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Disproportionately offensive [banned] KRK

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Disproportionately offensive [banned] KRK

Postby D4 Damager on Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:00 pm


David Staten

The accused are suspected of:

Severe offense in game chat

Game number(s):

Game 11354301


This was the game chat when I eliminated him from the game:

2013-03-08 22:00:45 - D4 Damager: gg green
2013-03-09 00:14:19 - David Staten: noq that was bull shit there
2013-03-09 00:14:57 - David Staten: go fly a kite orange you are a shit head
2013-03-09 00:15:39 - David Staten: i wanted to try to make this game last the entire year and you did that bull shit and i was no fucking threat to you at all yea you get one star and a shitty reating from me you dick head
2013-03-09 00:15:44 - David Staten: go f*ck your slef
2013-03-09 00:15:50 - David Staten: ass hole mother fucker
2013-03-09 00:16:05 - David Staten: i hope you have to watch you kids suffer from cancer
2013-03-09 00:17:30 - David Staten: f*ck you D4 Damager may you watch your mother suffer a slow and miserable death
2013-03-09 12:54:47 - BigTom: David. My mum died of cancer and I find that offensive.
2013-03-09 15:13:41 - David Staten: ok and i care because of why

I sort of understand when people get a bit annoyed in-game and call each other a jerk, or similar, but this is clearly well over the line. Two things to add, firstly that he was also being a pain at other points in this game, hassling other players simply for playing normally (see game log for proof). Secondly, this guy has played over 11,000 games so I find it difficult to believe he actually took this very personally - seems more like he has just got used to flaming and being rude to people for fun, which is not good for the community's enjoyment of the game.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby D4 Damager on Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:05 pm

PS. Of course I will FAMO. I posted this in the hope that some action can be taken to deter him doing that to anyone else.

Thanks for any response,

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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby astrid16 on Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:21 pm

I agree something needs to be done about using such language.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:59 pm

He has been on my Foe list for a long time because of the same type of behavior. The occasional profanity is allowed and sometimes it seems to be normal for some players. But David Staten takes It to an extreme and I think he deserves to be banned for it.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby DJPatrick on Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:36 am

David Staten is an asshole, granted...but what do you guys want? that there me NO mention of Terminal diseases just in case some-one's second cousin's neighbour passed from it??? This is a war site...plague and pestilence is expected to reign upon your miserable heads...toughen up and move on..."think of the Children"? Maybe check out the opposition before youn join games...CC is an equal opportunity gamesite and, within reason, cretis are welcome to pay their money and take their chances...FAMO
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby D4 Damager on Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:49 am

DJPatrick, what I want is for people not to be this offensive. That, I believe, is the point of having rules against being offensive.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby BigTom on Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:30 am

It's completely unacceptable. Think of the children? Exactly. I don't want my children reading that and copying that kind of behaviour at school or in public and thinking it is acceptable.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive

Postby Just_essence on Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:28 pm

Flames are posts or parts of posts which, directly or indirectly, insult, belittle, bully, name-call, or otherwise attack another user, and are not allowed.
It doesn't matter if another user rubs you the wrong way, that's not an excuse to flame or personally attack them.
Attacking a person instead of the user is NOT ok - it's all fun and games until it becomes personal.
Using a person's real information, picture, address, blog or anything else "personal" is NOT ok, and is Personal Information Abuse.
Yes, we are liberal on coarse language, but this does not mean cyber-bullying or abusive bigotry is acceptable anywhere. You will be removed from the community for cyber-bullying or abusive bigotry.

Flaming will get your post edited/deleted and you will receive a disciplinary action from a mod. Cyber-bullying or harassment will similarly result in a disciplinary action, and a ton of bricks.

I can't be sure if this case will be acted upon or not, but Flaming will most likely be the category it will be put under if David Staten is warned as a result. Most likely under "Attacking a person instead of the user" (maybe) or "cyber-bullying".
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby zeus111 on Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:52 am

there is no need for abuse like this
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby greenoaks on Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:05 am

to the op - suck it up cupcake, this is a wargame site.

to everyone else - if you don't want your children exposed to that language don't set the free on the internets, it is full of porn ;)
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby D4 Damager on Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:41 am

Hey greenoaks, did you really just go into the Cheating and Abuse forum and argue there is no point complaining about abuse? The clue is in the title. Maybe next you should go to the Map Foundry and say there is no point designing maps?
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby drpall on Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:52 am

I hope this will not be tolerated.
It shouldn´t.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby betiko on Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:03 am

this guy is way over the line.
Also "i wanted this game to last over a year" seriously? he gets that annoyed because he want a game to stay in a stupid stalement for a year and blames dammage for wanting this to move ona little?
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby greenoaks on Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:14 am

D4 Damager wrote:Hey greenoaks, did you really just go into the Cheating and Abuse forum and argue there is no point complaining about abuse? The clue is in the title. Maybe next you should go to the Map Foundry and say there is no point designing maps?

too late, i already do.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby D4 Damager on Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:31 am

greenoaks wrote:
D4 Damager wrote:Hey greenoaks, did you really just go into the Cheating and Abuse forum and argue there is no point complaining about abuse? The clue is in the title. Maybe next you should go to the Map Foundry and say there is no point designing maps?

too late, i already do.

Well, then at least you are consistent I suppose :-)
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [PERMA BAN] K

Postby greenoaks on Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:54 pm

D4 Damager wrote:
greenoaks wrote:
D4 Damager wrote:Hey greenoaks, did you really just go into the Cheating and Abuse forum and argue there is no point complaining about abuse? The clue is in the title. Maybe next you should go to the Map Foundry and say there is no point designing maps?

too late, i already do.

