Dukasaur wrote:thenobodies80 wrote:This topic makes me laugh every single time I check it.
It's interesting how much time people spend posting on things that don't belong to them or they don't know a shit about.
I'm not flaming or trying to offend anyone, just this 2 years topic is one the most silly thing I've ever seen.
Continue to think, post or look at CC with negativity doesn't make the things better, but exactly the opposite.
Please, stop to spread negativity just for the sake of it, instead play and enjoy the site...if a day it will fail (and I do not think), then you will have 25 bucks more in your pocket.
Nobodies you really don't know me if you think I come here to gloat about the decline of CC. I love the place as much as anyone, and I very much want to see it succeed. I use this thread as a thermometer, to check the health of the patient, a patient who I would love to restore to health if only I knew how.
When we drop below certain levels, we lose the critical mass to do certain things. When I joined CC, 128-player tournaments were common. Now they are rare, and I think the most recent couple of 128-player tourneys that were posted eventually got trimmed down to 64. I'm sure the more famous TOs can still fill a 128-seater, but the point is that in the past an
average TO could do it, which is no longer the case. The patient is ill, and I'm not ashamed of speaking openly of his illness out of concern, not out of malice (although obviously there are some posts in this thread that have malice a-plenty, they are in the minority.)
I understand what you're saying. I can see the good behind your words. And my post wasn't referred to you.
But still believe that the problem is not how many players we have on the site, but instead the
behaviour of them.
For too much time few have ruined the experience of too many.
I have also my opinion of what
we can do to restore the health of the patient.
You say the patient is ill, that's true....but i don't think the cure is a quick one, or at least so quick to consider the players on the scoreboard a real data to collect info about what
we have to do.
You talk about 128 players tournaments that do not fill....we have actually 14932 players on the scoreboard...and you can't fill a tournament?
128 players is about the 0,85% of the people that has played in the last 30 days, so nothing...and you can't fill the tournament?
Sorry but again the scoreboard is not the answer here, again we need to understand why people do not play tournaments, the reason behind it.
Or better, we should understand why people play tournaments.
To win? that's certain, everyone here play to win....but what i continue to think is how many play also to have fun?
If we are surrounded only by medal hunters, by people who want to play just for points, by people who play only with is own clan....then certainly you can't fill your tournament.
As said I think the disease is the behaviour of a large part of players, the way to "live" the site, the way many of them use to spit on newcomers faces just to steal their points and climb this damned scorebaord....as said I think there're many reasons...but mostly i think that if this site will die is for the necessity of few to have "more than just fun".
Maybe some can not share my way to see at this problem, afterall everyone want to play for his own reasons...but certainly if I look back at the day I joined this site I can certainly see the difference in the people here.
Call me stupid, fool or whatever else you want but again it's just a behaviour problem....that's why I suggested to try to play, have fun and enjoy the site...if you smile you can see the sun also in a raining day...in that moment 15000 players are not so few, because they can be 15000 occasion to smile again and again and again...
However, Dukasaur, it wasn't really about you, i know you're a good guy...continue to post here if you want or if you feel it's important for a reason I can't see or understand...just I don't think it helps.