Conquer Club

NASCAR 2012: The Chase [Completed]

Tournaments Completed in 2014.

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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby chapcrap on Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:16 pm

elonpuckhog wrote:I had been helping chap with this tourney, but haven't heard from him in a while. I would be willing to take it over (with a tweak or two), but it hasn't been 30 days since the tourney was last updated. I've PMed chap and offered to take it over so we can get it moving again.

elonpuckhog, that would be great. I'll set it up for you. I'm sorry that I've been slow on this. And you were a great help while I was continuing.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:40 pm

Hey everyone, I hope to get this tourney running again tomorrow. I will be making a couple of small tweaks to the tourney. Stay tuned!
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:41 pm

So far, none of the 10 races have been completed. Here is the status of each race so far:

1. GEICO 400 - 200 miles complete, 40 drivers remain
2. Sylvania 300 - 200 miles complete, 40 drivers remain
3. AAA 400 - Qualifying complete
4. Good Sam Club 500 - Qualifying complete
5. Bank of America 500 - Qualifying complete
6. Hollywood Casino 400 - Qualifying complete
7. Tums Fast Relief 500 - Qualifying complete
8. Texas AAA 500 - Not yet started
9. Kobalt Tools 500 - Not yet started
10. Ford Ecoboost 400 - Not yet started

The OP promised only 3 games at a time, so I will try to keep it to that as well. In order to simplify the tournament, I will be running things slightly differently. For the first two races, 40 drivers remain. We will play 8 5-player games for laps 201-300 (and 301-400 in the first race). There will be no further eliminations, however, the top two in each group will move up to the next race, while the first two players eliminated move down (for example, the winner and runner up of the 6-10 segment will move up to the 1-5 race while the first two eliminated from the 1-5 race move down). Winners of the 1-5 segment still receive their bonus points.
For the remaining races, we will play 7 6-player games (so each race will start with 42 instead of 43). It will be 6-player games throughout, and the top 2 in each segment will move up, while the bottom 2 move down. No one will be eliminated.

I think this is the best solution for everyone, and I hope to set up the 201-300 mile segments for the first 2 races this afternoon. If you would no longer care to be part of this tourney for whatever reason, please PM me and let me know.

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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [NEED RESERVES]

Postby elonpuckhog on Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:39 pm

Last segment of the Sylvania 300 is out. Need at least two more replacements. Tai_pan PM ed me and he will replace leatherhead.

I am thinking through details of a replacement policy for this tourney in case I dont get anyone else to play.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby solar on Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:53 pm

in please i seen you were looking for players
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:11 pm

solar will replace lucabucci.

I Pmed all of the players still in the Sylvania 300 over the weekend and received no responses. I am also in need of replacements. Therefore, the following policy is in effect for the GEICO 400 and Sylvania 300, since these two races are almost finished. For any player missing two invites (or one invite if they have not been active on the site in several days), I will replace them in the current game. MY RESULTS OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT COUNT. For simplicity, I am in the 16-20 race in the Sylvania 300 and I have been eliminated from the GEICO 400. It looks like I will have to replace 2 people in the Sylvania, so only 38 drivers will finish that race. For the races I am replacing into, I will drop all the way to the end of the pack and everyone behind me will get to move up.

The following reserve policy will be in effect for all other races. In the absence of a permanent replacement, I will randomize the list of non-qualifiers and invite them one at a time for the first segment only. After that, I will replace in as needed.

If more reserve policies need to be announced, I will announce them as needed. I will try to get additional games out later this week.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby patrickaa317 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:38 pm

Going to need a replacement for me. Taking a break. Thanks.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:24 pm

Firstly, please bear with me over the next month. It is tax time in the US, and I will be busy preparing returns. I hope to look at this tourney once a week and send out new invites once a week.

Invites for the third segment of the Geico 400 are going out tonight.

The Sylvania 300 is wrapping up and I will post the final running order next weekend.

The first segment on the AAA 400 is underway.

Invites for the first segment of the Good Sam Club 500 are going out tonight.

The bonus for moving up the most places will not be awarded as it is too difficult to calculate.

Finally, if a racer misses an invite, I will replace them for the duration of the race (as described above). They will receive no points for that race, but this will not bar them from future races.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby solar on Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:50 am

i dont see my name in the drivers list, i see i took lucabucci place.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:26 pm

I can't update any of the lists in the first post, but you are definitely in.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:35 pm

what about the scoring?
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:20 pm

Congrats to Viperoverlord for winning the Sylvania 300.

Scores will be posted at a later date. I'm waiting for the first race to finish and then I'll update the scores for the first two races.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:10 pm

Vid_fiso is currently in the lead of the Geico 400. Final segments of this race are out.

Sylvania 300 is complete.