Well, then at least you are consistent I suppose :-)

i'm not against people reporting others it is just that people's skin has become too thin. toughen up, use Foe, mute their comments. there are several things you can do instead of crying that someone used some bad words.

using foul language in the forum is not permitted but it is in a game. so mute them and whip their butts.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby KoolBak on Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:00 pm

Good I took to heart the first time I met that jackwagon....ol Davey's been on my foe list forever :lol:

Of course.....let's see....I played him....hated him.....then got diagnosed with skin cancer. Maybe he's worse that I thought :shock:
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby D4 Damager on Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:15 pm

greenoaks wrote:i'm not against people reporting others it is just that people's skin has become too thin. toughen up, use Foe, mute their comments. there are several things you can do instead of crying that someone used some bad words.

using foul language in the forum is not permitted but it is in a game. so mute them and whip their butts.

greenoaks, I'm sorry but I don't agree with your comments at all (1), and I also don't think this is the right place to discuss it (2). I'll give some replies anyway since you spent time to make your comments.

Dealing with point 2 first (and going back to my original comment to you), if you really think that people should not complain and should have a thicker skin, then post a discussion item in General Discussion to that effect. Given that I have already decided to make a complaint, and I have done it in a forum designed for people to complain in such a manner, your comments are not really constructive or relevant here. If you don't like people complaining, don't read this forum (or even make new topics in it, which I see you have done and which makes you seem like a hypocrite, to be honest).

On point 1, I really don't understand what your central argument is. You acknowledge that some communication is "A Bad Thing", since you think it is necessary to Foe people, so I think what you are arguing is that you choose to do nothing about abusive people other than Foeing them, and if it's good enough for you then it should be good enough for everyone else too. Well, those people are not you and that is a weak argument. Maybe you should try to think about their reasons instead of just arguing with them on impulse. Or at the very least not interfere.

As BigTom mentioned, it would be a shame if some 8-year-old kid came on here as their first experience of board gaming and got this guy wishing cancer on them or their relatives or whatever. Or maybe some older person who hasn't grown up with the internet and doesn't understand flaming/baiting and takes them at face value. You don't have to be thin-skinned to care about this stuff and if no-one does anything, how will the situation ever improve? This is actually a much wider social issue about the internet and what it has become, but I'm digressing now so I will stop.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby akabob2 on Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:40 pm

I can get very rude and foul mouthed in a game where i have to try and keep myself in check but for someone to wish someone a slow miserable death or a family member the same is beyond over the line. To even defend this guy is almost stepping in his foot steps.
How can anyone wish cancer or any kind of sickness or harm on a family member/friend. My wife is very sick from a mass growing in
her head at a young age with 4 kids and I take it personal not because we are going through it our selfs but because this guy has been approached with his attitude and says he does not care. I do not know of one organization on or off the web - game or not game that would tolerate this BS. For someone to wish that on anyone over a game is exactly the reason why it needs to be dealt with.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby Symmetry on Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:32 am

Aye, this is clearly abuse.

AndyDufresne wrote:As mentioned earlier Conquer Club takes a fairly liberal approach to what is said in Game Chats, but there are some deeds that should be dealt with by a moderator. If you encounter any of these violations, please open an Abuse Complaint in the Cheating & Abuse Forum.

Repeatedly posting the same or nonsense comments in the chat, especially if the person is not playing in the game.
Posting comments that violate the Spamming and Trolling rules from the Forum Guidelines.

Banter and some trash talking IS allowed in the Game Chats, provided it doesn't cross some specific lines.
While you might find some game chat disagreeable, uncouth, and boorish, cursing and using foul language may not be a breach of our Guidelines. Try kindly asking them to stop or ignoring them using your Foes List.
That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive.

Rule Enforcement
Breaking the Game Chat rules will typically earn you a warning for your first offense.
Continually disregarding the rules will earn some time away ranging from short vacations to permanent bans depending on the nature and number of the violations.

Above all, Conquer Club is a casual gaming site for world domination. Use the game chat to strategically annihilate your opponents or to enjoy a casual conversation over a virtual cup of coffee (or tea).
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:52 am

I believe the following passage from the Guidelines applies to David Staten and I believe many people will agree:
"Remember: Common sense prevails - if you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple."
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby Symmetry on Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:11 am

Edric Wolfswift wrote:I believe the following passage from the Guidelines applies to David Staten and I believe many people will agree:
"Remember: Common sense prevails - if you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple."

Aye, and this is hardly his first time.

BGtheBrain wrote:David Staten has been permanently forum banned from CC.
This was his 3rd offense for bigotry.
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:16 am

I think its time for a website ban... Enough is enough
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby DJPatrick on Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:20 am

You are kidding right...this lynch mob is still howling for blood? NOT against site and white and writ large...Offensive asshole are just that...assholes...but if you want to practice eugenics and make the world a more comfy, cuddly place perhaps you guys are on the wrong site....grow some
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Re: David Staten, disproportionately offensive [pending] KRK

Postby Shannon Apple on Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:27 am

DJPatrick wrote:You are kidding right...this lynch mob is still howling for blood? NOT against site and white and writ large...Offensive asshole are just that...assholes...but if you want to practice eugenics and make the world a more comfy, cuddly place perhaps you guys are on the wrong site....grow some

DJPatrick, do you think it' acceptable to tell someone that you wish them dead? I hope you don't. I know personally, I have been desensitised to a lot on the internet, because I accept that humans can be a pretty rotten species, but there has to be a limit on how far it goes.

Throwing a few curse words and telling someone they are a f'n moron is an acceptable level of rudeness, but this, lol, he at the very least requires an official warning for it if it's the first time he's been reported. It goes beyond simple anger over a game, he is intentionally being a jackhole.
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