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Kiron & xiangwang[banned/blocked]sn

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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Qwert on Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:36 pm

ok, people its time to enter into spiritual world. These seance will lead famous spiritual medium xiangwang . He will try to make contact with Kiron , ghost trap between two worlds. Xiangwang will drop into trances, and then Kiron will take control,and speak through hem. Please take your seats, light a candle, and take in hand. Its time to start......ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby xiangwang on Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:41 pm

qwert wrote:ok, people its time to enter into spiritual world. These seance will lead famous spiritual medium xiangwang . He will try to make contact with Kiron , ghost trap between two worlds. Xiangwang will drop into trances, and then Kiron will take control,and speak through hem. Please take your seats, light a candle, and take in hand. Its time to start......ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

That's actually pretty funny! :lol:
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby freakns on Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:51 pm

that actually is easier to believe then story you are trying to sell! :?
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby rishaed on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:01 pm

freakns wrote:that actually is easier to believe then story you are trying to sell! :?

:lol: :lol:
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Qwert on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:03 pm

xiangwang wrote:
qwert wrote:ok, people its time to enter into spiritual world. These seance will lead famous spiritual medium xiangwang . He will try to make contact with Kiron , ghost trap between two worlds. Xiangwang will drop into trances, and then Kiron will take control,and speak through hem. Please take your seats, light a candle, and take in hand. Its time to start......ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

That's actually pretty funny! :lol:

ok, are we speak with xiangwang or kiron? :?
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby eddie2 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:12 pm

freakns wrote:Game 7370815- Kiron started his turn, make a move like he is going after objective, then after hitting Krak des Chevaliers he is failing even to advance his troops for 5 seconds, in which time xiangwang start his move and winning the game! now, im not good freestyle player, ill never will be one, but ive seen good freestylers taking 7-8 territories for 5 seconds... and even though im not good freestyle player im still able to log out, log in with different credentials and click start within 5 seconds...also, i have never seen their moves overlapping, so while they might be different players, its just possible they are playing from same computer? and doing that in FOG games, when they are starting moves in 10 seconds apart?!

wow a bit off subject here but are you also admitting a multi or account sitting abuse..
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Leehar on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:17 pm

eddie2 wrote:
freakns wrote:Game 7370815- Kiron started his turn, make a move like he is going after objective, then after hitting Krak des Chevaliers he is failing even to advance his troops for 5 seconds, in which time xiangwang start his move and winning the game! now, im not good freestyle player, ill never will be one, but ive seen good freestylers taking 7-8 territories for 5 seconds... and even though im not good freestyle player im still able to log out, log in with different credentials and click start within 5 seconds...also, i have never seen their moves overlapping, so while they might be different players, its just possible they are playing from same computer? and doing that in FOG games, when they are starting moves in 10 seconds apart?!

wow a bit off subject here but are you also admitting a multi or account sitting abuse..

More likely sitting a turn when there's little time left?

qwert wrote:
xiangwang wrote:
qwert wrote:ok, people its time to enter into spiritual world. These seance will lead famous spiritual medium xiangwang . He will try to make contact with Kiron , ghost trap between two worlds. Xiangwang will drop into trances, and then Kiron will take control,and speak through hem. Please take your seats, light a candle, and take in hand. Its time to start......ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

That's actually pretty funny! :lol:

ok, are we speak with xiangwang or kiron? :?

Go easy on the guys, attack the play-style not the player ;)

My only advice for them is to stop worrying about the points, as I'm sure they must realise, not many people give much credence to the title of conqueror and the associated points & they've certainly not helped matters. Better to enjoy themselves and not stress so much about point-gain so that they & we can feel better about them, which from my pov is infinitely more valuable!
Nobody has a higher score or more medals with less games completed ;)
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby mc05025 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:18 pm

A year or something ago Kiron was busted for being multy. At that game in which I was playing too (and he was playing with his 'multy') we had a discusion and what I understood is that he was leaving with his sister (he had an emergency and his sister end a very important turn)!! I do not really know where they are living but that was what I thought. If I go back to the chat I might be able to find it.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Kiron on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:20 pm

Sorry, had to go for a bit. Yeah, I was in a rush, forgot to check whose account was logged in earlier, my bad. Regardless, this thread is turning in a gong show where all original accusations have been answered with rational and plausible responses.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby SirJohn13 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:20 pm

Actually the whole story is your fault mc to begin with, since it is you I think that came up (and taught Kiron) with this strategy that Kiron employed (and perfected it) in to become conqueror...

