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MD vs. 1RFG (116-87 of 203) - FINAL - 5/2

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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (84-70 of 203)

Postby General Brock II on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:32 am

Agent 86 wrote:You should have sent me a PM to discuss instead of going behind my back.

At this stage the war is now called off, It's a gaming site not work!!


Okay, whoah, whoah, this war is not yet called off. 86 does not bear that kind of authority. In the meantime, consider 86's post to be invisible.

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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (84-70 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:56 am

Agent 86 wrote:
ViperOverLord wrote:
I consider it disrespect at this point that you are forcing me to work with agent 86. He has ignored me no less than a dozen times. And if you don't replace him, I'm going public with my sentiment.

Well, let's go public...want to see your sentiment. You should have sent me a PM to discuss instead of going behind my back.

At this stage the war is now called off, It's a gaming site not work!!


I'll gladly go public then dude. Here's the last pm I sent to Brock.

Well as far as his (agent 86's) response goes; I can take whatever share of the blame is mine. I did once wall him top tell him to fill his f'ing games already before they expired. But that was after repeatedly ignoring my pm's and walls. And this had been after multiple occasions for multiple months. And he had indeed let some games expire earlier and when I sent the wall post it was like when the games were 2 days from expiring.

Initially, he had not responded to pms/wall posts especially fast and he maybe missed a couple and it was no big deal. But then eventually, it became routine for him to ignore me. And in fact, it had became so routine to ignore me that I don't even know if I requested of him directly to switch contacts b/c I figured he'd just ignore that also. But yea, it got to the point that I'd could send 8 or 9 feelers and maybe get 1 response (if that) and I just felt like wtf? He's the one that asked me for the challenge. I understand getting busy; but it was obvious that he was just being a *&*%^. He wouldn't even send me way belated responses any longer.

And btw, he never said, oh work is this and that. I'm sorry I'll do this and that later. I think you're (Brock) the one that told me about him moving. He just never bothered to communicate anything with me. Just ignored me constantly. (but he's had time to play in 61 games in the challenge so far).

And then Icky pm'd and said the worst should be over and I was like the hell it is. Dude hasn't even apologized or tried to make amends. And even when I walled him to fill his f'ing games. He was online and didn't bother to respond then either. I still took the wall post off b/c I wanted to try and go through you and Ick. But then it was like, I'm f'ing done with this guy.

It's not like I was pressuring him either to progress the challenge by x time. I just couldn't get simple contact out of him to much progress the challenge at all. I'm not in a hurry, but it's like, if we're gonna do this, then let's do it.

And then he sent me that BS wall post when I'm the one getting screwed over by him. What am I supposed to just be like, oh agent 86 it's fine. You can ignore 20 messages. I'm sure at some point you'll find me worthy of a second of your time. Seriously, that guy has pissed me the f off and I think he's made your clan look like a bunch of noobs by the way he represented you guys. I would hope that you never allow him to represent you in a challenge again. How's he going to ignore me and then tell me to f off when I have the gall to point out that it's disrespect?

I digress I guess.

As for the war, I think you just contact whatever CD and tell them you want to replace your contact. I haven't done it either. I haven't had to do it.

Sorry Brock, but I couldn't ignore the post like you wanted. I think your clan is mostly great guys. But agent86 is doing everyone a disservice by the way he represents you.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:17 pm

Thank you for helping me to sort this out 1RFG. Score is updated. 87-73 with 2 games remaining in the Apocolyptic Set. 1RFG's turn to pick for a (second) set (of the current three).
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby Ickyketseddie on Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:24 pm

Great to hear we're back on track!! Now time for a comeback! :D
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:51 pm

Please try and keep track of which is the last game ;)

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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (84-70 of 203)

Postby Agent 86 on Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:58 am

ViperOverLord wrote:
Agent 86 wrote:
ViperOverLord wrote:
I consider it disrespect at this point that you are forcing me to work with agent 86. He has ignored me no less than a dozen times. And if you don't replace him, I'm going public with my sentiment.

Well, let's go public...want to see your sentiment. You should have sent me a PM to discuss instead of going behind my back.

At this stage the war is now called off, It's a gaming site not work!!


I'll gladly go public then dude. Here's the last pm I sent to Brock, exactly didn't include me.

Well as far as his (agent 86's) response goes; I can take whatever share of the blame is mine. I did once wall him top tell him to fill his f'ing games already before they expired. But that was after repeatedly ignoring my pm's and walls proof please??. And this had been after multiple occasions for multiple months. And he had indeed let some games expire earlier and when I sent the wall post it was like when the games were 2 days from expiring.

