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mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:10 pm

ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby Lindax on Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:01 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby betiko on Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:26 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

well thai robet's account should be guessed too. the wrong call would be to let any account on that IP still "alive". "let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here" lol, thai robert is the only premium account, this guy probably wants to get away with it still playing on it.

oh and actually, i think this has been discovered pretty fast for an account that only plays with its own multis.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby mc05025 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:31 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

yea that make sense. I remember I asked Thai Robert why he has US flag (originaly he is from Thailand) and he has answered (I suppose you answered) that he moved to US.

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:59 pm

betiko wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

well thai robet's account should be guessed too. the wrong call would be to let any account on that IP still "alive". "let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here" lol, thai robert is the only premium account, this guy probably wants to get away with it still playing on it.

oh and actually, i think this has been discovered pretty fast for an account that only plays with its own multis.

No I'm not hoping that Thai Robert won't get guested, and I am not hoping to continue playing with his account either. I just wanted to make it clear that it was all 1 person and that their are not multiple people working inside multiple accounts.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:02 pm

Cmon guys, Herr wont be busted with the other accounts. Do you really think he used same IP? I agree, security is wack. The dice even seem to have been hacked, I cant roll for shit. The dice were better in the past year, I have watched myself roll lower averages since then.
I want to see how mods handle this case. What a joke!
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby ChadTomer on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:04 pm

If what HerrHitzfeld says is true,
my guess is that this case will be cleared since
"L" (whoever that guy is) probably found a way to
mask IP addresses in addition to hacking accounts.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby betiko on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:06 pm

so why did you do something like that just to get busted? boredom? not very cool for thai robert if he wants to get back on the site by the way.

do we care if he used the same IP? it's crystal clear, he's admitting he did it... wtf are you talking about security, this is a game site. Even government sites get hacked.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:15 pm

So, who bought Thai Robert's premium? Did you hack free premium too?
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby Symmetry on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:16 pm

ChadTomer wrote:If what HerrHitzfeld says is true,
my guess is that this case will be cleared since
"L" (whoever that guy is) probably found a way to
mask IP addresses in addition to hacking accounts.

If the accounts have been compromised, why clear them?
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:19 pm

Last edited by HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:22 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

Everything I said here is true. I'm not masking IP adresess. I'm telling you that I am guilty and will be busted. Yet still somehow you people think that I'm God or something and can still get away with Thai's account or this account not being guested or something.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby Frox333 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:39 pm

this is ridiculous, idk why mco would want to be a multi. he is already so accomplished. you cant just report people for coincedences.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby jsnyder748 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:22 pm

Frox333 wrote:this is ridiculous, idk why mco would want to be a multi. he is already so accomplished. you cant just report people for coincedences.

You clearly did not read who this is about. No one is accusing mc05025. read the comments and the OP.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby pretender77 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:38 pm

FoS skimmer

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby eggrollonedolla on Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:54 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

Everything I said here is true. I'm not masking IP adresess. I'm telling you that I am guilty and will be busted. Yet still somehow you people think that I'm God or something and can still get away with Thai's account or this account not being guested or something.

I think you will be cleared. Your the best player on this site and an 85% + win ratio proves that.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:59 pm

eggrollonedolla wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

Everything I said here is true. I'm not masking IP adresess. I'm telling you that I am guilty and will be busted. Yet still somehow you people think that I'm God or something and can still get away with Thai's account or this account not being guested or something.

I think you will be cleared. Your the best player on this site and an 85% + win ratio proves that.

You CAN'T be serious...
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby jltile1 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:03 pm

HerrHitzfeld wrote:
eggrollonedolla wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:
HerrHitzfeld wrote:ok, let me explain something before your dumbass multi-hunters make the wrong call here.
1st of all, I, HerrHitzfeld, am the master account and the brain of this whole scheme. mc05025 is in no way related to the account of mc05015.

2nd, Thai Robert's account was hacked by me when he came back. It was never really him. Btw, this site really needs to ramp up their security, getting into an inactive account like Thai's was WAY to easy... just saying....

3rd, every account that mc05015 plays in his Conquer Club career is a multi that I created. There was no "outside" players if you will.

And lastly, by this time I'm sure you think I am complete scum, which is totally ok with me. I never intended to not get caught, I am honestly just surprised that I was able to go so far before someone caught on. The whole point of this was just to f*ck with the system and see how far I could go.

Everything I said here is true. I'm not masking IP adresess. I'm telling you that I am guilty and will be busted. Yet still somehow you people think that I'm God or something and can still get away with Thai's account or this account not being guested or something.

I think you will be cleared. Your the best player on this site and an 85% + win ratio proves that.

You CAN'T be serious...

So maybe just spell it out how you hacked the site. You must be the up the shitty dice also??
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby HerrHitzfeld on Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:19 pm

Adios Conquer Club :)
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Pending]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:11 am

mc05015 is Busted with Thai Robert, HerrHitzfeld, Les Paul, GuyHam, Ms. Conquer, jjbrito, CarolBoy, Jake_Blake, Polington, AlexanderVarious, TsarofRussia, 99980899, betterthenyou, IntelMan, OppaGangnamStyle, Jerrod1988, LightaFire, evilpickles, Pedro1900, Henry!, Zacharjs, MajorButt, TheLobsterMan

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

Postby ChadTomer on Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:39 am

Thank you mods for looking into this.
It remains a mystery to me as to why HerrHitzfeld openly admitted being a multi.
While I had intially thought he would just get away with it,
I suppose he knew he would get busted, but was indifferent because he could
just hack another inactive account.

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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:32 am

ChadTomer wrote:Thank you mods for looking into this.
It remains a mystery to me as to why HerrHitzfeld openly admitted being a multi.
While I had intially thought he would just get away with it,
I suppose he knew he would get busted, but was indifferent because he could
just hack another inactive account.


there is a difference between hacking and guessing a password. He probably just guessed thai robert's password after a few tries cause he possibly had a shitty one.
anyway, he never said he could mask IPs, you guys made that up. The proof is that doing a multi check 18 accounts were busted.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

Postby SaMejoHn on Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:01 pm

betiko wrote:
ChadTomer wrote:Thank you mods for looking into this.
It remains a mystery to me as to why HerrHitzfeld openly admitted being a multi.
While I had intially thought he would just get away with it,
I suppose he knew he would get busted, but was indifferent because he could
just hack another inactive account.


there is a difference between hacking and guessing a password. He probably just guessed thai robert's password after a few tries cause he possibly had a shitty one.
anyway, he never said he could mask IPs, you guys made that up. The proof is that doing a multi check 18 accounts were busted.

because hacking is so hard?
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:20 pm

I would just like to point out that HerrHitzfeld had been a previous paying member. He should be allowed to buy back at any time.
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Re: mc05015 is a multi?[Busted]TFO

Postby Symmetry on Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:40 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:I would just like to point out that HerrHitzfeld had been a previous paying member. He should be allowed to buy back at any time.

Well, he's just been busted for 24 cases of multi abuse. Maybe 25 will be too much?
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