[i'm not completely sure if this is the right place to discuss this, as there might be a subforum or so which i have missed. if so, please tell me!]
so, we've got a great new gameoption today - Trench Warfare - as described here:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=168663my only question here is basically, will we allow this option in clanwars? now obviously in simple clanwars it will be up to the clans themselves, but i supose it's never too early to discuss what should happen in things like the clan league and the conquer cup.
to start off with my own opinion - i'm a big fan of the option, and i am certainly in favor of it being allowed in clangames, as it makes the game becomes very strategic with this setting. on the other hand, i can imagine with the option being so different from what we're used to, that people wouldn't want to play a clanwar with one side bringing in 20 trench wars or something.
so, discuss, what place should trench warfare have within the Clanwars?