jsnyder748 wrote:Shannon Apple wrote:I don't know why your group think it is fine to what looks like passing the conquerer title around. The second linked game seems like it is the same bunch of people, or some of them. It's kinda dumb if you ask me, because it hasn't been earned. Part of the fun in any game is earning the rewards and KNOWING that you earned it without having it handed to you. It kinda takes away the novelty of gaining such a title when people pull stuff like this.

Just my 2 cents.
Who are you to say they have not earned it? Have you worked as hard as them in the few games they play at a time to win? They spend more hours than most watching just one game to make sure they have the best chance possible. They have perfected a strategy for freestyle 8 person games and for objective freestyle games. Is it unlike Ljex who played freestyle quads, blitzahalic who played quads, mc05025 who was an amazing strategist and won in multiple areas consistantly, TheBest when he played 1 v 1 city mogul vs anyone who wanted to play him and won vs even the best of us, or kaskeval who played sequential 1 v 1's (the most unbalanced game settings in cc) and still made it.
What conquerer was able to achieve his rank by playing any type of game vs anyone? none. absolutely none (unless you count the beginning of cc when anyone could get conquerer). That is what conquerer is these days. The person who specializes at a certain game type. The person who puts in the time. The person who has the strategic knowledge. The person who is able to find their niche or the road less traveled by others to reach a high rank.
No one who plays simple games vs other established players will ever reach it. That is the nature of conquerer and the nature of the dice. However noble it is, however fun it is, they will not get to conquerer that way. What you are saying is to reward those players with conquerer when they can never reach it because of the current system. I realizeed this long ago. I love playing other majors/colonels in team games on simple maps just for fun, but the dice decide mosst games.
These "people" who play together all understand the strategy behind it. Others don't do the strategy because they don't understand, or they don't have the time or they think it is cheap. I don't think any strategy is cheap if you make it your own.
It is not strategy to farm new players of course. It is strategy to use settings, maps, and a gametype to your advantage and skill set. Why do you think these "players" have gotten so high in the ranks? because only a few truly get it and can get to the rank.
I was in the game in question. I am not happy to lose in this way, but to say that kiron does not deserve conquerer is obsene. He could have gotten it another way if he chose.
Decide what you like about the tactics used in this game, but Kiron has worked hard and beat the odds to get here.
I know enough about the game to know the behaviour in that game isn't right. You can defend them all you want. :3
Nobody deserves a rank no matter how hard they work, if in the end, someone else has to set games up for them. Like I said, it takes the novelty away if people are going to think "Hey what's the point, people just give each other points to get there." It destroys the whole sense of achievement behind the title. I don't think throwing games back and forth can be defended, no matter how skilled one is as a player.
I never said they didn't have skill. I would rather not have words placed in my mouth (or fingers as the case may be.) However, from what I see, no, they don't deserve the title if this is how it's achieved. At least be realistic. There are many players on this site, many more skilled than me, but this does not prevent me from seeing an injustice.
Do you think throwing games is fair to all the other players in the game? Am6zero certainly didn't agree to it or he wouldn't have made this thread. I don't care if he is of a lower rank, he was just as entitled to a fair shot of winning as everyone else. He shouldn't have had to report it, because it shouldn't be happening and I stand by this point because this is a game and conquerer isn't really a title that gets elected, it gets earned. (Again, I did not say the player is without skill. I actually have no idea how skilled he is, nor do I care. I only care about this incident and other possible ones like it)