44:51 - demonthunder: dont make me move you
2013-04-11 01:44:57 - demonthunder: biatch
2013-04-11 01:45:00 - maxfaraday: my ass is not skinny
2013-04-11 01:45:14 - demonthunder: i know
2013-04-11 01:45:17 - maxfaraday: i need to lose at least 5kg
2013-04-11 01:45:20 - demonthunder: i was being polite
2013-04-11 01:45:25 - demonthunder: for a second
2013-04-11 01:45:28 - maxfaraday: winter man
2013-04-11 01:45:29 - demonthunder: it wore off
2013-04-11 01:45:48 - maxfaraday: couldn't ride my bike
2013-04-11 01:46:18 - maxfaraday: you have a spot in beijing stop whining
2013-04-11 01:46:42 - Barney Rubble: Thought you had amarried woman you visited ( Bike) .......hehhehehehe
2013-04-11 01:47:23 - maxfaraday: ok
2013-04-11 01:47:30 - dollarsnosense: max and commitment, I can see that .. just not in the same context
2013-04-11 01:47:33 - pinkrose2012: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

2013-04-11 01:47:37 - pinkrose2012: gl gl
2013-04-11 01:47:49 - demonthunder: ok , keep leaving 3s i will hit them all
2013-04-11 01:47:56 - maxfaraday: well let's just say she was riding me
2013-04-11 01:48:39 - Barney Rubble: Pinky !!!!
2013-04-11 01:49:33 - pinkrose2012: Rubblesssssss

2013-04-11 01:49:37 - maxfaraday: who hit delhi?
2013-04-11 01:49:45 - pinkrose2012: I just had to come say hi
2013-04-11 01:49:54 - pinkrose2012: It was me...sorry
2013-04-11 01:50:04 - Barney Rubble: Hi
2013-04-11 01:50:13 - Barney Rubble: You playing tonight ?
2013-04-11 01:51:11 - pinkrose2012: Yea Im in one now.....dns is giving me shit...says Im a bully LMFAO
2013-04-11 01:51:19 - pinkrose2012: :p
2013-04-11 01:51:36 - demonthunder: i did
2013-04-11 01:51:48 - demonthunder: gonna hit again if i dont see a 1
2013-04-11 01:51:58 - demonthunder: or a set a boobs
2013-04-11 01:52:12 - maxfaraday: i bully everyone i can whenever i can
2013-04-11 01:53:40 - Graeko: oops
2013-04-11 01:53:53 - Graeko: accidentally closed this page
2013-04-11 01:53:54 - Graeko: sorry
2013-04-11 01:56:02 - demonthunder: i tear shit down
2013-04-11 01:56:37 - demonthunder: BR left me a 1 so your crappy 3 lives
2013-04-11 01:58:32 - dollarsnosense: DT gotta love him, goes through his kitten to brain-eating zombie in 3 secs
2013-04-11 02:01:38 - demonthunder: my son likes cats, its a respect thing untill i feel like killing them
2013-04-11 02:04:07 - maxfaraday: my father used to kill my cats
2013-04-11 02:04:29 - maxfaraday: he doesn't like cats
2013-04-11 02:04:58 - demonthunder: cats are worthless
2013-04-11 02:05:03 - demonthunder: no loyalty
2013-04-11 02:05:39 - maxfaraday: well now i guess i'm just gonna play kamikaze on you dickhead
2013-04-11 02:05:59 - maxfaraday: 2013-04-10 20:05:03 - demonthunder: no loyalty
2013-04-11 02:06:00 - demonthunder: no card spots in round 5 is bs
2013-04-11 02:06:04 - demonthunder: you know that
2013-04-11 02:06:15 - demonthunder: try your new style in a noob game
2013-04-11 02:06:23 - demonthunder: love you ^__
2013-04-11 02:06:29 - maxfaraday: exactly what he used to say
2013-04-11 02:06:52 - maxfaraday: oh and you're foed
2013-04-11 02:06:59 - demonthunder: oh ok
2013-04-11 02:07:13 - demonthunder: so dumb but whatever
2013-04-11 02:08:17 - maxfaraday: no card spot my ass
2013-04-11 02:08:29 - demonthunder: i did not have one
2013-04-11 02:08:32 - maxfaraday: you had dakar
2013-04-11 02:08:39 - demonthunder: why leave 3s all over?