P.S. * I think mc meant to write living, not leaving
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Kiron on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:24 pm

mc05025 wrote:A year or something ago Kiron was busted for being multy. At that game in which I was playing too (and he was playing with his 'multy') we had a discusion and what I understood is that he was leaving with his sister (he had an emergency and his sister end a very important turn)!! I do not really know where they are leaving but that was what I thought. If I go back to the chat I might be able to find it.

Yeah, my sister was temporarily staying with us at that time. What's wrong with that? Does not mean xiangwang was not living with me too.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby cooldeals on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:27 pm

So I do note a lot of chatter in gamechat, but in none of the games have I seen an agreement of "Okay xang, you clear the way for me in this game and I will go take the objective." Just because you chat some in gamechat about alliances does not mean you are not using secret diplomacy. Coordinating moves outside of gamechat is secret diplomacy and xang has pretty much admitted they do communicate outside of gamechat in almost every game from "hey I'll start the turn so you can win...ready?" to "hey I'll go clear out the objective for you so you can take it and then start so you can win". These things aren't posted in gamechat so they are "secret". If I coordinated these things via PM I would not get away with it either. You hide behind the rules you are breaking. Reminds me of GLG and his technicalities to his farming.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby freakns on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:32 pm

eddie2 wrote:
freakns wrote:Game 7370815- Kiron started his turn, make a move like he is going after objective, then after hitting Krak des Chevaliers he is failing even to advance his troops for 5 seconds, in which time xiangwang start his move and winning the game! now, im not good freestyle player, ill never will be one, but ive seen good freestylers taking 7-8 territories for 5 seconds... and even though im not good freestyle player im still able to log out, log in with different credentials and click start within 5 seconds...also, i have never seen their moves overlapping, so while they might be different players, its just possible they are playing from same computer? and doing that in FOG games, when they are starting moves in 10 seconds apart?!

wow a bit off subject here but are you also admitting a multi or account sitting abuse..

never had multi nor did i abused account sitting, but if i am asked to sit for someone, i always log in on my account first, check everything i need, then(watch now, this is extremely important!)
1- i log out
2- log in to an account im sitting for
3- enter the first available game
has this satisfied your curiosity?
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Kiron on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:33 pm

cooldeals wrote:So I do note a lot of chatter in gamechat, but in none of the games have I seen an agreement of "Okay xang, you clear the way for me in this game and I will go take the objective." Just because you chat some in gamechat about alliances does not mean you are not using secret diplomacy. Coordinating moves outside of gamechat is secret diplomacy and xang has pretty much admitted they do communicate outside of gamechat in almost every game from "hey I'll start the turn so you can win...ready?" to "hey I'll go clear out the objective for you so you can take it and then start so you can win". These things aren't posted in gamechat so they are "secret". If I coordinated these things via PM I would not get away with it either. You hide behind the rules you are breaking. Reminds me of GLG and his technicalities to his farming.

We didn't. It's all baseless speculation anyways just bc we are RL friends. Of course, you can't prove or disprove it, so it's innocence until proven guilty (you're going to have to trust our word, hard i know). And xiang did not concende we communicate outside gamechat. Xiang will start the turn without telling me, i'm usually watching a movie while smashing "b" nor do i tell xiang.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang

Postby cooldeals on Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:41 pm

xiangwang wrote:Regarding dovetail our turns, yes, it helps that in RL i know when kiron is taking his turn, but people on the site can coordinate that too. There are many games that I seen players do it. To ban two players from playing with each other because they are friends in RL and can coordinate turns easier, well, that's absurd because that is something that the site CANNOT control. To ban every RL friend from playing each other bc they can coordinate turns easiers is absurd and would be detrimental to the site as a whole.

Again every truce we have is ANNOUNCED in chat. We BOTH play to win, we don't need secret diplomacy for that. An honestly, regarding the end of turns K/X/K or X/K/X, we both have greasemonkey that once objective is captured, we just put a weight on the B button and game is as good as won. There was no point in attempting to stop it, so we usually just do the courtsey of ending the game. I have RARELY seen games last when a player has the objectives and don't win the moment someone else start their turn (yes, there is odd cases when I don't have my laptop to spam B, but rarely).

