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shivdogg and bdubs22[CLEARED]es

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shivdogg and bdubs22[CLEARED]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:24 am


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):


Comments: these 2 play every game together, do not attack each other. Possible multis, definite secret diplomacy.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22

Postby tadowdaddy on Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:32 am

Bdubs22 has completed 20 games, 19 of which also include shivdogg. If you look at the game logs in any of them, they never seem to attack each other till the end if Ursa possible for them to do so.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22

Postby tadowdaddy on Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:56 am

In the game chat one just admitted that they play together. ballgame. Admitting to not attacking each other and cheating.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:00 pm

Just some more info:

They admitted in the chat that they are friends that play singles games together. Then they haven't attacked each other until called out, but neither have taken the others bonus. Neither the other player (red) nor I knew they were friends and that they weren't going to attack each other when the game started. Thus, secret diplomacy. They've also proven that in many other games, they do not attack each other until it's time for one of them to win it. Helping each other in singles games isn't right, especially when the other 2 parties have no knowledge of the secret diplomacy before the game started. It's a blatant rule violation that I was actually called on 5 years ago or whenever i first started playing. At that time, it was suggested that I don't play singles games with friends if I don't want to have to defend being called a secret diplomacy. THus, I only play team (doubles etc.) games with friends now.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby Symmetry on Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:55 am

Game 12545504

Is the link.

Although the game log does indicate that they attack each other, and that the OP might have a tendency to overreact.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:45 am

Overreact? Look at all the other games they play together. When one wins, the other is the last one out. They do not attack each other in any games they play together.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby Symmetry on Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:47 am

tadowdaddy wrote:Overreact? Look at all the other games they play together. When one wins, the other is the last one out. They do not attack each other in any games they play together.

Post the evidence, dude. As I noted, they attack each other in this one.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:36 am

Here you go. In all of these games, one of them wins. Neither attacks each other (meaning taking bonuses, not counting initially getting the bonuses) until they have eliminated everyone else from the game. Then one it'd them beasts the other for a win. It's definitely a secret diplomacy when nobody else in the game knows they are friends and doing this crap.

12523583- right next to each other, neither takes the others bonuses.

12520469- shivdogg doesn't attack during game until everyone else was eliminated

12414935- no attacking each other. Bdubs didn't last till the end though, but he helped weaken others for his buddy

12389169 - shivdogg winds after they don't attack reach other till they are the only 2 left.

12160578 - bdubs wins this one, same story. No attacking each other till they were the last 2 left

12245286 -same story

11995087-same story

Enough evidence for you? On the game we are playing now, each have left minimum coverage on their bonuses, yet neither have taken the others bonus even though they sit next to each other. Instead, they attack the other two players in the game (me and red)
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby Symmetry on Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:46 am

tadowdaddy wrote:Here you go. In all of these games, one of them wins. Neither attacks each other (meaning taking bonuses, not counting initially getting the bonuses) until they have eliminated everyone else from the game. Then one it'd them beasts the other for a win. It's definitely a secret diplomacy when nobody else in the game knows they are friends and doing this crap.

Game 12523583- right next to each other, neither takes the others bonuses.

Game 12520469- shivdogg doesn't attack during game until everyone else was eliminated

Game 12414935- no attacking each other. Bdubs didn't last till the end though, but he helped weaken others for his buddy

Game 12389169- shivdogg winds after they don't attack reach other till they are the only 2 left.

Game 12160578- bdubs wins this one, same story. No attacking each other till they were the last 2 left

Game 12245286-same story

Game 11995087-same story

Enough evidence for you? On the game we are playing now, each have left minimum coverage on their bonuses, yet neither have taken the others bonus even though they sit next to each other. Instead, they attack the other two players in the game (me and red)

I've fixed the links. You seem to feel that I'm being obnoxious somehow. The question is whether you have provided evidence for the mods, not whether you have convinced me.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:51 am

No, don't feel at all that you are being obnoxious. Actually wasnt aware I needed to provide other examples. Thank you for linking them, I'm posting from my phone.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby Symmetry on Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:59 am

tadowdaddy wrote:No, don't feel at all that you are being obnoxious. Actually wasnt aware I needed to provide other examples. Thank you for linking them, I'm posting from my phone.

Yeah- the unwritten rules can be a little Byzantine. The mods know that too. Generally speaking they're overworked, and do the job voluntarily. If you provide evidence rather than telling them to look for it, the case gets done quicker.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:06 am

Thanks again. By the way, these two will attack each other to get a bonus, but once each gets a bonus they team up, let each other keep their bonuses, and don't attack each other till game end. It's pretty blatant cheating as far as i can see. That's why i initially called them on it in my game. Then went and looked and noticed the same trend in their other games.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:32 pm

These guys are just awful cheaters.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:42 pm

Just to add a bit more, this is another id that frequently has played games with these 2 that joined 12 minutes before bdubs22 on the same night Dec 31, 2011. Conveniently, he never won a game, never attacks either when he has played with them, even though he hasn't played since December: Big Games James:

Game 12058481 - Looks like it was his job to clear out everyone for the eventual winner, bdubbs

Game 11995087 - Another game that this guy attacks everyone but bdubbs

10636227 - In this game, it looks like this guy did everything he could to help Shivdogg win.

10353432, 10474427, 10477066, 10527516, 10632376- All 3 player games played only by the 3 of them, and of course, the one paid account (Shivdogg) wins ALL 3 games.

Just something else fishy here for the Mods to look at.

There is just something not right about these guys or this "guy", besides the fact that when they do play in singles games together, they do not attack each others bonuses until it's time for one of them (Most typically the paid account) to win.
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:13 pm

After looking at some of these games I do not see the SD. CLEARED
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Re: shivdogg and bdubs22[CLEARED]es

Postby tadowdaddy on Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:17 pm

I totally disagree, but whatever. I"ll be keeping an eye on them and reporting more games when I see them doing it again.
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