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throwing a game[warned]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Re: throwing a game[pending]

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:44 am

Suiciding or game throwing is against the rules but we also take into account what transpired in the game.

In this case, an unusual deal was made by two players and it made one of them to simply throw the game for the other player's benefit which we classify as game throwing. It's a clear violation of the rules. Conqueror or no conqueror status, both have been warned for this action and I really hope this does not happen often (or at all) with other players out there.

We do not delete games just because someone violated a rule, otherwise what's to stop others out there from blatantly messing up the game in order to have the game deleted if that would become a precedent.

Please do note that game throwing does not necessarily mean when someone attacks your big stack and it cost both of you the game then it means there must be some cheating going on. For accusations like the player "should not have attacked you, or he didn't listen to you that he should have attacked the other player who is stronger than you, or it's a 3 player game and you got more attacks than the other player, etc. - we would definitely need more than just that.
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Re: throwing a game[pending]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:10 am

Am I the only one to see a pattern in their gameplay? Yeah....I have a lot of spare time :)

Game 12405498 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)
Game 12395303 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)
Game 12355651 - xiangwang holds the Objective (slate played just 16 secs after X ended turn, so presumably K didn't have time or even need to start turn)
Game 12294310 - Kiron holds the Objective (green played 51 secs after K ended turn, so presumably X didn't have time or even need to start turn)
Game 12056016 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)
Game 10769124 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang allows him to get Granada as they play consecutive turns in the penultimate round (this is one of my faves - red drops all on the redundant Castile and later writes in chat "Nice yellow, so used to defending spain so lightly that i forget granada could be attacked". Lol, after how many games on this map and knowing exactly what the Objective is! The previous round X cleared the way for K to take Antioch by removing grey from Coris/Edessa. So blatant it's obvious.
Game 10673863 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang in the penultimate round cleared orange off Antioch with a full drop on Coris (and then forted off it), paving the way for Kiron
Game 8572108 - Kiron holds the Objective even tho in the penultimate round xiangwang can see he is holding Vatican and had the cards & stack to take Jerusalem & Antioch
Game 8095651 - xiangwang holds the Objective after taking The Vatican (which Kiron conveniently forted off !! the previous turn)
Game 7484252 - Kiron holds the Objective. In game chat cyan says "2010-08-26 04:57:29 - Jeanne d Arc: you are never willing to attack Kiron red, typical that you almost anytime play together and almost anytime one of you is winning"
Game 7370815 - xiangwang holds the Objective. This is despite Kiron playing the last turn and having a 25 deploy, knowing X had the objective, and being quite capable of hitting Antioch and/or Jerusalem. Instead Kiron just went harmlessly to Malta and let X win.
Game 7306611 - xiangwang holds the Objective after the previous turn Kiron cleared all of cyan away from Jerusalem/Antioch area and then forted away from there (to Nicomedia!)
Game 7306608 - xiangwang holds the Objective. Chat reveals X & K remove all their troops from their mutual borders (neither will attack the other you see, not until it's to take the Objective)
Game 7271383 - xiangwang holds the Objective after a consecutive K & X move the previous round. No attempt to break or take by Kiron despite dropping 18 and being next to Jeruslaem & Antioch (or nearby). Instead he harmlessly hits Arles. The Objective is out of reach for him as Granada is unfeasible and X already has Vatican, so game goes to X.
Game 7210664 - Kiron won the game. From chat (aimed at K & X) "14 02:01:29 - jjleblanc25: you two are definitely cheating"
Game 7120112 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)
Game 7062062 - xiangwang won the game. Red & blue (X & K) pretty much tag team for most of the game, not attacking each other but methodically taking out the other players.
Game 6907151 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 4 turns consecutively (X/K/X/K). Antioch left wide open by X, who also conveniently starts his turn immediately in R14 knowing Kiron was there and held the Objective. A player in game chat even asks "So you guys play together?"
Game 6903798 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)
Game 6852258 - xiangwang holds the Objective. Nice tag team running throughout that game, i.e. target all others and not each other
Game 6844836 - Kiron holds the Objective after xiangwang/Kiron play out the last 3 turns consecutively (K/X/K)

These guys stumbled upon the goose that lays the golden egg: Third Crusade and its Objective. The above games are solely Third Crusade - I haven't even ventured into their Waterloo history together where they would take bonuses and not break them as they switched between last turn & first turn each round - but what is noticeably apparent is the manner in which games are won at the end, and the sequence of turns that lead to those victories.

Who conducted the previous C&A on these guys, Stevie Wonder?
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:13 am

If you are to pursue a case of secret diplomacy against them, please make a new report with supporting evidence.
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:17 am

Evidence is there KA. Try doing your job instead of asking paying customers to do it for you.
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:21 am

The report is about the game throwing and not about compiling a list of possible violations these two made in other games. Secret diplomacy is different from game throwing or making deciding games. Have a nice and wonderful day cof. Cheer up. ;)
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby SaMejoHn on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:22 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Evidence is there KA. Try doing your job instead of asking paying customers to do it for you.

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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby jsnyder748 on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:24 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Evidence is there KA. Try doing your job instead of asking paying customers to do it for you.

calm down a bit so you can maybe get KA on your side. :oops:

Are the 2 accused able to play each other still? What if this happens again? Will there be more consequences if they are warned again?
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby freakns on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:26 am

king achilles wrote:The report is about the game throwing and not about compiling a list of possible violations these two made in other games. Secret diplomacy is different from game throwing or making deciding games. Have a nice and wonderful day cof. ;)

and secret diplomacy is not part of your job? or you are reacting only if formal accusation is thrown out?
if this what COF said is true(i really dont want to go over every game and checking it...), this is secret diplomacy, and someone should react.

EDIT: you have to love Steve Wonder remark :D
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:31 am

KA doesn't need to be on my side - he just needs to be on the side of the site, its members' interests and the rules. I won't curry favour with anyone.

That was an exhausting (though not exhaustive) exercise. I've done my bit. It doesn't take a genius to act on the evidence, irregardless of where it is posted.
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Re: throwing a game[warned]

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:35 am

I understand what you are saying cof. All I want is to have the C&A forum more organized. As you say, I won't curry favour with anyone. If this is no longer about the game throwing report, I am going to lock it now.

If you prefer to have your SD report remain in this thread, we apologize if it is going to take some time to look into it and investigate it for verification. I do appreciate the hard work you did here. ;)

And jsnyder748, as for your inquiry if they repeat this again, they will get harsher penalties.
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