Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
nbski22 wrote:I guess I'll get on here to defend myself because afroaction when you have an axe to grind you really put a lot of effort into it. RareWhiteGorilla and Brian's Mom and myself are all friends in "real life" (Thanks King for bringing some logical arguments into this) We play probably 80% of our games together because its enjoyable to play with friends that you used to go to college with (we are now spread out in the country) For every time that you accused me of "teaming" with RareWhiteGorilla I can find 10 examples of killing him in games.
1. I don't take losing as a personal attack so I don't care if my "real life friends" kill me in games....its just a game.
2. Its not unfair to play with people you know and play the game well, Thus, me winning the game you are whining about.
3. I sound like a broken record here but YOU were my target in assassin and when you dont get spoils, controlling a region was the most important facet of a small map like the one we played.
Be kind to people Afroaction and more people will enjoy playing with you.
BriansMom wrote:(I had been alerted to this thread and thought I should also respond)
King Achilles,
1) Nbski, Gorilla, and I like playing games together and are friends. We are not the same person. We attack each other as much as anyone else as you saw. I have played in one or two games with Afroaction and since I didn't do what he wanted me to do, he began becoming verbally abusive in the chat and gave me a poor rating.
2) I originally thought Afroaction was a young teenage kid that hadn't learned to play well with others since he immediately started throwing out all sorts of vitriolic expressions and threats when things began to not go his way. I can see by the extent he has tried to take this that he has some sort of highly vindictive personality as evidenced by what he has said, the time he has taken to try to personally attack others, and his overall demeanor. Seeing as how he is an adult (according to his profile), he needs to start acting like one even in a digital setting.
3) Afroaction: Take a chill pill. Be positive, optimistic, less antagonistic thinking the world is out to get you. I am sure you are probably a nice guy in person so take that into your games. Most importantly, remember this is just a game, nothing more. We have nothing against you personally and are just here to have a good time.
afroaction wrote:If you're not multis then why you both post the exact same post excalty moments apart?
macbone wrote:If they were multis, why would they post right after each other?
Nbski doesn't like using apostrophes (its instead of it's, whats instead of what's), and he skips using punctuation in a lot of his sentences, particularly before and after parentheses. He also likes run-on sentences.
Brian's Mom uses apostrophes correctly, and even though he/she uses complex sentences, they're generally correctly punctuated, even when using parentheses.
I guess they COULD be multis, but it looks unlikely from their writing samples. That's just me, though.
BriansMom wrote:I can't help but laugh at this whole thread. Let me counter by accusing Symmetry and Afroaction of being "multis" just for kicks and giggles.
1) They both are paranoid, re-quote what everyone says, are poor sports, and both take this game too seriously. Sounds like the same guy to me.
2) The word symmetry means "The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis." If that name doesn't out you as a "multi" I don't know what would because you seem like you are just an exact similar part facing Afroaction across the axis of the digital world. Boom goes the dynamite.
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