2013-04-11 02:08:45 - maxfaraday: stupid dumbass
2013-04-11 02:08:47 - demonthunder: wasnt there on my turn
2013-04-11 02:08:53 - maxfaraday: can't read a map
2013-04-11 02:09:11 - demonthunder: Max I told you to share in aussie , you said no
2013-04-11 02:09:25 - maxfaraday: yes it was pink's turn is before yours
2013-04-11 02:09:28 - demonthunder: i told you to get rid of your gay ass 3s, you refused
2013-04-11 02:09:38 - demonthunder: so i say , am i wrong?
2013-04-11 02:10:25 - maxfaraday: reported for bigotry
2013-04-11 02:10:59 - demonthunder: ok sweety, wanna make out after this
2013-04-11 02:21:59 - demonthunder: gg green
2013-04-11 02:36:50 - maxfaraday: 12616520 same settings
2013-04-11 02:39:05 - Barney Rubble: You better not have two pair dt
2013-04-11 02:39:34 - demonthunder: i do
2013-04-11 02:39:36 - demonthunder: why
2013-04-11 02:40:45 - Barney Rubble: Cause G wont and then its over
2013-04-11 02:41:26 - demonthunder:

2013-04-11 02:41:27 - demonthunder: k
2013-04-11 02:46:12 - Barney Rubble: Heheheh so much for me blocking for you dns hahahaha
2013-04-11 02:53:25 - demonthunder: gg pink
2013-04-11 02:54:38 - danksocks: tough time for 2 pair...
2013-04-11 03:02:17 - Graeko: you dumb son of a bitch
2013-04-11 03:02:18 - danksocks: glad i hit montreal first and not last
2013-04-11 03:02:42 - danksocks: chill out bro...i had a shot at you...it was pretty much gonna be my only chance of victory
2013-04-11 03:02:52 - danksocks: u would have done different?
2013-04-11 03:03:19 - Graeko: Yes
2013-04-11 03:03:26 - Graeko: I would have started with yellow
2013-04-11 03:03:45 - Graeko: who you had set up
2013-04-11 03:04:05 - dollarsnosense: nope
2013-04-11 03:04:28 - danksocks: yellow was bigger than you and had less cards...plus i pretty much had you set up
2013-04-11 03:04:37 - danksocks: could bring almost all my troops to bear...
2013-04-11 03:05:03 - Graeko: no, you didn't have me "pretty much set up
2013-04-11 03:05:20 - danksocks: dude i didn't have to go through a single stack to get to you
2013-04-11 03:05:26 - Graeko: If you're going after me 29 v 26, you don't have me set up
2013-04-11 03:05:30 - danksocks: u had the least troops on the board and the most cards
2013-04-11 03:05:42 - danksocks: then i didnt have yellow set up either
2013-04-11 03:05:54 - danksocks: 29 v 26 is in my favor every time
2013-04-11 03:06:10 - danksocks: i tried it first because it was clearly the weakest spot for me. when it didn't work i stopped
2013-04-11 03:06:25 - danksocks: meanwhile u have almost 200 troops on the board
2013-04-11 03:06:55 - demonthunder: kill DT he has most troops and is loco
2013-04-11 03:07:29 - Graeko: yes, have almost 200 troops, when everyone else has well over 200
2013-04-11 03:07:36 - Graeko: so I'm supposed to be happy about that?
2013-04-11 03:07:51 - Barney Rubble: Montys all around !! I fuking love it
2013-04-11 03:08:18 - Barney Rubble: Yeh now all of a sudden your low man
2013-04-11 03:08:30 - Barney Rubble: Fuking cyan
2013-04-11 03:08:32 - Barney Rubble: Hahahahaha
2013-04-11 03:08:36 - Graeko: I wonder why
2013-04-11 03:09:46 - Barney Rubble: Cause he hit you with so many rights you begged for a left ??
