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Venator1 + Swagustin secret diplomacy[Busted/Warned]TFO

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Venator1 + Swagustin secret diplomacy[Busted/Warned]TFO

Postby SlowSmith on Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:01 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 12557913

Link to image of round 6: (couldnt get the CC upload to work- file too big)

Comments: hardly a word has been spoken in game chat, and certainly nothing detailing some sort of non-attack arrangement, truce or Alliance of any sort. Yet these two players, in the game mentioned above, have somehow managed to overcome all natural distrust and fear that should exist between two adversaries and divide the continent of Africa between them, at the same time seemingly coordinating their strategies. Again, without a single word spoken between them on game chat. I found this suspicious enough to look for any games they may have played previously, and did in fact find they played in games together twice before - in at least one of which there was intense diplomatic interaction between them which enabled one of them to win the game. Given all the above, and the fact that these players are now keeping NO defensive measures whatsoever against each other, I accuse them of secret diplomacy and Alliance. Diplomacy, of course, is one of the aspects of this game that makes it so interesting. As long as it is open. What these players are doing, however, is a sad attempt to win the game for one of themselves without allowing the other players a chance to counteract, or even realize why they are losing, until it is too late. I would like to see action taken against this cheating, because it is ruining this great game for me.


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Re: Venator1 + Swagustin secret diplomacy[Pending]TFO

Postby stumeister69 on Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:07 pm

I think more like multi account they take there turns only a couple of minutes after each other each turn seems rather suspicious
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Re: Venator1 + Swagustin secret diplomacy[Pending]TFO

Postby stumeister69 on Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:08 pm

Although not very good multis
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Re: Venator1 + Swagustin secret diplomacy[Pending]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:31 am

Swagustin is Busted with pibedelsur. Venator1 is Cleared of being a multi.

As well as they have both been Warned for Secret Diplomacy. I gave a warning to Swag as well, in case he buys back.
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