crazy4catnip wrote:I believe it is now past midnight, CC time.
(Update) From Montreal * Mon 12:04 AM
In please!
I'll accept that as valid, even though the time stamp on your post says 11:00, not 12:00. It used to be easy for me, because CC time was the same as my time, but now CC time is an hour later, with no announcement about this that I can find. So, either CC no longer recognises Daylight Savings Time, or it has without any announcement switched to keeping Central not Eastern time. Either way, if I didn't know about it, I should certainly accept that you didn't know about it either.
I'll be making inquiries, but I rule your entry as valid.
CafeT wrote:past midnight, in pls
can we regift the premium if we win?
Yes, you can.
stevkov wrote:in please
Pyrhhus wrote:In please.
plurple wrote:in please as i said back on the 18th

bernooch wrote:its the please
Aussie02 wrote:Sign me up please
P4Ssoa wrote:In please, if you still have room for me

All in to here, and yes... plenty of room still. We are now at 21/32.