Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Event Points are determined by how close (in rounds) the Show Jumping and non-Show Jumping teams finish their 2 games (synchronization).
If both teams win
The 4-player team gets 18 Event Points - (the difference in rounds)
If one team wins and the other loses
The 4-player team gets 12 Event Points - (the difference in rounds)
If both teams lose
The 4-player team gets 6 Event Points - (the difference in rounds)
A 4-player team cannot score less then 0 Event Points in a round.
Each team will receive 1 Standings Point at the start of the event, and will be awarded 1 additional Standings Point for each team finishing with less Event Points.
The Voice wrote:Even if the formatting of the event inadvertently condones hostage holding, nowhere does it say in the language that this is an acceptable thing to do.
sempaispellcheck wrote:The Voice wrote:Even if the formatting of the event inadvertently condones hostage holding, nowhere does it say in the language that this is an acceptable thing to do.
I agree, and as the organizer of the tournament in question, I would like to stress that any condoning of hostage holding in the tourney design was completely unintentional.
For the purposes of the tournament, the game will be considered to have ended in Round 9, at the point where protogenitor could have ended it, but chose not to.
sempaispellcheck wrote:The Voice wrote:Even if the formatting of the event inadvertently condones hostage holding, nowhere does it say in the language that this is an acceptable thing to do.
I agree, and as the organizer of the tournament in question, I would like to stress that any condoning of hostage holding in the tourney design was completely unintentional.
For the purposes of the tournament, the game will be considered to have ended in Round 9, at the point where protogenitor could have ended it, but chose not to.
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