More segments coming up shortly.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:59 pm

Games for Laps 101-200 of the AAA 400 are out. Scootchina leads the way. I plan to send two more segments tomorrow hopefully.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:31 pm

seechster has the lead for the Good Sam 500 after 100 laps. This is the last set of games that will go out for now.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:10 pm

ancessus and scootchina have missed at least 2 sets of invites. scootchina has gone MIA for sure. Not sure about ancessus. I'll be replacing them for the races currently ongoing.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby chapcrap on Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:48 pm

elon, you're doing a great job. Thanks again for taking over for me here.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:52 pm

There are still games going on for each race. I'll wait on starting any more games until we get all these finished.
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Tue May 07, 2013 7:37 pm

The GEICO 400 is over. Congrats to Ratrin who won the race. We had 36 competitors finish this race. Complete standings for the race are as follows:

1. ratrin - 56 points
2. andyf23 - 42
3. vid_fiso - 49
4. mjc7890 - 45
5. mickunited333 - 44
6. macbone - 38
7. solar - 37
8. reahma - 44
9. vexx - 35
10. vykingsfan64 - 34
11. prosthodoc - 33
12. ultraman - 40
13. rmjw10 - 31
14. machrs - 30
15. k-pak - 29
16. the pom - 28
17. harvmax - 27
18. leapfrog - 26
19. uckuki - 25
20. stjcoley - 24
21. sprucey - 23
22. epicgb - 22
23. silly knig-it - 21
24. rishark1969 - 20
25. macfan12 - 19
26. mad777 - 18
27. wizz00 - 17
28. serreski - 16
29. generalhead - 15
30. seechster - 14
31. viperoverlord - 13
32. herrz - 12
33. parkon -11
34. windy81 - 10
35. blindman30 - 9
36. spartacus - 8

Bonus points were awarded as follows (bonuses are included in the scores above)
ratrin - 5 bonus points for winning the race
no one led the most laps, so no bonus was awarded there
ratrin, vid_fiso, reahma and ultraman all got 3 points for leading a lap
ratrin, vid_fiso, mjc7890, mickunited333, reahma, and ultraman all received 5 points for winning their qualifiers.

The Sylvania 300 standings will be posted soon. New games hopefully by the weekend.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Mon May 13, 2013 4:00 pm

Sylvania 300 Final Standings. 39 competitors finished the race. Congrats to viperoverlord on his victory.

1. viperoverlord - 61
2. stjcoley - 42
3. andyf23 - 41
4. mjc7890 - 45
5. k-pak - 39
6. patrickaa317 - 43
7. solar - 37
8. the pom - 36
9. mad777 - 40
10. ultraman - 34
11. westbo - 38
12. prosthodoc - 32
13. rmjw10 - 31
14. vexx - 30
15. parkon - 29
16. greenbaize - 28
17. elonpuckhog - 27
18. herrz - 26
19. scootchina - 25
20. sprucey - 24
21. silly knig-it - 23
22. windy81 - 22
23. harvmax - 21
24. wizz00 - 20
25. macbone - 19
26. serreski - 18
27. tai_Pan - 17
28. blindman30 - 16
29. vid_fiso - 15
30. uckuki - 14
31. rishark1969 - 13
32. spartacus65 - 12
33. machrs - 11
34. generalhead - 10
35. macfan12 - 9
36. vykingsfan64 - 8
37. mickunited333 - 7
38. leapfrog - 6
39. vclubb - 5

Viperoverlord gets 5 points for winning, and an additional 5 points for leading the most laps, as well as 3 points for leading a lap. viperoverlord, mjc7890, patrickaa317, mad777 and westbo all get 5 points for winning qualifiers.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Tue May 14, 2013 9:17 am

After 2 races, here are the top 5...
1. mjc7890 - 90
2. andyf23 - 83
3. solar, ultraman and viperoverlord - 74

If you want to know your exact position in the standings, feel free to shoot me a PM. Still 8 races to go and anything can happen.

Here are the next four races you can expect invites to.

AAA 400 (Laps 201-300)
Good Sam Club 500 (Laps 201-300)
Bank of America 500 (Laps 1-100)
Hollywood Casino 400 (Laps 1-100)

I hope to get these out in the next few days. Again, any questions feel free to PM me.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Wed May 22, 2013 4:07 pm

generalhead missed his invites for the BOA 500 and Hollywood 400 and did not respond to PM. Therefore, he has been replaced for those two races. He is still eligible for the other races in accordance with the reserve policy.

Races are ongoing for BOA 500, Hollywood 400, AAA 400 and Good Sam Club 500.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:52 am

Current segments are almost completed (if not already - last time I checked there were a few games still going on). I'm planning what the next four games will be and hope to get them out this week.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:45 pm

I'd like to get the qualifying for the last three races underway. As best I can tell, we are down to 46 active racers, which means I will have to compete in a few extra qualifiers to make it fair. Here is the list I have so.

Silly Knig-it
The Pom
Replace 3


The next segments for the AAA 400, Texas 500, Kobalt 400 and Good Sam Club 500 should be out by the middle of this week.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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Re: NASCAR 2012: The Chase [ONGOING]

Postby elonpuckhog on Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:42 am

Invites for the AAA 400 are out. For the Good Sam Club 500, laps 301-400, the last game will only have five racers. I was scheduled to be in the race twice (thanks to me being first eliminated twice) plus macfan12 has dropped out as well. IMO, the most fair thing to do is just go with five racers for this.
Corporal 1st Class elonpuckhog
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