2013-04-11 03:09:47 - danksocks: dude u should really chill... it was 25 troops. thats not very much at this point of the game
2013-04-11 03:09:55 - danksocks: i htought i had a legit chance and i tried it
2013-04-11 03:10:02 - Graeko: stfu
2013-04-11 03:10:18 - danksocks: if you have a problem with how i play you can foe me, but i didn't hav anything against u and didn't do anything i wouldnt do again
2013-04-11 03:16:57 - danksocks: we have played a number of games together. if you have a problem with something i do just say something. I'm always happy to learn. no reason to be a dick
2013-04-11 03:17:41 - demonthunder: i like to be a dick for no reason and watch the expressions around me
2013-04-11 03:17:49 - genx: round limit 20. whoever has max troops at end of round 20 will win. start planning for that.
2013-04-11 03:20:39 - Barney Rubble: Exactly why a round limit game is fuked
2013-04-11 03:21:06 - Barney Rubble: ( I know this aint your game G )
2013-04-11 03:21:39 - dollarsnosense: you know my feelings on these BR
2013-04-11 03:21:49 - maxfaraday: barney exactly why a round limit is mandatory
2013-04-11 03:22:29 - genx: if the game turns into a pain, round limit will help end it!
2013-04-11 03:22:33 - Barney Rubble: For what ??
2013-04-11 03:23:20 - maxfaraday: ever played a 9 HOURS long speed game?
2013-04-11 03:23:36 - Barney Rubble: Skilled players enjoying a game and now a round limit is mandatory Fuk I used to playthis fuking game all night and maybe only finish two games ..mandatory my ass
2013-04-11 03:25:17 - maxfaraday: barney you don't get it
2013-04-11 03:25:51 - Graeko: I'm glad this one has a round limit; I'm sick and I have to get up early
2013-04-11 03:25:54 - Barney Rubble: Whats too get ?
2013-04-11 03:26:13 - maxfaraday: with the troops counts that high it's not worth going for a kill
2013-04-11 03:27:05 - dollarsnosense: all about last cash now
2013-04-11 03:27:12 - dollarsnosense: and sneaky dirty underhanded play
2013-04-11 03:27:29 - danksocks: lol
2013-04-11 03:30:33 - Graeko: last round
2013-04-11 03:31:03 - demonthunder: 2 pair doom
2013-04-11 03:33:53 - Graeko: what good did that do you dns?
2013-04-11 03:34:08 - Graeko: You had to try to knock BR
2013-04-11 03:34:40 - dollarsnosense: what a cash
2013-04-11 03:34:47 - dollarsnosense: I cash and deployed
2013-04-11 03:34:48 - dollarsnosense: gg
2013-04-11 03:34:50 - Graeko: that's the second time you lied about 2 pair demon
2013-04-11 03:34:51 - dollarsnosense: get some rest
2013-04-11 03:35:04 - Graeko: cheap tactics; either say nothing or tell the truth
2013-04-11 03:35:19 - demonthunder: i do that
2013-04-11 03:36:03 - demonthunder: i didnt say i had 2 pair
2013-04-11 03:36:14 - demonthunder: i said 2 pair doom
2013-04-11 03:36:22 - demonthunder: not i have 2 pair
2013-04-11 03:36:34 - Graeko: so what was that supposed to mean?
2013-04-11 03:37:28 - demonthunder: if ya had 2 pair at the end you'd be fcked
2013-04-11 03:38:39 - Barney Rubble: Wow whatbhappened
2013-04-11 03:38:43 - demonthunder: lol
2013-04-11 03:39:02 - demonthunder: G gave you the win
2013-04-11 03:39:39 - Graeko: I tried to nibble at both of you
2013-04-11 03:39:52 - Graeko: demon was in the way, so I hit his stack
2013-04-11 03:40:05 - Graeko: By the time that was done, if I
2013-04-11 03:40:23 - Graeko: d kept going I would have just given the game to yellow
2013-04-11 03:40:26 - Graeko: So I stopped
2013-04-11 03:40:32 - demonthunder: i dont really care gg all
2013-04-11 03:40:52 - Graeko: And I'm okay with demon not winning since he lied, twice, about having two pair
2013-04-11 03:41:44 - demonthunder: i did nit say i had 2 pair