So none of this is Xang admitting that you communicate outside of gamechat? Hard to believe as he admits to communication but it's not in your gamechat. AKA Secret Diplomacy.

This is only his first post. Maybe I should go through all the posts you've written for each other too.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang

Postby Kiron on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:00 pm

cooldeals wrote:
xiangwang wrote:Regarding dovetail our turns, yes, it helps that in RL i know when kiron is taking his turn, but people on the site can coordinate that too. There are many games that I seen players do it. To ban two players from playing with each other because they are friends in RL and can coordinate turns easier, well, that's absurd because that is something that the site CANNOT control. To ban every RL friend from playing each other bc they can coordinate turns easiers is absurd and would be detrimental to the site as a whole.

Again every truce we have is ANNOUNCED in chat. We BOTH play to win, we don't need secret diplomacy for that. An honestly, regarding the end of turns K/X/K or X/K/X, we both have greasemonkey that once objective is captured, we just put a weight on the B button and game is as good as won. There was no point in attempting to stop it, so we usually just do the courtsey of ending the game. I have RARELY seen games last when a player has the objectives and don't win the moment someone else start their turn (yes, there is odd cases when I don't have my laptop to spam B, but rarely).

So none of this is Xang admitting that you communicate outside of gamechat? Hard to believe as he admits to communication but it's not in your gamechat. AKA Secret Diplomacy.

This is only his first post. Maybe I should go through all the posts you've written for each other too.

I think xiang admitted coordinate was the wrong wording lol, but yeah, we don't actively hide the fact we're going on CC. we don't speak, but it's not hard to notice.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby KraphtOne on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:01 pm

Heard it mentioned earlier. Just wanted to clarify... You can take turns within a second or two on two separate accounts...

If you're fast enough someone would need an ip checker to even know you're playing 2 accounts from the same computer...

Just takes Firefox... And a separate browser, we'll say Internet explorer...

And congrats you have two accounts opened in the same game on 2 different windows...

And no-one would ever know... You could do it for years...

Go ahead, try it out... And if you get caught just say you have a brother or something
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby KraphtOne on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:08 pm

And as far as this garbage goes... Regardless of if they play together or are the same person or bang each other or what have you...

It's no different (especially on an objective map) than me and player x deciding that over the next 1000 games we will play 8 player assassin with each other and just agree in chat who's target to kill...

Guaranteed point gain...
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby Keefie on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:09 pm

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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby xiangwang on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:24 pm

KraphtOne wrote:Heard it mentioned earlier. Just wanted to clarify... You can take turns within a second or two on two separate accounts...

If you're fast enough someone would need an ip checker to even know you're playing 2 accounts from the same computer...

Just takes Firefox... And a separate browser, we'll say Internet explorer...

And congrats you have two accounts opened in the same game on 2 different windows...

And no-one would ever know... You could do it for years...

Go ahead, try it out... And if you get caught just say you have a brother or something

Except you would notice a HUGE increase in spike with your win % when you play with each other compared to without each other, for us it's the same! I already showed the numbers for 8 player freestyle games.
Last edited by xiangwang on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby nietzsche on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:24 pm

Seulessliathan wrote:
Kiron wrote: It's all baseless speculation anyways just bc we are RL friends. Of course, you can't prove or disprove it, so it's innocence until proven guilty (you're going to have to trust our word, hard i know).

Good luck with that opinion, Brucewar and Scott-Land got blocked from each other with less evidence.

Were Scott-Land and Bruceswar suspected of being multies? Odd, they are two different persons.

Anyway, I just talked with some important mods, the ruling will be Blocking them from playing in the same game.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby xiangwang on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:29 pm

nietzsche wrote:
Seulessliathan wrote:
Kiron wrote: It's all baseless speculation anyways just bc we are RL friends. Of course, you can't prove or disprove it, so it's innocence until proven guilty (you're going to have to trust our word, hard i know).

Good luck with that opinion, Brucewar and Scott-Land got blocked from each other with less evidence.

Were Scott-Land and Bruceswar suspected of being multies? Odd, they are two different persons.

Anyway, I just talked with some important mods, the ruling will be Blocking them from playing in the same game.