Initially, he had not responded to pms/wall posts especially fast and he maybe missed a couple and it was no big deal. But then eventually, it became routine for him to ignore me. And in fact, it had became so routine to ignore me that I don't even know if I requested of him directly to switch contacts b/c I figured he'd just ignore that also. But yea, it got to the point that I'd could send 8 or 9 feelers and maybe get 1 response (if that) and I just felt like wtf? Bullshit, again proof please?? He's the one that asked me for the challenge. I understand getting busy; but it was obvious that he was just being a *&*%^. He wouldn't even send me way belated responses any longer.

And btw, he never said, oh work is this and that. I'm sorry I'll do this and that later. I think you're (Brock) the one that told me about him moving. He just never bothered to communicate anything with me. Just ignored me constantly. (but he's had time to play in 61 games in the challenge so far).

And then Icky pm'd and said the worst should be over and I was like the hell it is. Dude hasn't even apologized or tried to make amends. And even when I walled him to fill his f'ing games. He was online and didn't bother to respond then either. I still took the wall post off b/c I wanted to try and go through you and Ick. But then it was like, I'm f'ing done with this guy.

It's not like I was pressuring him either to progress the challenge by x time. I just couldn't get simple contact out of him to much progress the challenge at all. I'm not in a hurry, but it's like, if we're gonna do this, then let's do it.

And then he sent me that BS wall post when I'm the one getting screwed over by him. What am I supposed to just be like, oh agent 86 it's fine. You can ignore 20 messages Your kidding, f*ck you over exĀ·agĀ·gerĀ·ate . I'm sure at some point you'll find me worthy of a second of your time. Seriously, that guy has pissed me the f off and I think he's made your clan look like a bunch of noobs by the way he represented you guys. I would hope that you never allow him to represent you in a challenge again. How's he going to ignore me and then tell me to f off when I have the gall to point out that it's disrespect?

I digress I guess.

As for the war, I think you just contact whatever CD and tell them you want to replace your contact. I haven't done it either. I haven't had to do it.

Sorry Brock, but I couldn't ignore the post like you wanted. I think your clan is mostly great guys. But agent86 is doing everyone a disservice by the way he represents you.

Eat your own words Viper, I count " 6 "wall post dating back to August of last year and as for PM's well nothing in my inbox this year. In fact when was the last time you PM'd me?? There was 1 game that had to be remade very early in the war, a member was sent 3 invites and it didn't fill. The war was moving on, cmon 154 games finished, your wrong wrong wrong you pushy prick!!

I think MD is great and very competitive, you Viper caused kaos by sending PM's to my leaders and not even including me. By going behind my back and telling Brock and Ed all sorts of misconceptions, they removed me from the war before getting all the facts. This has now lead to me removing myself from the clan and CC all together. So I guess it was great work Viper.

My wall post stands and your FOED!!
Last edited by Agent 86 on Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:19 am


First off. I could care less if you foe me. Foe lists don't count for tourneys and clan events anyhow (Also, I don't know why it'd matter if you're leaving cc anyhow).
Second off. You had games that expired that did not get filled at all on multiple occasions. I know b/c I spent the time remaking them and refilling them. And you think I don't have better things to do than to lie about something like that? I also know, b/c I'm the one that had to go back onto the thread and spend the time changing game numbers afterwards also. Also, there were other times, that I had to wall/pm constantly to get you to fill games before they expired. So I was constantly dealing with that joyful suspense as well.
Third off. I erased some of my wall posts b/c of the salty language. I could care less about the exact number of pms and wall posts though. But the way I would characterize it is you were up to snuff in the beginning. And then eventually you just began to constantly ignore most or all pm's and wall contacts and it was disrespectful. In fact, I know there were times when I couldn't get you to respond for weeks if not months. And this happened plenty. You and I both know that.
Fourth off. I had already complained to Brock and Ick on multiple occasions when you decided to continue to ignore me further and not fill your latest batch of games. That is why they're not coming to your defense also, I'll point out. They know the reality. They possibly know it even better than me, I'm guessing; since I had heard the grumbling of internal strife within your clan (though I never pried for details).

This is this your nonsense dude. You're not a victim. You represented your clan very poorly. And in the wake of that you are only belligerent and unapologetic. That's your right. But I'm going to tell it how it is.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:45 am

BTW Agent 86,

Since you want to examine the record apparently. Let me just give you some quick facts.

I checked my box. I haven't even pm'd you in the last month b/c I pretty much knew it was going to get ignored. And in fact I only started walling b/c it was quicker and I figured if I was going to get ignored, then I might as well be efficient about it.

But let's look at wall post of November 13, 2012:

"You should start your next set. All the existing games are about over."

