DJPatrick wrote:Auto-eroticism there, bone???
Go back to the C&A Report...OP posts allegations of Multi (BS) point-dumping(BS) and throwing the game (doubtful, but debatable)...This is not a Kangaroo court where pps are put upfor trial and evidence is gathered far and wide over any charges which some others think may apply...The charges in this report ar bullshit and I can't understand why the Mods don't see that and rule on it. It's not there perogative to leave it open for others to come up with other un-related charges to "get" the accused for anything else.
Thisshould be thrown out. If anon or anyone else wishes to pursue katishere, rather than play games which is what we pay money for, then let them...In a new report. Your gasping a little sounds like you've cooked something up without realizing the true ingredients????
so all the cases where someone where accused of say ratings-abuse or secret diplomacy and when the hunters run their check find a bunch of multis, you think these charges should be dropped?
This is not a court of law, i am not filing a suit against anyone, i am pointing out that rules may have been broken and it is up to the mods to agree or disagree with me..
Just because i did not look through all of her games and history before filing my claim (that i still think is valid due to the behavior of this player) does that mean that this kind of conduct as the player obviously have been engaging in (as per syms pointing out), is ok? even though it is clearly against the rules?
please end you knight in shining armor-crusade Pat, "she" wont give you any irl benefits for it either way.. this is about protecting the rest of the community against a player who obviously is vindictive and does not hesitate to throw a game(destroy a game) for "her" petty personal reasons..