Wait why? Because of some cherry picked accusations? Chariot's entire accusation was based on the the fact that we can win more games playing together than not together. However, when comparing to statistics our win rates are the same with and without each other on 8 player freestyle! We already mentioned the reasons we like playing together.

Are we blocked because we live in the same house and are friends in RL? Is it because no one can truly prove we can conduct secret diplomacy because no one has control of RL? If any of the latter 2 reasons for the ruling then would it not make sense that NO one in the same household can play games together? You can't just cherry pick people to block and not block others.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby nietzsche on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:59 pm

xiangwang wrote:
nietzsche wrote:
Seulessliathan wrote:
Kiron wrote: It's all baseless speculation anyways just bc we are RL friends. Of course, you can't prove or disprove it, so it's innocence until proven guilty (you're going to have to trust our word, hard i know).

Good luck with that opinion, Brucewar and Scott-Land got blocked from each other with less evidence.

Were Scott-Land and Bruceswar suspected of being multies? Odd, they are two different persons.

Anyway, I just talked with some important mods, the ruling will be Blocking them from playing in the same game.

Wait why? Because of some cherry picked accusations? Chariot's entire accusation was based on the the fact that we can win more games playing together than not together. However, when comparing to statistics our win rates are the same with and without each other on 8 player freestyle! We already mentioned the reasons we like playing together.

Are we blocked because we live in the same house and are friends in RL? Is it because no one can truly prove we can conduct secret diplomacy because no one has control of RL? If any of the latter 2 reasons for the ruling then would it not make sense that NO one in the same household can play games together? You can't just cherry pick people to block and not block others.

I did not talk to mods, sorry. :( But it seems clear this is the punishment you will receive.
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby eddie2 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:15 pm

KraphtOne wrote:Heard it mentioned earlier. Just wanted to clarify... You can take turns within a second or two on two separate accounts...

If you're fast enough someone would need an ip checker to even know you're playing 2 accounts from the same computer...

Just takes Firefox... And a separate browser, we'll say Internet explorer...

And congrats you have two accounts opened in the same game on 2 different windows...

And no-one would ever know... You could do it for years...

Go ahead, try it out... And if you get caught just say you have a brother or something

or if it is the same as my computers you can have 2 laptops on one on each knee and they both have different ip addresses...because i can log into my next door neighbors router because it is not secured.

or even what i do now i have 2 routers in the house 1 mine 1 for the kids 2 use with security settings on these both have different ip's
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Re: Kiron & xiangwang[pending]sn

Postby xiangwang on Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:17 pm

nietzsche wrote:
xiangwang wrote:
nietzsche wrote:
Seulessliathan wrote:
Kiron wrote: It's all baseless speculation anyways just bc we are RL friends. Of course, you can't prove or disprove it, so it's innocence until proven guilty (you're going to have to trust our word, hard i know).

Good luck with that opinion, Brucewar and Scott-Land got blocked from each other with less evidence.

Were Scott-Land and Bruceswar suspected of being multies? Odd, they are two different persons.

Anyway, I just talked with some important mods, the ruling will be Blocking them from playing in the same game.

Wait why? Because of some cherry picked accusations? Chariot's entire accusation was based on the the fact that we can win more games playing together than not together. However, when comparing to statistics our win rates are the same with and without each other on 8 player freestyle! We already mentioned the reasons we like playing together.

Are we blocked because we live in the same house and are friends in RL? Is it because no one can truly prove we can conduct secret diplomacy because no one has control of RL? If any of the latter 2 reasons for the ruling then would it not make sense that NO one in the same household can play games together? You can't just cherry pick people to block and not block others.

I did not talk to mods, sorry. :( But it seems clear this is the punishment you will receive.

Why is this the clear punishment? No rules were broken. All the statistics and examples Chariot used were refuted in a plausible manner. Is it because there is a taint of suspicion? When does CC make decisions based on tains of suspicion? Just because 2012 olympic woman swimmer from China won the Gold medal in i forget which event, the US coach said she must be doping because she broke on the men's record in the last run and world record. Did the olympic committee disqualify her because there was a taint? No it did not because the proof was circumstantial and was plausibly explained. In the same example just because we win games in games where we play together, does it mean we are cheating? No, our win rates are the same with or without each other.
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