December 8, 2012 (Almost 1 month later)

"You guys still need to make your next set."

You did get around to making a set circa December 20th or so and then on December 28th.

"You still need a player in the quads game and another trips game."

And then later on January 2.

"WWII set needs players."

What am I your nanny? That was 2 months of pulling teeth to get you to fill one set of like twenty. And this was AFTER I had pretty much stopped pm'ing b/c you were just ignoring me anyhow.

And then after I had given brock and Ick some strongly worded feedback, which I presume he passed on to you they would come back and say there should be no more problems. After that, you still continued to drag your heels on the next set and it only took nagging from presumably multiple people to get you to even fill the set right before it was about to expire. And it wasn't a big set either. It was four freaking games. Apparently, that's just too much for you.

Also, in these months; not once, not freaking once, did you come to me and say I'm having this issue or that issue; please be patient. Your modus operandi was to ignore me completely. I have no f'ing sympathy for you at this point.

My hell. There were 8 sets left after this. You really think I wanted to go through that hell 8 more freaking times? I'd rather cut a vein and and soak it in salt water.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby Ickyketseddie on Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:23 am

Ok ok ok.... enough is enough. Soooooooo much drama. Can we leave it that you've both had your say now? Very regretably we've lost a long standing member of the clan throughout this incident. However we have found a way to get this war finished that will hopefully be more satisfactory for you.

ViperOverLord wrote:I had already complained to Brock and Ick on multiple occasions when you decided to continue to ignore me further and not fill your latest batch of games. That is why they're not coming to your defense

However with regards to the above please don't make assumptions as to what Brock and I are, or are not doing. Lots goes on behind the scenes, we'd rather not air our laundry on the public forum as we don't see it to be constructive.

Anyway lets just get on with the war shall we. Its been nothing short of epic (dramas put to one side that is) until now with you guys pulling out a late lead after it being neck a neck since the start! Now if you can just screw up the next couple of batches so we can get back on level terms that'd be great! ;)
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:50 am

Please play nice all. Do not make me come in and break it up. ;)
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (87-73 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:12 am

MD has won 8 of the 15 Apocalyptic, Continental, Society games and thus will pick the first and third sets/settings for the next trio of sets.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (93-76 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:42 am

With many games in progress / starting-up, the score has been updated.

Man D. 93 - 1RFG 76
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (95-78 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:37 pm

MD 95 1RFG 77 with the latest three sets recently started.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (95-78 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:10 pm

In a few days, as more results come in; we can embark upon the final three sets.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (95-78 of 203)

Postby Agent 86 on Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:14 am

*Deleted comment
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (95-78 of 203)

Postby Onagras on Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:58 am

a win in Solar System :)
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:52 am

Score updated:

Man D. 107
1RFG 83
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (95-78 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:59 am

Agent 86 wrote:Good luck with finishing this war now..1RFG is almost gone, all hail the great "Overlord " and his secret PM's

What is a secret PM? All pm's are private, so in a sense, secret. As it is, I've put all of my cards on the table, so I know you're making careless accusations. So, just keep your dysfunction to yourself.

Also, I don't have thing one to do with the deterioration of 1RFG. However, I know that you do and that you are all to willing to pass the buck. Go find someone else to scapegoat for your lack of leadership and simple common courtesy.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:07 am

Man D. won the cumulative three sets (City, Medieval, Space) by a tally of 12-5 and will pick the first and third set for the last trio of sets.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby mr. CD on Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:32 am

Meaning you officially have taken the war. Congratulations MD. Well played!
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby Ickyketseddie on Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:16 am

mr. CD wrote:Meaning you officially have taken the war. Congratulations MD. Well played!

Indeed well done guys!! =D> =D> =D>
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby Agent 86 on Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:10 am

*Deleted this comment after receiving this.


Sent: Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:03 am
From: Bruceswar
To: Agent 86

Bruceswar wrote:Hello Agent,
This is just a follow up PM to my first PM. When I issued the privs ban it was me, who forgot to send you the letter letting you know it had taken place. For that I am sorry I and apologize. The ban still stands though. Again I am sorry I did not PM you at the time to let you know.

- L33

I get this message now, been banned for 2 months - thanks to the two of you for your great communications skills. I'm like a fuckin mushroom..
Last edited by Agent 86 on Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:47 pm

Thank you all. With any luck, we'll be finishing this soon and we can all move-on to what's next. It was fun, very close for most of it.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:08 pm

All remaining games filled. Will do one final update when they're all completed.
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Re: MD vs. 1RFG (107-83 of 203)

Postby brakh on Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:48 am

Nice work Viper. It looks this huge challenge comes to an end. Thanks for taking care of the organisation.
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